line source
function generateModelTechNote(modelname)
% Header
txt = docHeader(modelname);
% Description and Documentation
txt = [txt writeIntroduction(modelname)];
% Versions
txt = [txt writeVersionTable(modelname)];
% Write each version section
txt = [txt writeVersionSections(modelname)];
% Footer
txt = [txt docFooter(modelname)];
% write file
fd = fopen([modelname '.tex'], 'w+');
fprintf(fd, strrep(strrep(txt, '\', '\\'), '%', '%%'));
% compile
% cmd = sprintf('/usr/texbin/pdflatex %s', modelname);
% [status, result] = system(cmd)
edit([modelname '.tex'])
% Models are documented in html so we need to swap out html tags and
% replace them by appropriate LaTeX tags. One replacement per line, please,
% and remember to include replacements for closing tags. This is assuming
% that all html tags have associated closing tags.
function map = tagmap()
map = {...
'<p>', '', ...
'</p>', '', ...
'<br>', '\newline', ...
'<tt>', '$', ...
'</tt>', '$', ...
function txt = docHeader(modelname)
ename = strrep(modelname, '_', '\_');
txt = sprintf('\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n');
txt = [txt sprintf('\\usepackage{ifpdf}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\ifpdf\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' \\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} %% to include graphics\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' \\pdfcompresslevel=9 \n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' \\usepackage[pdftex, %% sets up hyperref to use pdftex driver\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' plainpages=false, %% allows page i and 1 to exist in the same document\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' breaklinks=true, %% link texts can be broken at the end of line\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' colorlinks=true,\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' pdftitle=%s,\n', ename)];
txt = [txt sprintf(' pdfauthor=LTPDA\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' ]{hyperref} \n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' \\usepackage{thumbpdf}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\else \n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' \\usepackage{graphicx} %% to include graphics\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf(' \\usepackage{hyperref} %% to simplify the use of \\href\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\fi \n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\title{Technical Report of LTPDA built-in model \\texttt{%s}}\n', ename)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\author{LTPDA (%s)}\n', getappdata(0, 'ltpda_version'))];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{document}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\maketitle\n')];
function txt = docFooter(modelname)
txt = sprintf('\\end{document} %% End of %s\n', modelname);
function txt = writeVersionSections(modelname)
versionTable = feval(modelname, 'versionTable');
vers = versionTable(1:2:end);
fcns = versionTable(2:2:end);
Nvers = numel(vers);
txt = '';
for kk=1:Nvers
v = vers{kk};
vtag = strrep(v, ' ', '');
fcn = fcns{kk};
txt = [txt sprintf('\\clearpage\n\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\section{Version `%s''}\n', v)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\label{ref:%s}\n', vtag)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\n\n')];
txt = [txt writeSectionForVersion(modelname, v, fcn)];
txt = [txt writeSubmodelSectionForVersion(modelname, v)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\n\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\n\n')];
function txt = writeSubmodelSectionForVersion(modelname, v)
ii = feval(modelname, 'info', v);
ciis = ii.children;
txt = '';
if numel(ciis) > 0
label = strrep(sprintf('tab:submodels_%s_%s', modelname, strrep(v, ' ', '')), '_', '');
txt = [txt sprintf('\\subsection{Sub-models}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('Sub-models used in this version are shown in Table \\ref{%s}.\n', label)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{table}[htdp]\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{center}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|p{4cm}|l|} \\hline\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('Sub-model & Description \\\\ \\hline\\hline \n')];
for kk=1:numel(ciis)
cii = ciis(kk);
name = strrep(cii.mname, '_', '\_');
txt = [txt sprintf('%s & %s \\\\ \\hline\n', name, cii.description)];
% table footer
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{tabular}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{center}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\caption{Sub-models}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\label{%s}\n', label)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{table}\n')];
function txt = writeSectionForVersion(modelname, v, fcn)
txt = '';
% Description
desc = fcn('description');
desc = replaceTags(desc);
txt = [txt sprintf('\\subsection{Description}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('%s\n', desc)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\n\n')];
% Plist for version
txt = [txt sprintf('\\subsection{Parameter List}\n')];
label = strrep(sprintf('tab:plist_%s_%s', modelname, strrep(v, ' ', '')), '_', '');
txt = [txt sprintf('Parameters used in this version are shown in Table \\ref{%s}.\n', label)];
pl = feval(modelname, 'plist');
txt = [txt plistTable(pl, label)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\n\n')];
function txt = plistTable(pl, label)
txt = '';
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{table}[htdp]\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{center}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{tabular}{|c|p{4cm}|p{4cm}|p{4cm}|} \\hline\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('Key & Default Value & Options & Description \\\\ \\hline\\hline \n')];
for kk=1:pl.nparams
txt = [txt sprintf('%s & ', pl.params(kk).key)];
ptxt = display(pl.params(kk));
txt = [txt sprintf('%s & ', strtrim(strrep(ptxt{3}, 'val:', '')))];
if numel(pl.params(kk).getOptions) > 1
opts = pl.params(kk).getOptions;
optlist = sprintf('\\begin{itemize} ');
for oo=1:numel(opts)
optlist = [optlist sprintf('\\item %s ', utils.helper.val2str(opts{oo}))];
optlist = [optlist sprintf('\\end{itemize}')];
txt = [txt sprintf('%s & ', optlist)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\textit{none} & ')];
desc = char(strrep(pl.params(kk).desc, '\n', '\\newline\\newline'));
if isempty(desc)
desc = '\textit{no description}';
txt = [txt sprintf('%s ', desc)];
txt = [txt sprintf(' \\\\ \\hline \n')];
% table footer
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{tabular}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{center}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\caption{Parameter list}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\label{%s}\n', label)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{table}\n')];
function txt = writeVersionTable(modelname)
ename = strrep(modelname, '_', '\_');
% table header
txt = '';
txt = [txt sprintf('\\subsection{Versions}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{table}[htdp]\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{center}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \\hline\n')];
versionTable = feval(modelname, 'versionTable');
vers = versionTable(1:2:end);
fcns = versionTable(2:2:end);
Nvers = numel(vers);
txt = [txt sprintf('Version & Description \\\\ \\hline\\hline \n')];
for kk=1:Nvers
v = vers{kk};
vtag = strrep(v, ' ', '');
fcn = fcns{kk};
txt = [txt sprintf('\\hyperref[ref:%s]{%s} & %s \\\\ \\hline \n', vtag, v, fcn('description'))];
% table footer
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{tabular}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{center}\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\caption{Versions for model %s}\n', ename)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\label{versions:\texttt{%s}}\n', modelname)];
txt = [txt sprintf('\\end{table}\n')];
function txt = writeIntroduction(modelname)
% section
txt = sprintf('\\section{Overview}\n');
% description
desc = feval(modelname, 'description');
desc = replaceTags(desc);
txt = [txt sprintf('\\subsection{Description}\n\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('%s\n\n\n', desc)];
% Documentation
doc = feval(modelname, 'doc');
doc = replaceTags(doc);
txt = [txt sprintf('\\subsection{Details}\n\n')];
txt = [txt sprintf('%s\n\n\n', doc)];
function txt = replaceTags(txt)
tm = tagmap();
tags = tm(1:2:end);
reps = tm(2:2:end);
for kk=1:numel(tags)
txt = strrep(txt, tags{kk}, reps{kk});