% Construct an mfir from a standard types%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION: fromStandard%% DESCRIPTION: Construct an mfir from a standard types%% CALL: f = fromStandard(f, pli)%% PARAMETER: type: String with filter type description% pli: Parameter list object%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function f = fromStandard(f, pli) VERSION = '$Id: fromStandard.m,v 1.15 2011/08/15 11:42:53 hewitson Exp $'; ii = mfir.getInfo('mfir', 'From Standard Type'); % Set the method version string in the minfo object ii.setMversion([VERSION '-->' ii.mversion]); % Add default values pl = applyDefaults(ii.plists, pli); % Get parameters type = find(pl, 'type'); % check and fill parameter list plo = mfir.parseFilterParams(pl); switch lower(type) case {'lowpass', 'low-pass', 'low pass'} f = mklowpass(f, plo); case {'highpass' 'high-pass', 'high pass'} f = mkhighpass(f, plo); case {'bandpass', 'band-pass', 'band pass'} f = mkbandpass(f, plo); case {'bandreject', 'band-reject', 'band reject'} f = mkbandreject(f, plo); otherwise error('### unknown standard filter type in mfir constructor.'); end if isempty(pl.find('name')) pl.pset('name', type); end % Add history f.addHistory(ii, pl, [], []); % Set object properties f.setObjectProperties(pl);end % function f = mfirFromStandardType(type, pli, version, algoname)