% RUNPIPELINE runs the currently active pipeline from the beginning.%% CALL: wb.runPipeline%% M Hewitson 13-11-08%% $Id: runPipeline.m,v 1.21 2011/03/29 13:40:16 hewitson Exp $%function varargout = runPipeline(varargin) wb = varargin{1}; if ~isa(wb, 'LTPDAworkbench') error('runPipeline needs an LTPDAworkbench instance as the first input.'); end % Assume running is successful res = true; setappdata(0, 'LTPDAworkbench', wb); wb.reset(false); wb.mp.setExecuting(true); if wb.mp.popupConsoleOnExecution() wb.mp.showConsole(); end try LTPDAworkbench.executeConstants(wb); % Now execute all other blocks cmds = {}; while awtinvoke(wb.mp, 'countReadyBlocks') > 0 try wb.stepForward; catch exception utils.helper.errorDlg([exception.message], 'Execution error'); wb.addErrorMessage(exception.cause{1}.message); utils.helper.err(exception.message); res = false; end drawnow; end catch wb.mp.setExecuting(false); res = false; end wb.mp.setExecuting(false); setappdata(0, 'LTPDAworkbench', []); if nargout == 1 varargout{1} = res; endend