view m-toolbox/m/gui/gltpda/g_numberDataInput.m @ 22:b11e88004fca
Update collection.fromRepository
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
line source
+ − function g_numberDataInput(hObject,varargin)
+ − % Called whenever the user changes the number of data inputs:
+ −
+ − global params
+ −
+ − if nargin>2
+ − prevNumb = varargin{1};
+ − newNumb = varargin{2};
+ − else
+ − prevNumb = get(hObject,'UserData');
+ − newNumb = str2double(get(hObject,'String'));
+ − if isnan(newNumb), set(hObject,'String',num2str(prevNumb)); return; end
+ − end
+ −
+ − fakeInp = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Ground');
+ − if ~isempty(fakeInp) && newNumb>0
+ − blockLines = get_param(fakeInp{1},'LineHandles');
+ − if (blockLines.Outport(1)~=-1 && ~isempty(blockLines.Outport(1))), delete_line(blockLines.Outport(1)); end
+ − delete_block(fakeInp{1})
+ − end
+ −
+ − dataInports = find_system(gcb,'SearchDepth',1,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Inport');
+ −
+ − paramFromSimulink = 0;
+ − for ii=1:nparams(params)
+ − paramvals{ii} = params.params(ii).val;
+ − if isa(paramvals{ii},'char') && numel(paramvals{ii})>2 && strcmp(paramvals{ii},'-->'), paramFromSimulink = paramFromSimulink + 1; end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % To set the proper port number for parameters inport:
+ − for ii=1:paramFromSimulink
+ − set_param(dataInports{end-paramFromSimulink+ii},'Port',num2str(newNumb+11));
+ − end
+ − % To avoid considering inports for parameters:
+ − dataInports(end-paramFromSimulink+1:end) = [];
+ −
+ − % To remove all previous data inports:
+ − for ii=1:numel(dataInports)
+ − try %#ok<ALIGN>
+ − blockLines = get_param(dataInports{ii},'LineHandles');
+ − if (blockLines.Outport(1)~=-1 && ~isempty(blockLines.Outport(1))), delete_line(blockLines.Outport(1)); end
+ − delete_block(dataInports{ii});
+ − catch, end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % To add new inports for all data expected:
+ − if newNumb==0, add_block('simulink/Sources/Ground', [gcb,'/data_input'],'MakeNameUnique','on','Name','data'); end
+ − for ii=1:newNumb
+ − newBlock = add_block('simulink/Sources/In1', [gcb,'/Inport1'],'MakeNameUnique','on','Name',['data',num2str(ii)]);
+ − set_param(newBlock,'Port',num2str(ii));
+ − end
+ −
+ − g_UpdateInports('',1)
+ −
+ − end