view m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@jmysql/execute.m @ 43:bc767aaa99a8
CVS Update
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Tue, 06 Dec 2011 11:09:25 +0100 (2011-12-06)
line source
+ − function rows = execute(conn, query, varargin)
+ − % execute the given SQL query with optional parameters varargin
+ − % through connection conn. the results are returned in a 2d cell
+ − % array
+ − %
+ − % differs from similar riutines in utils.jmysql by the use of proper
+ − % SQL escaping of the query arguments. the connection object should
+ − % be an object implementing the java.sql.Connection interface.
+ −
+ − if nargin < 2
+ − error('### incorrect usage');
+ − end
+ − if ~isjava(conn)
+ − error('### invalid connection');
+ − end
+ −
+ − % return value
+ − rows = {};
+ −
+ − % build query
+ − stmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);
+ − for kk = 1:numel(varargin)
+ − stmt.setObject(kk, varargin{kk});
+ − end
+ −
+ − % execute query
+ − rs = stmt.executeQuery();
+ −
+ − % get results into a cell array
+ − ncols = rs.getMetaData.getColumnCount();
+ − row = 1;
+ − while
+ − for kk = 1:ncols
+ − rows{row,kk} = java2matlab(rs.getObject(kk));
+ − end
+ − row = row + 1;
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − function val = java2matlab(val)
+ − % matlab converts all base types. just add a conversion for datetime columns
+ − switch class(val)
+ − case 'java.sql.Timestamp'
+ − val = time(plist('time', char(val), 'timezone', 'UTC'));
+ − end
+ − end