%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CPU benchmarking for comparing speeds among different% architectures/computers.%% DESCRIPTION: CPUbenchmark provides a benchmark CPU time for comparison% among different architectures/computers. It gives the mean% CPU time and the mean error.%% CALL: [a, b] = CPUbenchmark;%% VERSION: $Id: CPUbenchmark.m,v 1.1 2011/02/03 13:34:47 congedo Exp $%% HISTORY: 02-02-2011 G. Congedo%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [avgT,stdT]=CPUbenchmark avgT = zeros(10,1); stdT = avgT; for jj=1:10 m = zeros(100,1); for kk = 1:100 tic for i = 1:1e4 a = rand(10,10); a = a'; end m(kk)=toc; end avgT(jj) = mean(m); stdT(jj) = std(m)/sqrt(numel(m)); end avgT = mean(avgT); stdT = mean(stdT);end