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view m-toolbox/html_help/help/create_class_desc/create_property_desc.m @ 46:ca0b8d4dcdb6 database-connection-manager
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:07:27 +0100 |
parents | f0afece42f48 |
children |
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function create_property_desc(fid, meta_obj, indentation_in) % fid_read = fopen('property_descriptions.txt', 'r'); % f_line = fgetl(fid_read); % % prop_desc = struct(); % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % %%% Create from the desc_file a struct which contains %%% % %%% all information of the file. %%% % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % %%% Create a struct with % %%% % % while ischar(f_line) % % f_line = strtrim(f_line); % Remove leading and ending whitespace % if isempty(f_line) % % skip this line % elseif f_line(1) == '%' % % skip comment line % else % % [prop_name, desc] = strtok(f_line, '-'); % % prop_name = strtrim(prop_name); % desc = strtrim(desc(2:end)); % % [class_name, prop_name] = strtok(prop_name, '.'); % % prop_name = prop_name(2:end); % % prop_desc.(class_name).(prop_name) = desc; % end % f_line = fgetl(fid_read); % end % % fclose(fid_read); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Append to the fid the Information of the properties %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% indentation(1:indentation_in) = ' '; %%% Headline fprintf(fid, '%s<h2 class="title"><a name="top_properties"/>Properties</h2>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s<p>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s The LTPDA toolbox restrict access of the properties.<br></br>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s The get access is ''public'' and thus it is possible to get the values with the dot-command (similar to structures).<br></br>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <pre class="programlisting">For example:<br></br>val = obj.prop(2).prop;</pre>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s The set access is ''protected'' and thus it is only possible to assign a value to a property with a set-method.\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <pre class="programlisting">\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, 'For example:\n'); fprintf(fid, 'obj2 = obj1.setName(<span class="string">''my name''</span>) <span class="comment">%% This command creates a copy of obj1 (obj1 ~= obj2)</span>\n'); fprintf(fid, 'obj.setName(<span class="string">''my name''</span>); <span class="comment">%% This command applies to obj</span>'); fprintf(fid, '%s </pre>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s</p>\n', indentation); %%% Table predefinitions %%% fprintf(fid, '%s<!-- ===== Properties ===== -->\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s<p>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <table cellspacing="0" class="body" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="80%%">\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <colgroup>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <col width="15%%"/>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <col width="73%%"/>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <col width="12%%"/>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </colgroup>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <thead>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <tr valign="top">\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <th class="categorylist">Properties</th>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <th class="categorylist">Description</th>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <th class="categorylist">Defined in class</th>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </tr>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </thead>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <tbody>\n', indentation); for ii = 1:length(meta_obj.Properties) prop = meta_obj.Properties{ii}; if ~prop.Hidden && ~prop.Dependent try % Special case for ao.hist because the AO class have a method with % this name :( if strcmp(meta_obj.Name, 'ao') && strcmp(prop.Name, 'hist') description = 'History of the object (history object)'; elseif strcmp(meta_obj.Name, 'filterbank') && strcmp(prop.Name, 'type') description = 'Type of the bank'; else description = help(sprintf('%s.%s', meta_obj.Name, prop.Name)); description = regexp(description, '(?<= - ).*', 'match'); description = strtrim(description{1}); end catch description = '-- No description found --'; end if mod(ii,2) == 0 bgcolor = ''; else bgcolor = ' bgcolor="#f3f4f5"'; end fprintf(fid, '%s <!-- Property: ''%s'' -->\n', indentation, prop.Name); fprintf(fid, '%s <tr valign="top">\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <td%s>\n', indentation, bgcolor); fprintf(fid, '%s <p><a href="matlab:doc(''%s.%s'')">%s</a></p>\n', indentation, meta_obj.Name, prop.Name, prop.Name); fprintf(fid, '%s </td>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <td%s>\n', indentation, bgcolor); fprintf(fid, '%s <p>%s</p>\n', indentation, description); fprintf(fid, '%s </td>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s <td%s>\n', indentation, bgcolor); fprintf(fid, '%s <p>%s</p>\n', indentation, prop.DefiningClass.Name); fprintf(fid, '%s </td>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </tr>\n', indentation); end end %%% Table end %%% fprintf(fid, '%s </tbody>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s </table>\n', indentation); fprintf(fid, '%s</p>\n\n', indentation); %%% Top of page link create_top_of_page(fid, indentation_in); end