view m-toolbox/html_help/help/ug/setup_content.html @ 46:ca0b8d4dcdb6
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Tue, 06 Dec 2011 19:07:27 +0100 (2011-12-06)
line source
+ −
+ − <p>Setting up MATLAB to work properly with the LTPDA Toolbox requires a few steps:</p>
+ −
+ − <ul>
+ − <li>
+ − <p><a href="setup.html#path">Add the LTPDA Toolbox to the MATLAB path</a></p>
+ − </li>
+ − <li>
+ − <p><a href="setup.html#startup">Starting LTPDA Toolbox</a></p>
+ − </li>
+ − <li>
+ − <p><a href="setup.html#prefs">Edit the LTPDA Preferences</a></p>
+ − </li>
+ − </ul>
+ −
+ − <a name="path" id= "path"></a>
+ − <h3 class="title">Add the LTPDA Toolbox to the MATLAB path</h3>
+ −
+ − <p>
+ − After downloading and un-compressing the LTPDA Toolbox, you should add the
+ − directory <tt>ltpda_toolbox</tt> to your MATLAB path. To do this:
+ − <ul>
+ − <li> File -> Set Path... </li>
+ − <li> Choose "Add with Subfolders" and browse to the location of <tt>ltpda_toolbox</tt> </li>
+ − <li> "Save" your new path. MATLAB may require you to save your new <tt>pathdef.m</tt> to a
+ − new location in the case that you don't have write access to the default location. For more
+ − details read the documentation on "pathdef" (<tt>>> doc pathdef</tt>). </li>
+ − </ul>
+ − </p>
+ −
+ − <a name="ltpdastartup" id= "ltpdastartup"></a>
+ −
+ − <a name="startup" id= "startup"></a>
+ − <h3 class="title">Starting LTPDA Toolbox</h3>
+ −
+ − <p>
+ − To start using the LTPDA Toolbox, execute the following command on the MATLAB terminal:
+ − <div class="fragment">
+ − <pre>
+ − ltpda_startup </pre>
+ − </div>
+ − This should launch the LTPDA Launchbay, and you should see the LTPDA logo on the MATLAB terminal.
+ − When you run this for the first time, you will also be presented with the LTPDA Preferences GUI from
+ − where you can edit the preferences for the toolbox (see below).
+ − </p>
+ − <p>
+ − If everything has gone well, you should be able to run a set of built-in tests by doing:
+ − <div class="fragment">
+ − <pre>
+ − run_tests
+ − </pre>
+ − </div>
+ − This will run about 100 test scripts. These test scripts can be found in <tt>$ltpda_toolbox/examples</tt>
+ − and serve as useful example scripts.
+ − </p>
+ − <p>
+ − In order to automatically start the LTPDA Toolbox
+ − when MATLAB starts up, add the command <tt>ltpda_startup</tt> to your own <tt>startup.m</tt>
+ − file. See <tt>>> doc startup</tt> for more details on installing and editing your own <tt>startup.m</tt> file.
+ − </p>
+ −
+ − <a name="prefs" id= "prefs"></a>
+ − <h3 class="title">Edit the LTPDA Preferences</h3>
+ −
+ − <p>
+ − The LTPDA Toolbox comes with a default set of starting preferences. These may need
+ − to be edited for your particular system (though most of the defaults should be fine).
+ − To edit the preferences, you first need to have the LTPDA toolbox installed as described
+ − above, then run the command
+ − <div class="fragment"><pre>
+ − LTPDAprefs
+ − </pre></div>
+ − or click on the "LTPDA Preferences" button on the launchbay. You should see the following GUI:
+ − </p>
+ − <p>
+ − <img src="images/LTPDAprefs.png" alt="LTPDA Preferences GUI" border="0"> </p>
+ − <p>
+ − Edit all the preferences you want and then click apply to save the preferences. These new preferences
+ − will be used each time you start LTPDA.
+ − </p>
+ −
+ −
+ − </p>
+ −
+ −