function h = funchash(fcnname)% FUNCHASH compute MD5 hash of a MATLAB m-file.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: FUNCHASH compute MD5 hash of a MATLAB m-file.%% CALL: h = funchash(mfile_name)%% INPUTS: fcnname - The name of an m-file.% % The first file found by 'which' is hashed.%% OUTPUTS: h - the hash string%% PARAMETERS: None.% % EXAMPLES:% % >> h = funchash('ao');% % VERSION: $Id: funchash.m,v 1.1 2008/06/18 13:35:11 hewitson Exp $%% HISTORY: 21-11-07 M Hewitson% Creation.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Get filenames = which(fcnname);% Read in filemfile = textread(s,'%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace','');% hash thish = ltpda_hash(char(mfile), 'MD5');