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Update ltpda_uo.submit
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 |
parents | f0afece42f48 |
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% IPLOT provides an intelligent plotting tool for LTPDA. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DESCRIPTION: IPLOT provides an intelligent plotting tool for LTPDA. % % CALL: hfig = iplot (a,pl) % [hfig, hax] = iplot (a,pl) % [hfig, hax, hli] = iplot (a,pl) % % INPUTS: pl - a parameter list % a - input analysis object % % OUTPUTS: hfig - handles to figures % hax - handles to axes % hli - handles to lines % % AO Plot Info % ------------ % % If an input AO has a filled plotinfo plist, then the options contained in % therein will overide any other options. The recognised keys are: % % 'linestyle', 'linewidth', 'color', 'marker', 'legend_on' % % The possible values are all those accepted by plot. % % % Notes on Parameters % ------------------- % % Many of the properties take cell-array values. If the length of % the cell array is shorter than the number of lines to plot, the % remaining lines will be plotted with the default options. If the % cell array is of length 2 and the first cell contains the string % 'all', then the second cell is used to set the propery of all % lines. % % % Error parameters: If you give more than one input AO then you must % specify the following parameter values in a cell-array, % one cell for each input AO. Leave the cell empty to % plot no errors. Each error can be a value or a vector % the same length as the data vector. If you give and % upper limit but not lower limit, then the errors are % assumed to be symmetric (and vice versa) % % % EXAMPLES: % % 1) Plot two time-series AOs with different colors, line styles, and widths % % pl = plist('Linecolors', {'g', 'k'}, 'LineStyles', {'None', '--'}, 'LineWidths', {1, 4}); % iplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl); % % 2) Plot two time-series AOs in subplots. Also override the second legend % text and the first line style. % % pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'LineStyles', {'--'}, 'Legends', {'', 'My Sine Wave'}); % iplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl); % % % 3) Plot two frequency-series AOs on subplots with the same Y-scales and % Y-ranges % % pl1 = plist('Yscales', {'All', 'lin'}); % pl2 = plist('arrangement', 'subplots', 'YRanges', {'All', [1e-6 100]}); % iplot(fsd1, fsd2, pl1, pl2) % % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ao', 'iplot')">Parameters Description</a> % % VERSION: $Id: iplot.m,v 1.137 2011/04/10 06:45:01 hewitson Exp $ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DEPRECATED xmaths and ymaths in release 2.4 % 3) Plot two time-series AOs taking the square of the y-values of the % first AO and the log of the x-values of the second AO. % % pl = plist('Arrangement', 'subplots', 'YMaths', 'y.^2', 'XMaths', {'', 'log(x)'}); % iplot(tsao1, tsao2, pl); % Math operations: You can specify rudimentary math operations to be % performed on the X and Y data prior to plotting. The % 'all' keyword is also supported by these parameters. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % TODO: % 1) Add XRange, YRange, ZRange to xyzdata % function varargout = iplot(varargin) import utils.const.* %% Check if this is a call for parameters if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:}) varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3}); return end utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename); % Collect input variable names in_names = cell(size(varargin)); for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end % Collect all AOs and plists [as, ao_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ao', in_names); [upl, pl_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist', in_names); if numel(upl)>1, upl = combine(upl); end %% Go through AOs and collect them into similar types tsAOs = []; fsAOs = []; xyAOs = []; xyzAOs = []; cAOs = []; consistent = 1; for jj = 1:numel(as) % Check if AOs are consistent (all containing data of the same class): if ~strcmpi(class(as(jj).data) , class(as(1).data) ), consistent = 0; end; switch class(as(jj).data) case 'tsdata' if isempty(as(jj).y) warning('AO %s has no data and will not be plotted', as(jj).name); else tsAOs = [tsAOs as(jj)]; %#ok<*AGROW> end case 'fsdata' if isempty(as(jj).y) warning('AO %s has no data and will not be plotted', as(jj).name); else fsAOs = [fsAOs as(jj)]; end case 'xydata' if isempty(as(jj).y) warning('AO %s has no data and will not be plotted', as(jj).name); else xyAOs = [xyAOs as(jj)]; end case 'xyzdata' if isempty(as(jj).y) warning('AO %s has no data and will not be plotted', as(jj).name); %#ok<*WNTAG> else xyzAOs = [xyzAOs as(jj)]; end case 'cdata' if isempty(as(jj).y) warning('AO %s has no data and will not be plotted', as(jj).name); else cAOs = [cAOs as(jj)]; end otherwise warning('!!! Unknown data type %s', class(as(jj).data)); end end %% Now plot all the objects on separate figures % (unless they're consistent and a figure handle was passed) if consistent && ~isempty(upl), fig2plot = find(upl,'Figure'); else fig2plot = []; end hfig = []; hax = []; hli = []; %----------- TSDATA if ~isempty(tsAOs) % get default plist dpl = getDefaultPlist('Time-series plot'); % combine the plists pl = parse(upl, dpl); % Call x-y plot [hf, ha, hl] = xy_plot(tsAOs, pl, fig2plot); hfig = [hfig hf]; hax = [hax ha]; hli = [hli hl]; end %----------- XYDATA if ~isempty(xyAOs) % get default plist dpl = getDefaultPlist('X-Y data plot'); % combine the plists pl = parse(upl, dpl); % Call x-y plot [hf, ha, hl] = xy_plot(xyAOs, pl, fig2plot); hfig = [hfig hf]; hax = [hax ha]; hli = [hli hl]; end %----------- XYZDATA if ~isempty(xyzAOs) % get default plist dpl = getDefaultPlist('3D plot'); % combine the plists pl = parse(upl, dpl); % Call x-y-z plot [hf, ha, hl] = xyz_plot(xyzAOs, pl, fig2plot); hfig = [hfig hf]; hax = [hax ha]; hli = [hli hl]; end %----------- CDATA if ~isempty(cAOs) % get default plist dpl = getDefaultPlist('Y data plot'); % combine the plists pl = parse(upl, dpl); % Call x-y plot [hf, ha, hl] = y_plot(cAOs, pl, fig2plot); hfig = [hfig hf]; hax = [hax ha]; hli = [hli hl]; end %----------- FSDATA if ~isempty(fsAOs) % get default plist dpl = getDefaultPlist('Frequency-series plot'); % combine the plists pl = parse(upl, dpl); % Call fsdata plot [hf, ha, hl] = fs_plot(fsAOs, pl, fig2plot); hfig = [hfig hf]; hax = [hax ha]; hli = [hli hl]; end %% Deal with outputs if nargout == 1 varargout{1} = hfig; end if nargout == 2 varargout{1} = hfig; varargout{2} = hax; end if nargout == 3 varargout{1} = hfig; varargout{2} = hax; varargout{3} = hli; end if nargout > 3 error('### Incorrect number of outputs'); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot fsdata objects % function varargout = fs_plot(varargin) aos = varargin{1}; pl = varargin{2}; fig2plot = varargin{3}; UseLatex = find(pl, 'LatexLabels'); UseLatex = find(pl, 'LatexLabels'); if ischar(UseLatex) UseLatex = eval(UseLatex); end % Extract parameters arrangement = find(pl, 'Arrangement'); colors = find(pl, 'Colors'); linecolors = find(pl, 'LineColors'); linestyles = find(pl, 'LineStyles'); markers = find(pl, 'Markers'); linewidths = find(pl, 'LineWidths'); legends = find(pl, 'Legends'); legendsFont = find(pl, 'LegendFontSize'); ylabels = find(pl, 'YLabels'); xlabels = find(pl, 'XLabels'); yscales = find(pl, 'YScales'); xscales = find(pl, 'XScales'); yranges = find(pl, 'YRanges'); xranges = find(pl, 'XRanges'); xmaths = find(pl, 'XMaths'); ymaths = find(pl, 'YMaths'); type = find(pl, 'Function'); legendLoc = find(pl, 'LegendLocation'); complexPlotType = find(pl, 'complexPlotType'); autoErrors = find(pl, 'AUTOERRORS'); % Convert the colour if it is a character to a cell-string if ischar(colors) colors = cellstr(colors); end % get errors XerrL = find(pl, 'XerrL'); XerrU = find(pl, 'XerrU'); YerrL = find(pl, 'YerrL'); YerrU = find(pl, 'YerrU'); if ~iscell(XerrU), XerrU = {XerrU}; end if ~iscell(XerrL), XerrL = {XerrL}; end if ~iscell(YerrU), YerrU = {YerrU}; end if ~iscell(YerrL), YerrL = {YerrL}; end if (numel(XerrL) > 1 && numel(XerrL) ~= numel(aos)) || ... (numel(YerrL) > 1 && numel(YerrL) ~= numel(aos)) || ... (numel(XerrU) > 1 && numel(XerrU) ~= numel(aos)) || ... (numel(YerrU) > 1 && numel(YerrU) ~= numel(aos)) error('### Please specify 1 set of errors for all AOs, or a set of errors for each AO.'); end % check whether we want legends or not if iscell(legends) legendsOn = 1; else if strcmpi(legends, 'off') legendsOn = 0; else legendsOn = 1; legends = []; end end if ~isempty(ymaths) || ~isempty(xmaths) warning('The use of the ''ymaths'' and ''xmaths'' parameters is deprecated. Please perform any calculations before calling iplot.'); end if ~iscell(linewidths), linewidths = {linewidths}; end if ~iscell(linestyles), linestyles = {linestyles}; end if ~iscell(linecolors), linecolors = {linecolors}; end if ~iscell(markers), markers = {markers}; end if ~iscell(legends), legends = {legends}; end if ~iscell(ylabels), ylabels = {ylabels}; end if ~iscell(xlabels), xlabels = {xlabels}; end if ~iscell(xmaths), xmaths = {xmaths}; end if ~iscell(ymaths), ymaths = {ymaths}; end if ~iscell(xscales), xscales = {xscales}; end if ~iscell(yscales), yscales = {yscales}; end if ~iscell(xranges), xranges = {xranges}; end if ~iscell(yranges), yranges = {yranges}; end % collect figure handles fsfig = []; fsax = []; fsli = []; % Legend holder legendStrR = []; legendStrI = []; % Helper variables ymin = Inf; ymax = -Inf; xmin = Inf; xmax = -Inf; complexFig = []; complexAxes = []; if ~isempty(aos) % Now loop over AOs Na = length(aos); % First to check if any are complex y data including any Y maths at the same % time. haveComplex = 0; for jj = 1:Na % Get data y = aos(jj).data.getY; % Do any math operations ymath = parseOptions(jj, ymaths, 'y'); eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymath)); % Is this a complex plot? if ~isreal(y) haveComplex = 1; end end % Do we want to use a unit placeholder on the yaxis? yunits = aos(1).data.yunits; yunitPlaceholder = '[Mixed]'; useYunitPlaceholder = false; if strcmpi(arrangement, 'stacked') for jj = 1:Na if yunits ~= aos(jj).data.yunits useYunitPlaceholder = true; break; end end end ylabeli = ''; % Do we want to use a unit placeholder on the xaxis? xunits = aos(1).data.xunits; xunitPlaceholder = '[Mixed]'; useXunitPlaceholder = false; if strcmpi(arrangement, 'stacked') for jj = 1:Na if xunits ~= aos(jj).data.xunits useXunitPlaceholder = true; break; end end end % No plot for jj = 1:Na if useYunitPlaceholder yunits = yunitPlaceholder; else yunits = aos(jj).data.yunits; end if useXunitPlaceholder xunits = xunitPlaceholder; else xunits = aos(jj).data.xunits; end % set real and imag subplot handles to empty fsax_r = []; fsax_i = []; % Get data x = aos(jj).data.getX; y = aos(jj).data.getY; % Do any math operations ymath = parseOptions(jj, ymaths, 'y'); eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymath)); xmath = parseOptions(jj, xmaths, 'x'); eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmath)); % what figures do we need? switch arrangement case 'single' fsfig = [fsfig figure]; col = colors{1}; % check if this data set is real or complex if ~isreal(y) % complex means we use two subplots fsax_r = subplot(2,1,1); fsax_i = subplot(2,1,2); fsax = [fsax fsax_r fsax_i]; complexFig = [complexFig get(fsax_r, 'Parent')]; complexAxes = [complexAxes fsax_r fsax_i]; else % real means we use a single subplot fsax_r = subplot(1, 1, 1); fsax = [fsax fsax_r]; end % Make sure we reset the helper variables in this case ymin = Inf; ymax = -Inf; xmin = Inf; xmax = -Inf; case 'stacked' if ~isempty(fig2plot), fsfig = fig2plot; elseif jj == 1, fsfig = figure; end % if at least one of the input fsdata AOs is complex, we need to % allow for subplots if haveComplex fsax_r = subplot(2,1,1,'Parent',fsfig); fsax_i = subplot(2,1,2,'Parent',fsfig); fsax = [fsax_r fsax_i]; if jj == 1 complexFig = [complexFig fsfig]; complexAxes = [complexAxes fsax_r fsax_i]; end else fsax_r = subplot(1, 1, 1,'Parent',fsfig); fsax = fsax_r; end col = colors{mod(jj-1,length(colors))+1}; hold(fsax_r, 'on'); if ishandle(fsax_i) hold(fsax_i, 'on'); end case 'subplots' if ~isempty(fig2plot), fsfig = fig2plot; elseif jj == 1, fsfig = figure; end c = 1+(jj-1)*2; sx = Na; sy = 2; % Now we have one or two subplots per input object. if ~isreal(y) fsax_r = subplot(sx, sy,c); fsax_i = subplot(sx, sy,c+1); fsax = [fsax fsax_r fsax_i]; else fsax_r = subplot(sx, sy, c:c+1); fsax = [fsax fsax_r]; end col = colors{1}; % Make sure we reset the helper variables in this case ymin = Inf; ymax = -Inf; xmin = Inf; xmax = -Inf; otherwise error('### Unknown plot arrangement'); end % Process errors [fcn, xu, xl, yu, yl] = process_errors(jj, size(y), type, XerrU, XerrL, YerrU, YerrL, aos(jj), autoErrors); %------- Plot the data % plot real or complex data and setup default values for scale and % labels as we go. if isreal(y) % if the data are real, then we don't expect negative error bars idx = find(yl>abs(y)); yl(idx) = 0.999*abs(y(idx)); switch fcn case 'errorbar' li = errorbar(fsax_r, x, y, yl, yu); le = false; case type li = feval(type, fsax_r, x, y); le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(fsax_r, x, y, xu, yu, xl, yl); li = lhs(1); le = lhs(2); end fsli = [fsli li]; ylabelr = ''; ylabeli = 'imag'; yscaleR = 'log'; yscaleI = 'lin'; xscaleR = 'log'; xscaleI = 'log'; else switch complexPlotType case 'realimag' switch fcn case 'errorbar' ry = real(y); ferr = yl./abs(y); yl = ry.*ferr; yu = ry.*ferr; li = errorbar(fsax_r, x, ry, yl, yu); le = false; case type li = feval(type, fsax_r, x, real(y)); le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(fsax_r, x, real(y), xu, yu, xl, yl); li = lhs(1); le = lhs(2); end switch fcn case 'errorbar' iy = imag(y); ferr = yl./abs(y); yl = iy.*ferr; yu = iy.*ferr; li = [li errorbar(fsax_i, x, iy, yl, yu)]; le = false; case type li = [li feval(type, fsax_i, x, imag(y))]; le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(fsax_i, x, imag(y), xu, yu, xl, yl); li = [li lhs(1)]; le = lhs(2); end fsli = [fsli li]; ylabelr = 'real'; ylabeli = 'imag'; yscaleR = 'lin'; yscaleI = 'lin'; xscaleR = 'log'; xscaleI = 'log'; case 'absdeg' a = abs(y); p = utils.math.phase(y); % if the data are absolute values, then we don't expect % negative error bars idx = find(yl>abs(y)); yl(idx) = 0.999*abs(y(idx)); switch fcn case 'errorbar' li = errorbar(fsax_r, x, a, yl, yu); le = false; case type li = feval(type, fsax_r, x, abs(y)); le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(fsax_r, x, abs(y), xu, yu, xl, yl); li = lhs(1); le = lhs(2); end switch fcn case 'errorbar' ferr = yl./a; yl = 360.*ferr; yu = 360.*ferr; li = [li errorbar(fsax_i, x, p, yl, yu)]; le = false; case type li = [li feval(type, fsax_i, x, utils.math.phase(y))]; le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(fsax_i, x, utils.math.phase(y), xu, yu, xl, yl); li = [li lhs(1)]; le = lhs(2); end fsli = [fsli li]; ylabelr = 'Amplitude'; ylabeli = 'Phase'; yscaleR = 'log'; yscaleI = 'lin'; xscaleR = 'log'; xscaleI = 'log'; case 'absrad' % if the data are absolute values, then we don't expect % negative error bars idx = find(yl>abs(y)); yl(idx) = 0.999*abs(y(idx)); switch fcn case 'errorbar' li = errorbar(fsax_r, x, abs(y), yl, yu); le = false; %#ok<*NASGU> case type li = feval(type, fsax_r, x, abs(y)); le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(fsax_r, x, abs(y), xu, yu, xl, yl); li = lhs(1); le = lhs(2); end switch fcn case 'errorbar' ferr = yl./abs(y); yl = pi.*ferr; yu = pi.*ferr; li = [li errorbar(fsax_i, x, angle(y), yl, yu)]; le = false; case type li = [li feval(type, fsax_i, x, angle(y))]; le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(fsax_i, x, angle(y), xu, yu, xl, yl); li = [li lhs(1)]; le = lhs(2); end fsli = [fsli li]; ylabelr = 'Amplitude'; ylabeli = 'Phase'; yscaleR = 'log'; yscaleI = 'lin'; xscaleR = 'log'; xscaleI = 'log'; otherwise error('### Unknown plot type for complex data'); end end %------- Axis properties % axis counter c = 1+(jj-1)*2; % Set real axis ylabel ylstrR = parseOptions(c, ylabels, ylabelr); ylstrR = prepareAxisLabel(yunits, ymath, ylstrR, 'y', UseLatex); ylstrR = fixlabel(ylstrR); if UseLatex ylabel(fsax_r, ylstrR, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else ylabel(fsax_r, ylstrR); end % Set imag axis ylabel if ishandle(fsax_i) ylstrI = parseOptions(c+1, ylabels, ylabeli); switch complexPlotType case 'realimag' ylstrI = prepareAxisLabel(yunits, ymath, ylstrI, 'y', UseLatex); case 'absdeg' ylstrI = prepareAxisLabel(unit('deg'), [], ylstrI, 'y', UseLatex); case 'absrad' ylstrI = prepareAxisLabel(unit('rad'), [], ylstrI, 'y', UseLatex); otherwise end ylstrI = fixlabel(ylstrI); if UseLatex ylabel(fsax_i, ylstrI, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else ylabel(fsax_i, ylstrI); end end % Set xlabel xlstr = parseOptions(jj, xlabels, find(pl, 'XLabels')); xlstr = prepareAxisLabel(xunits, xmath, xlstr, 'x', UseLatex); xlstr = fixlabel(xlstr); if isreal(y) if UseLatex xlabel(fsax_r, xlstr, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else xlabel(fsax_r, xlstr); end else % Do not draw Xlabel and XTicklabel on the real plot set(fsax_r, 'XTickLabel',[]); end if ~isempty(fsax_i) && ishandle(fsax_i) if UseLatex xlabel(fsax_i, xlstr, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else xlabel(fsax_i, xlstr); end end % Set grid on or off grid(fsax_r, 'on'); if ~isempty(fsax_i) && ishandle(fsax_i), grid(fsax_i, 'on'); end % Set Y scale yscaleR = parseOptions(c, yscales, yscaleR); yscaleI = parseOptions(c+1, yscales, yscaleI); set(fsax_r, 'YScale', yscaleR); if ~isempty(fsax_i) && ishandle(fsax_i), set(fsax_i, 'YScale', yscaleI); end % Set X scale xscaleR = parseOptions(c, xscales, xscaleR); xscaleI = parseOptions(c+1, xscales, xscaleI); set(fsax_r, 'XScale', xscaleR); if ~isempty(fsax_i) && ishandle(fsax_i) set(fsax_i, 'XScale', xscaleI); end % Set Y range yrange = parseOptions(c, yranges, []); if ~isempty(yrange) set(fsax_r, 'YLim', yrange); elseif strcmpi(yscaleR, 'log') [tcks,ymin,ymax] = getRealYDataTicks(y, ymin, ymax, complexPlotType, yscaleR); nticks = numel(tcks); if nticks>0 && nticks < 10 yrange = [tcks(1) tcks(end)]; set(fsax_r, 'YLim', yrange); set(fsax_r, 'Ytickmode', 'manual'); set(fsax_r, 'Ytick', tcks); end end yrange = parseOptions(c+1, yranges, []); if ~isempty(fsax_i) && ishandle(fsax_i) if ~isempty(yrange) set(fsax_i, 'YLim', yrange); elseif strcmpi(yscaleI, 'log') % This doesn't really make sense since the imaginary part or % phase or angle will always contain negative parts. Would the % user really choose a log scale in that case? % tcks = getImagYDataTicks(y, ymin, ymax, complexPlotType, yscaleI); % if ~isempty(tcks) % yrange = [tcks(1) tcks(end)]; % set(fsax_i, 'YLim', yrange); % set(fsax_i, 'Ytickmode', 'manual'); % set(fsax_i, 'Ytick', tcks); % end end end % Set X range xrange = parseOptions(c, xranges, []); if ~isempty(xrange) set(fsax_r, 'XLim', xrange); elseif strcmpi(xscaleR, 'log') xmin = min(xmin, floor(log10(min(x(x>0))))); xmax = max(xmax, ceil(log10(max(x(x>0))))); tcks = logspace(xmin, xmax, xmax - xmin +1); xrange = [tcks(1) tcks(end)]; set(fsax_r, 'XLim', xrange); set(fsax_r, 'Xtickmode', 'manual'); set(fsax_r, 'Xtick', tcks); end xrange = parseOptions(c+1, xranges, []); if ~isempty(fsax_i) && ishandle(fsax_i) if ~isempty(xrange) set(fsax_i, 'XLim', xrange); elseif strcmpi(xscaleR, 'log') xmin = min(xmin, floor(log10(min(x(x>0))))); xmax = max(xmax, ceil(log10(max(x(x>0))))); tcks = logspace(xmin, xmax, xmax - xmin +1); xrange = [tcks(1) tcks(end)]; set(fsax_i, 'XLim', xrange); set(fsax_i, 'Xtickmode', 'manual'); set(fsax_i, 'Xtick', tcks); end end %------- line properties [col, lstyle, lwidth, mkr] = parseLineProps(jj, aos(jj).plotinfo, ... linecolors, col, ... linestyles, '-', ... linewidths, get(0,'DefaultLineLineWidth'), ... markers, 'None'); % set props set(li, 'Color', col); set(li, 'LineStyle', lstyle); set(li, 'LineWidth', lwidth); if numel(x) == 1 && numel(y) == 1 && strcmp(mkr, 'None') mkr = '.'; end set(li, 'Marker', mkr); % Set legend string if legendsOn if ~isempty(aos(jj).plotinfo) && ... aos(jj).plotinfo.isparam('LEGEND_ON') && ... ~aos(jj).plotinfo.find('LEGEND_ON') for kk=1:numel(li) set(get(get(li(kk),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend end else lstr = parseOptions(jj, legends, makeLegendStr(aos(jj))); legendStrR = [legendStrR cellstr(lstr)]; if ~isreal(y) legendStrI = [legendStrI cellstr(lstr)]; end if strcmp(arrangement, 'single') || strcmp(arrangement, 'subplots') legend(fsax_r, fixlabel(legendStrR{end}), 'Location', legendLoc); if ~isempty(fsax_i) && ishandle(fsax_i) h = legend(fsax_i, fixlabel(legendStrI), 'Location', legendLoc); end end end end end % End loop over AOs % Make sure the plots are refreshed drawnow(); % Trim the size of complex plots for jj = 1:length(complexFig) p_r = get(complexAxes(2*jj-1), 'Position'); p_i = get(complexAxes(2*jj), 'Position'); dh = (p_r(2) - (p_i(2)+p_i(4)))/3; set(complexAxes(2*jj-1), 'Position', [p_r(1) p_r(2)-dh p_r(3) p_r(4)+dh]); set(complexAxes(2*jj), 'Position', [p_i(1) p_i(2) p_i(3) p_i(4)+dh]); end % Process legends for stacked plots if legendsOn if strcmp(arrangement, 'stacked') if ~isempty(legendStrR) h = legend(fsax_r, fixlabel(legendStrR), 'Location', legendLoc); set(h, 'FontSize', legendsFont); if ~isempty(fsax_i) && ishandle(fsax_i) h = legend(fsax_i, fixlabel(legendStrI), 'Location', legendLoc); set(h, 'FontSize', legendsFont); end end end end end % End ~isempty AOs % Apply plot settings to the figure applyPlotSettings(fsax, fsli); % Set outputs if nargout > 0 varargout{1} = fsfig; end if nargout > 1 varargout{2} = fsax; end if nargout == 3 varargout{3} = fsli; end if nargout > 3 error('### Too many output arguments'); end end % End fs_plot %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot tsdata and xydata objects % function varargout = xy_plot(varargin) aos = varargin{1}; pl = varargin{2}; fig2plot = varargin{3}; Na = length(aos); UseLatex = find(pl, 'LatexLabels'); if ischar(UseLatex) UseLatex = eval(UseLatex); end % Extract parameters arrangement = find(pl, 'Arrangement'); linecolors = find(pl, 'LineColors'); colors = find(pl, 'Colors'); linestyles = find(pl, 'LineStyles'); markers = find(pl, 'Markers'); linewidths = find(pl, 'LineWidths'); legends = find(pl, 'Legends'); legendsFont = find(pl, 'LegendFontSize'); ylabels = find(pl, 'YLabels'); xlabels = find(pl, 'XLabels'); xmaths = find(pl, 'XMaths'); ymaths = find(pl, 'YMaths'); yranges = find(pl, 'YRanges'); xranges = find(pl, 'XRanges'); yscales = find(pl, 'YScales'); xscales = find(pl, 'XScales'); type = find(pl, 'Function'); legendLoc = find(pl, 'LegendLocation'); xunits = find(pl, 'Xunits'); autoErrors = utils.prog.yes2true(find(pl, 'AUTOERRORS')); % Convert the colour if it is a character to a cell-string if ischar(colors) colors = cellstr(colors); end % get errors XerrL = find(pl, 'XerrL'); XerrU = find(pl, 'XerrU'); YerrL = find(pl, 'YerrL'); YerrU = find(pl, 'YerrU'); if ~iscell(XerrU), XerrU = {XerrU}; end if ~iscell(XerrL), XerrL = {XerrL}; end if ~iscell(YerrU), YerrU = {YerrU}; end if ~iscell(YerrL), YerrL = {YerrL}; end if (numel(XerrL) > 1 && numel(XerrL) ~= numel(aos)) || ... (numel(YerrL) > 1 && numel(YerrL) ~= numel(aos)) || ... (numel(XerrU) > 1 && numel(XerrU) ~= numel(aos)) || ... (numel(YerrU) > 1 && numel(YerrU) ~= numel(aos)) error('### Please specify 1 set of errors for all AOs, or a set of errors for each AO.'); end torigin = []; % check whether we want legends or not if iscell(legends) legendsOn = 1; else if strcmpi(legends, 'off') legendsOn = 0; else legendsOn = 1; legends = []; end end if ~isempty(ymaths) || ~isempty(xmaths) warning('The use of the ''ymaths'' and ''xmaths'' parameters is deprecated. Please perform any calculations before calling iplot.'); end if ~iscell(linewidths), linewidths = {linewidths}; end if ~iscell(linestyles), linestyles = {linestyles}; end if ~iscell(linecolors), linecolors = {linecolors}; end if ~iscell(markers), markers = {markers}; end if ~iscell(legends), legends = {legends}; end if ~iscell(ylabels), ylabels = {ylabels}; end if ~iscell(xlabels), xlabels = {xlabels}; end if ~iscell(xmaths), xmaths = {xmaths}; end if ~iscell(ymaths), ymaths = {ymaths}; end if ~iscell(xranges), xranges = {xranges}; end if ~iscell(yranges), yranges = {yranges}; end if ~iscell(xscales), xscales = {xscales}; end if ~iscell(yscales), yscales = {yscales}; end if ~iscell(xunits), xunits = {xunits}; end % collect figure handles tsfig = []; tsax = []; tsli = []; % Legend holder legendStr = []; if ~isempty(aos) % Now loop over AOs to get earliest start time T0 = 0; if strcmp(arrangement, 'stacked') T0 = 1e50; for jj = 1:Na % Get this AO if isa(aos(jj).data, 'tsdata') && aos(jj).data.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000 < T0 T0 = floor(aos(jj).data.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000); end end end % Do we want to use a unit placeholder on the yaxis? yunits = aos(1).data.yunits; yunitPlaceholder = '[Mixed]'; useYunitPlaceholder = false; if strcmpi(arrangement, 'stacked') for jj = 1:Na if yunits ~= aos(jj).data.yunits useYunitPlaceholder = true; break; end end end % Do we want to use a unit placeholder on the xaxis? firstXunits = aos(1).data.xunits; xunitPlaceholder = '[Mixed]'; useXunitPlaceholder = false; if strcmpi(arrangement, 'stacked') for jj = 1:Na if firstXunits ~= aos(jj).data.xunits useXunitPlaceholder = true; break; end end end % Now loop over AOs for jj = 1:Na % Get this AO toff = 0; if useYunitPlaceholder yunits = yunitPlaceholder; else yunits = aos(jj).data.yunits; end % what figures do we need? switch arrangement case 'single' tsfig = [tsfig figure]; tsax = subplot(1,1,1); col = colors{1}; if isa(aos(jj).data, 'tsdata') torigin = aos(jj).data.t0; end case 'stacked' if ~isempty(fig2plot), tsfig = fig2plot; elseif jj==1, tsfig = figure; end tsax = subplot(1,1,1,'Parent',tsfig); col = colors{mod(jj-1,length(colors))+1}; hold on; % deal with time-stamps here if isa(aos(jj).data, 'tsdata') toff = aos(jj).data.t0.utc_epoch_milli/1000 - T0; else toff = 0; end if isa(aos(jj).data, 'tsdata') torigin = time(T0); end case 'subplots' if ~isempty(fig2plot), tsfig = fig2plot; elseif jj==1, tsfig = figure; end tsax = [tsax subplot(Na, 1, jj,'Parent',tsfig)]; col = colors{1}; if isa(aos(jj).data, 'tsdata') torigin = aos(jj).data.t0; end otherwise error('### Unknown plot arrangement'); end %------- Apply math functions % Get data and add t0 offset for this time-series x = aos(jj).data.getX + toff; y = aos(jj).data.getY; % Apply any math operations ymath = parseOptions(jj, ymaths, 'y'); eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymath)); xmath = parseOptions(jj, xmaths, 'x'); eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmath)); % Process X units if useXunitPlaceholder xunit = xunitPlaceholder; dateTicSpec = false; else if isa(aos(jj).data, 'tsdata') xunitIn = char(aos(jj).data.xunits); xunit = parseOptions(jj, xunits, xunitIn); [x, xunit, dateTicSpec] = convertXunits(x, torigin, xunit, xunitIn); elseif isa(aos(jj).data, 'xydata') xunitIn = char(aos(jj).data.xunits); xunit = parseOptions(jj, xunits, xunitIn); dateTicSpec = false; else xunit = ''; dateTicSpec = false; end end % Process errors [fcn, xu, xl, yu, yl] = process_errors(jj, size(y), type, XerrU, XerrL, YerrU, YerrL, aos(jj), autoErrors); %------- Plot the data switch fcn case 'errorbar' li = errorbar(tsax(end), x, y, yl, yu); le = false; case type li = feval(type, tsax(end), x, y); le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(tsax(end), x, y, xu, yu, xl, yl); li = lhs(1); le = lhs(2); end tsli = [tsli li]; if isa(aos(jj).data, 'tsdata') title(sprintf('Time origin: %s', char(torigin))); end %------- Add time origin to the axis handle if isempty(torigin) torigin = time(); end set(tsax(end), 'UserData', torigin) try dcm_obj = datacursormode(get(tsfig(end),'Parent')); catch dcm_obj = datacursormode(tsfig(end)); end set(dcm_obj, 'UpdateFcn', @utils.plottools.datacursormode) %---------- Call datetic if dateTicSpec datetick(tsax(end), 'x', xunit(2:end-1), 'keeplimits'); end %------- Axis properties % Set ylabel ylstr = parseOptions(jj, ylabels, find(pl, 'YLabels')); ylstr = prepareAxisLabel(yunits, ymath, ylstr, 'y', UseLatex); if UseLatex ylabel(ylstr, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else ylabel(ylstr); end % Set xlabel xlstr = parseOptions(jj, xlabels, find(pl, 'XLabels')); xlstr = prepareAxisLabel(xunit, xmath, xlstr, 'x', UseLatex); if UseLatex xlabel(xlstr, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else xlabel(xlstr); end % Set Y range yrange = parseOptions(jj, yranges, []); if ~isempty(yrange), set(tsax(end), 'YLim', yrange); end % Set X range xrange = parseOptions(jj, xranges, []); if ~isempty(xrange), set(tsax(end), 'XLim', xrange); end % Set Y scale yscale = parseOptions(jj, yscales, 'lin'); set(tsax(end), 'YScale', yscale); % Set X scale xscale = parseOptions(jj, xscales, 'lin'); set(tsax(end), 'XScale', xscale); % Set grid on or off grid(tsax(end), 'on'); %------- line properties [col, lstyle, lwidth, mkr] = parseLineProps(jj, aos(jj).plotinfo, ... linecolors, col, ... linestyles, '-', ... linewidths, get(0,'DefaultLineLineWidth'), ... markers, 'None'); % Set line color set(li, 'Color', col); if ~isempty(le) && ishandle(le), set(le, 'Color', col); end % Set line style set(li, 'LineStyle', lstyle); if ishandle(le), set(le, 'LineStyle', lstyle); end % Set markers if numel(x) == 1 && numel(y) == 1 && strcmp(mkr, 'None') mkr = '.'; end set(li, 'Marker', mkr); % Set line widths set(li, 'LineWidth', lwidth); if ~isempty(le) && ishandle(le), set(le, 'LineWidth', lwidth); end % Set legend string if legendsOn if ~isempty(aos(jj).plotinfo) && ... aos(jj).plotinfo.isparam('LEGEND_ON') && ... ~aos(jj).plotinfo.find('LEGEND_ON') for kk=1:numel(li) set(get(get(li(kk),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend end else lstr = parseOptions(jj, legends, makeLegendStr(aos(jj))); legendStr = [legendStr cellstr(lstr)]; % Set the legend now if we can if strcmp(arrangement, 'single') || strcmp(arrangement, 'subplots') legend(fixlabel(legendStr{end}), 'Location', legendLoc); end end end end % Process legends for stacked plots if legendsOn if strcmp(arrangement, 'stacked') if ~isempty(legendStr) h = legend(fixlabel(legendStr), 'Location', legendLoc); set(h, 'FontSize', legendsFont); end end end end % End if empty AOs % Apply plot settings to the figure applyPlotSettings(tsax, tsli); % Set outputs if nargout > 0 varargout{1} = tsfig; end if nargout > 1 varargout{2} = tsax; end if nargout == 3 varargout{3} = tsli; end if nargout > 3 error('### Too many output arguments'); end end % end xy_plot %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot cdata objects % function varargout = y_plot(varargin) aos = varargin{1}; pl = varargin{2}; fig2plot = varargin{3}; UseLatex = find(pl, 'LatexLabels'); UseLatex = find(pl, 'LatexLabels'); if ischar(UseLatex) UseLatex = eval(UseLatex); end % Extract parameters arrangement = find(pl, 'Arrangement'); linecolors = find(pl, 'LineColors'); colors = find(pl, 'Colors'); linestyles = find(pl, 'LineStyles'); markers = find(pl, 'Markers'); linewidths = find(pl, 'LineWidths'); legends = find(pl, 'Legends'); legendsFont = find(pl, 'LegendFontSize'); ylabels = find(pl, 'YLabels'); xlabels = find(pl, 'XLabels'); xmaths = find(pl, 'XMaths'); ymaths = find(pl, 'YMaths'); yranges = find(pl, 'YRanges'); xranges = find(pl, 'XRanges'); yscales = find(pl, 'YScales'); xscales = find(pl, 'XScales'); type = find(pl, 'Function'); legendLoc = find(pl, 'LegendLocation'); autoErrors = find(pl, 'AUTOERRORS'); % Convert the colour if it is a character to a cell-string if ischar(colors) colors = cellstr(colors); end % get errors YerrL = find(pl, 'YerrL'); YerrU = find(pl, 'YerrU'); if ~iscell(YerrU), YerrU = {YerrU}; end if ~iscell(YerrL), YerrL = {YerrL}; end if (numel(YerrL) > 1 && numel(YerrL) ~= numel(aos)) || ... (numel(YerrU) > 1 && numel(YerrU) ~= numel(aos)) error('### Please specify 1 set of errors for all AOs, or a set of errors for each AO.'); end % check whether we want legends or not if iscell(legends) legendsOn = 1; else if strcmp(legends, 'off') legendsOn = 0; else legendsOn = 1; legends = []; end end if ~isempty(ymaths) || ~isempty(xmaths) warning('The use of the ''ymaths'' and ''xmaths'' parameters is deprecated. Please perform any calculations before calling iplot.'); end if ~iscell(linewidths), linewidths = {linewidths}; end if ~iscell(linestyles), linestyles = {linestyles}; end if ~iscell(linecolors), linecolors = {linecolors}; end if ~iscell(markers), markers = {markers}; end if ~iscell(legends), legends = {legends}; end if ~iscell(ylabels), ylabels = {ylabels}; end if ~iscell(xlabels), xlabels = {xlabels}; end if ~iscell(xmaths), xmaths = {xmaths}; end if ~iscell(ymaths), ymaths = {ymaths}; end if ~iscell(xranges), xranges = {xranges}; end if ~iscell(yranges), yranges = {yranges}; end if ~iscell(xscales), xscales = {xscales}; end if ~iscell(yscales), yscales = {yscales}; end % collect figure handles cfig = []; cax = []; cli = []; % Legend holder legendStr = []; if ~isempty(aos) % Now loop over AOs Na = length(aos); % Do we want to use a unit placeholder on the yaxis? yunits = aos(1).data.yunits; yunitPlaceholder = '[Mixed]'; useYunitPlaceholder = false; if strcmpi(arrangement, 'stacked') for jj = 1:Na if yunits ~= aos(jj).data.yunits useYunitPlaceholder = true; break; end end end for jj = 1:Na if useYunitPlaceholder yunits = yunitPlaceholder; else yunits = aos(jj).data.yunits; end % what figures do we need? switch arrangement case 'single' cfig = [cfig figure]; cax = subplot(1,1,1); col = colors{1}; case 'stacked' if ~isempty(fig2plot), cfig = fig2plot; elseif jj==1, cfig = figure; end % if jj==1, cfig = figure; end cax = subplot(1,1,1,'Parent',cfig); col = colors{mod(jj-1,length(colors))+1}; hold on; case 'subplots' if ~isempty(fig2plot), cfig = fig2plot; elseif jj==1, cfig = figure; end % if jj == 1, cfig = figure; end cax = [cax subplot(Na, 1, jj)]; col = colors{1}; otherwise error('### Unknown plot arrangement'); end % Get data if isreal(aos(jj).data.getY) x = 1:length(aos(jj).data.getY); y = aos(jj).data.getY; else x = real(aos(jj).data.getY); y = imag(aos(jj).data.getY); end %------- Apply math functions ymath = parseOptions(jj, ymaths, 'y'); eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymath)); xmath = parseOptions(jj, xmaths, 'x'); eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmath)); % Process errors [fcn, xu, xl, yu, yl] = process_errors(jj, size(y), type, {[]}, {[]}, YerrU, YerrL, aos(jj), autoErrors); %------- Plot the data switch fcn case 'errorbar' lhs = errorbarxy(cax(end), x, y,zeros(size(yl)),yu,zeros(size(yl)),yl); idcs = lhs(1); le = lhs(2); case type idcs = feval(type, cax(end), x, y); le = false; % we have no error plots case 'errorbarxy' lhs = errorbarxy(cax(end), x, y, xu, yu, xl, yl); idcs = lhs(1); le = lhs(2); end %------- Plot the data % idcs = feval(type, cax(end), x, y); % cli = [cli idcs(1:end).']; %------- Axis properties % Set ylabel ylstr = parseOptions(jj, ylabels, find(pl, 'YLabels')); ylstr = prepareAxisLabel(yunits, ymath, ylstr, 'y', UseLatex); if UseLatex ylabel(ylstr, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else ylabel(ylstr); end % Set xlabel xlstr = parseOptions(jj, xlabels, find(pl, 'XLabels')); xlstr = prepareAxisLabel(unit('Index'), xmath, xlstr, 'x', UseLatex); if UseLatex xlabel(xlstr, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else xlabel(xlstr); end % Set Y scale yscale = parseOptions(jj, yscales, 'lin'); set(cax(end), 'YScale', yscale); % Set X scale xscale = parseOptions(jj, xscales, 'lin'); set(cax(end), 'XScale', xscale); % Set Y range yrange = parseOptions(jj, yranges, []); if ~isempty(yrange), set(cax(end), 'YLim', yrange); end % Set X range xrange = parseOptions(jj, xranges, []); if ~isempty(xrange), set(cax(end), 'XLim', xrange); end % Set grid on or off grid(cax(end), 'on'); %------- line properties [col, lstyle, lwidth, mkr] = parseLineProps(jj, aos(jj).plotinfo, ... linecolors, col, ... linestyles, '-', ... linewidths, get(0,'DefaultLineLineWidth'), ... markers, 'None'); % Overide line colors with user defined colors set(idcs, 'Color', col); if ~isempty(le) && ishandle(le), set(le, 'Color', col); end % Set line style set(idcs, 'LineStyle', lstyle); if ishandle(le), set(le, 'LineStyle', lstyle); end % Set Markers if numel(x) == 1 && numel(y) == 1 && strcmp(mkr, 'None') mkr = '.'; end set(idcs, 'Marker', mkr); % Set line widths set(idcs, 'LineWidth', lwidth); if ~isempty(le) && ishandle(le), set(le, 'LineWidth', lwidth); end % Set legend string if legendsOn if ~isempty(aos(jj).plotinfo) && ... aos(jj).plotinfo.isparam('LEGEND_ON') && ... ~aos(jj).plotinfo.find('LEGEND_ON') for kk=1:numel(li) set(get(get(li(kk),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend end else lstr = parseOptions(jj, legends, makeLegendStr(aos(jj))); legendStr = [legendStr cellstr(lstr)]; % Set the legend now if we can if strcmp(arrangement, 'single') || strcmp(arrangement, 'subplots') legend(fixlabel(legendStr{end}), 'Location', legendLoc); end end end end % End AO loop % Process legends for stacked plots if legendsOn if strcmp(arrangement, 'stacked') if ~isempty(legendStr) h = legend(fixlabel(legendStr), 'Location', legendLoc); set(h, 'FontSize', legendsFont); end end end end % Apply plot settings to the figure applyPlotSettings(cax, cli); % Set outputs if nargout > 0 varargout{1} = cfig; end if nargout > 1 varargout{2} = cax; end if nargout == 3 varargout{3} = cli; end if nargout > 3 error('### Too many output arguments'); end end % End y_plot %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Plot xyzdata objects % function varargout = xyz_plot(varargin) aos = varargin{1}; pl = varargin{2}; fig2plot = varargin{3}; UseLatex = find(pl, 'LatexLabels'); if ischar(UseLatex) UseLatex = eval(UseLatex); end % Extract parameters arrangement = find(pl, 'Arrangement'); legends = find(pl, 'Legends'); legendsFont = find(pl, 'LegendFontSize'); zlabels = find(pl, 'ZLabels'); ylabels = find(pl, 'YLabels'); xlabels = find(pl, 'XLabels'); xmaths = find(pl, 'XMaths'); ymaths = find(pl, 'YMaths'); zmaths = find(pl, 'ZMaths'); legendLoc = find(pl, 'LegendLocation'); yranges = find(pl, 'YRanges'); xranges = find(pl, 'XRanges'); zranges = find(pl, 'ZRanges'); zscales = find(pl, 'ZScales'); yscales = find(pl, 'YScales'); xscales = find(pl, 'XScales'); invertY = find(pl, 'InvertY'); % check whether we want legends or not if iscell(legends) legendsOn = 1; else if strcmp(legends, 'off') legendsOn = 0; else legendsOn = 1; legends = []; end end if ~isempty(ymaths) || ~isempty(xmaths) warning('The use of the ''ymaths'' and ''xmaths'' parameters is deprecated. Please perform any calculations before calling iplot.'); end if ~iscell(legends), legends = {legends}; end if ~iscell(ylabels), ylabels = {ylabels}; end if ~iscell(xlabels), xlabels = {xlabels}; end if ~iscell(zlabels), zlabels = {zlabels}; end if ~iscell(xmaths), xmaths = {xmaths}; end if ~iscell(ymaths), ymaths = {ymaths}; end if ~iscell(zmaths), zmaths = {zmaths}; end if ~iscell(xranges), xranges = {xranges}; end if ~iscell(yranges), yranges = {yranges}; end if ~iscell(zranges), zranges = {zranges}; end if ~iscell(xscales), xscales = {xscales}; end if ~iscell(yscales), yscales = {yscales}; end if ~iscell(zscales), zscales = {zscales}; end % collect figure handles tdfig = []; tdax = []; tdli = []; % Legend holder legendStr = []; if ~isempty(aos) % Now loop over AOs Na = length(aos); for jj = 1:Na % what figures do we need? switch arrangement case 'single' tdfig = [tdfig figure]; tdax = subplot(1,1,1); case 'subplots' if ~isempty(fig2plot), tdfig = fig2plot; elseif jj==1, tdfig = figure; end % if jj == 1, tdfig = figure; end tdax = [tdax subplot(Na, 1, jj)]; otherwise warning('!!! Plot arrangement ''%s'' not supported on XYZ plots. Using ''single'' instead.', arrangement); arrangment = 'single'; tdfig = [tdfig figure]; tdax = subplot(1,1,1); end %------- Apply math functions x = aos(jj).data.x; y = aos(jj).data.getY; z = aos(jj).data.z; ymath = parseOptions(jj, ymaths, 'y'); eval(sprintf('y = %s;', ymath)); xmath = parseOptions(jj, xmaths, 'x'); eval(sprintf('x = %s;', xmath)); zmath = parseOptions(jj, zmaths, 'z'); eval(sprintf('z = %s;', zmath)); %------- Plot the data idcs = pcolor(x,y,z); tdli = [tdli idcs(1:end).']; % plot properties set(idcs, 'EdgeColor', 'none'); %------- Axis properties % Reverse y-direction for spectrograms if invertY set(tdax(end), 'YDir', 'reverse'); end % Set ylabel ylstr = parseOptions(jj, ylabels, find(pl, 'YLabels')); ylstr = prepareAxisLabel(aos(jj).data.yunits, ymath, ylstr, 'y', UseLatex); if UseLatex ylabel(ylstr, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else ylabel(ylstr); end % Set xlabel xlstr = parseOptions(jj, xlabels, find(pl, 'XLabels')); xlstr = prepareAxisLabel(aos(jj).data.xunits, xmath, xlstr, 'x', UseLatex); if UseLatex xlabel(xlstr, 'interpreter', 'latex'); else xlabel(xlstr); end % Set grid on or off grid(tdax(end), 'on'); % Set title string if legendsOn if ~isempty(aos(jj).plotinfo) && ... aos(jj).plotinfo.isparam('LEGEND_ON') && ... ~aos(jj).plotinfo.find('LEGEND_ON') for kk=1:numel(li) set(get(get(li(kk),'Annotation'),'LegendInformation'),'IconDisplayStyle','off'); % Exclude line from legend end else lstr = parseOptions(jj, legends, makeLegendStr(aos(jj))); legendStr = [legendStr cellstr(lstr)]; % Set the legend now if we can title(legendStr{end}); end end % Set colorbars hc = colorbar('peer', tdax(end)); zlstr = parseOptions(jj, zlabels, find(pl, 'Zlabels')); zlstr = prepareAxisLabel(aos(jj).data.zunits, zmath, zlstr, 'z', UseLatex); ylh = get(hc, 'YLabel'); set(ylh, 'String', zlstr); set(ylh, 'Fontsize', get(tdax(end), 'Fontsize')) set(ylh, 'FontName', get(tdax(end), 'FontName')) set(ylh, 'FontAngle', get(tdax(end), 'FontAngle')) set(ylh, 'FontWeight', get(tdax(end), 'FontWeight')) % Set Y scale yscale = parseOptions(jj, yscales, 'lin'); set(tdax(end), 'YScale', yscale); % Set X scale xscale = parseOptions(jj, xscales, 'lin'); set(tdax(end), 'XScale', xscale); % Set Z scale zscale = parseOptions(jj, zscales, 'lin'); set(tdax(end), 'ZScale', zscale); % Set Y range yrange = parseOptions(jj, yranges, []); if ~isempty(yrange), set(tdax(end), 'YLim', yrange); end % Set X range xrange = parseOptions(jj, xranges, []); if ~isempty(xrange), set(tdax(end), 'XLim', xrange); end % Set Z range zrange = parseOptions(jj, zranges, []); if ~isempty(zrange), set(tdax(end), 'CLim', zrange); end end end % Apply plot settings to the figure applyPlotSettings(tdax, tdli); % Set outputs if nargout > 0 varargout{1} = tdfig; end if nargout > 1 varargout{2} = tdax; end if nargout == 3 varargout{3} = tdli; end if nargout > 3 error('### Too many output arguments'); end end % end xyz_plot %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Get Info Object %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ii = getInfo(varargin) if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None') sets = {}; pl = []; elseif nargin == 1&& ~isempty(varargin{1}) && ischar(varargin{1}) sets{1} = varargin{1}; pl = getDefaultPlist(sets{1}); else sets = {'Time-series Plot', 'Frequency-series Plot', 'Y Data Plot', 'X-Y Data Plot', '3D Plot'}; % get plists pl(size(sets)) = plist; for k = 1:numel(sets) pl(k) = getDefaultPlist(sets{k}); end end % Build info object ii = minfo(mfilename, 'ao', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.output, '$Id: iplot.m,v 1.137 2011/04/10 06:45:01 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl); ii.setModifier(false); ii.setOutmin(0); end % Parse line properties from plist, or defaults function [col, lstyle, lwidth, mkr] = parseLineProps(jj, pli, ... linecolors, dcol, ... linestyles, dlstyle, ... linewidths, dlwidth, ... markers, dmkr) if isempty(pli) pli = plist; end % Set line color but overide with user colors col = pli.find('color'); if isempty(col) col = parseOptions(jj, linecolors, dcol); end % Set line style lstyle = pli.find('linestyle'); if isempty(lstyle) lstyle = parseOptions(jj, linestyles, dlstyle); end % Set line widths lwidth = pli.find('linewidth'); if isempty(lwidth) lwidth = parseOptions(jj, linewidths, dlwidth); end % Set markers mkr = pli.find('marker'); if isempty(mkr) mkr = parseOptions(jj, markers, dmkr); end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Get Default Plist %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function plout = getDefaultPlist(set) persistent pl; persistent lastset; if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl) || ~strcmp(lastset, set) pl = buildplist(set); lastset = set; end plout = pl; end function out = buildplist(set) % Get the LTPDA color set for lines colors = getappdata(0,'ltpda_default_plot_colors'); out = plist(); % Figure p = param({'Figure',['The handle of the figure to plot in to. This will be ignored if the AOs to plot are inconsistent,<br>'... 'containing different class of data (such as tsdata and fsdata), or if the ''arrangement''<br>',... 'parameter is passed as ''single''.']}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE); out.append(p); % Colors p = param({'Colors', 'A list of colors which will be cycled through for each line in a plot.'}, colors); out.append(p); % Arrangement p = param({'Arrangement',['Select the plot layout:<ul>',... '<li>''single'' - plot all AOs on individual figures</li>',... '<li>''stacked'' - plot all AOs on the same axes</li>',... '<li>''subplots'' - plot all AOs on subplots</li>'... '</ul>']}, {1, {'stacked', 'single', 'subplots'}, paramValue.SINGLE}); out.append(p); % Function p = param({'Function',['Specify the plot function:<ul>',... '<li>''plot''</li>', ... '<li>''stairs''</li>',... '<li>''stem''</li>',... '</ul>'... '[*** doesn''t work for xyzdata AOs]']}, {1, {'plot', 'stairs', 'stem'}, paramValue.SINGLE}); out.append(p); % LineColors p = param({'LineColors', ['A cell-array of color definitions, one for each trace.<br>'... 'Give an empty string to use the default color.']}, ... {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % LineColors p = param({'LineStyles', ['A cell-array of line styles, one for each trace.<br>'... 'Give an empty string to use the default style.']}, ... {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % Markers p = param({'Markers', ['A cell-array of markers, one for each trace.']}, ... {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % LineWidths p = param({'LineWidths', ['A cell-array of line widths, one for each trace.<br>'... 'Give an empty string to use the default line width.']}, ... {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % Legends p = param({'Legends', ['Give a cell-array of strings to be used for<br>'... 'the plot legends. If a cell contains an empty<br>'... 'string, the default legend string is built.<br>'... 'If a single string ''off'' is given instead of a<br>'... 'cell-array, then the legends are all switched off.']}, ... {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % LegendLocation p = param({'LegendLocation','Choose the legend location.'}, ... {5, {'North', 'South', 'East', 'West', ... 'NorthEast', 'NorthWest', 'SouthEast', 'SouthWest', ... 'NorthOutside', 'SouthOutside', 'EastOutside', 'WestOutside', ... 'NorthEastOutside', 'NorthWestOutside', 'SouthEastOutside', ... 'SouthWestOutside', 'Best', 'BestOutside'}, paramValue.SINGLE}); out.append(p); % LegendFontSize p = param({'LegendFontSize','Choose the legend font size.'}, ... {1, {LTPDAprefs.legendFontSize}, paramValue.SINGLE}); out.append(p); % XerrL p = param({'XerrL','Lower bound error values for the X data points.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE); out.append(p); % XerrU p = param({'XerrU','Upper bound error values for the X data points.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE); out.append(p); % YerrL p = param({'YerrL','Lower bound error values for the Y data points.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE); out.append(p); % YerrU p = param({'YerrU','Upper bound error values for the Y data points.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE); out.append(p); % XScales p = param({'XScales', ['A cell-array specifying the scale to be used on each x-axis.<br>'... 'For example, {''lin'', ''log''}']}, {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % YScales p = param({'YScales', ['A cell-array specifying the scale to be used on each y-axis.<br>'... 'For example, {''lin'', ''log''}']}, {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % XRanges p = param({'XRanges', ['A cell-array specifying the ranges to be displayed on each x-axis.<br>'... 'For example, {[0 1], [-4 4]}.']}, {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % YRanges p = param({'YRanges', ['A cell-array specifying the ranges to be displayed on each y-axis.<br>'... 'For example, {[0 1], [-4 4]}.']}, {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % LatexLabels p = param({'LatexLabels','Use latex interpreter for axis labels.'}, paramValue.TRUE_FALSE); p.val.setValIndex(2); out.append(p); % YMaths p = param({'YMaths',['Specify math operations to perform on the data vector ''y''. [DEPRECATED]<br>',... 'For example, <tt>plist(''Ymaths'', ''sqrt(y)'')</tt>.']}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); out.append(p); % No auto-errors p = param({'AUTOERRORS',['If the AO contains errors, they will be plotted. You can avoid plotting the <br>',... 'errors by setting this to false.']}, paramValue.FALSE_TRUE); out.append(p); switch lower(set) case 'frequency-series plot' % ComplexPlotType p = param({'complexPlotType',['Specify how to plot complex data. Choose from:<ul>',... '<li>''realimag''</li>',... '<li>''absdeg''</li>',... '<li>''absrad''</li>'... '</ul>']}, {1, {'absdeg', 'realimag', 'absrad'}, paramValue.SINGLE}); out.append(p); % Xlabel p = param({'XLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the x-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''xunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Frequency')); out.append(p); % ylabels p = param({'YLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the y-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''yunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('')); out.append(p); % XMaths p = param({'XMaths',['Specify math operations to perform on the data vector ''x''. [DEPRECATED]<br>',... 'For example, <tt>plist(''Xmaths'', ''abs(x)'')</tt>.']}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); out.append(p); case 'time-series plot' % Xlabel p = param({'XLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the x-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''xunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Time')); out.append(p); % Ylabels p = param({'YLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the y-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''yunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Amplitude')); out.append(p); % Xunits p = param({'Xunits', ['Specify the units of time on the x-axis as<ul>'... '<li>''us'' - microseconds<li>' ... '<li>''ms'' - milliseconds<li>' ... '<li>''s'' - seconds<li>' ... '<li>''m'' - minutes<li>' ... '<li>''h'' - hours<li>' ... '<li>''D'' - days<li>' ... '<li>''M'' - months<li>' ... '<li>''HH:MM:SS'' - using a date/time format</li>' ... '</ul>']}, {3, {'us', 'ms', 's', 'm', 'h', 'D', 'M', 'HH:MM:SS', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS'}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); case 'x-y data plot' % Xlabel p = param({'XLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the x-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''xunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('X-data')); out.append(p); % Ylabels p = param({'YLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the y-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''yunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Y-data')); out.append(p); % XMaths p = param({'XMaths',['Specify math operations to perform on the data vector ''x''. [DEPRECATED]<br>',... 'For example, <tt>plist(''Xmaths'', ''abs(x)'')</tt>.']}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); out.append(p); case '3d plot' out.pset('arrangement', 'single'); % Xlabel p = param({'XLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the x-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''xunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Time')); out.append(p); % Ylabels p = param({'YLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the y-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''yunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Frequency')); out.append(p); % Zlabels p = param({'ZLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the z-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''zunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Amplitude')); out.append(p); % XMaths p = param({'XMaths',['Specify math operations to perform on the data vector ''x''. [DEPRECATED]<br>',... 'For example, <tt>plist(''Xmaths'', ''abs(x)'')</tt>.']}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); out.append(p); % ZMaths p = param({'ZMaths',['Specify math operations to perform on the data vector ''z''. [DEPRECATED]<br>',... 'For example, <tt>plist(''Zmaths'', ''abs(z)'')</tt>.']}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); out.append(p); % ZScales p = param({'ZScales', ['A cell-array specifying the scale to be used on each z-axis.<br>'... 'For example, {''lin'', ''log''}']}, {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % ZRanges p = param({'ZRanges', ['A cell-array specifying the ranges to be displayed on each z-axis.<br>'... 'For example, {[0 1], [-4 4]}.']}, {1, {''}, paramValue.OPTIONAL}); out.append(p); % Invert y-axis p = param({'InvertY', ['Invert the y-axis or not.']}, paramValue.TRUE_FALSE); out.append(p); out.remove('linestyles'); out.remove('linewidths'); out.remove('linecolors'); out.remove('markers'); case 'y data plot' % Xlabel p = param({'XLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the x-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''xunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Sample')); out.append(p); % Ylabels p = param({'YLabels',['Specify the labels to be used on the y-axes. The units are added from<br>',... 'the data object ''yunits'' property.']}, paramValue.STRING_VALUE('Value')); out.append(p); otherwise error('### Unknown set [%s]', set); end end function name = makeLegendStr(a) name = utils.plottools.label(; desc = utils.plottools.label(a.description); if isempty(name) name = '?'; end if ~isempty(desc) && LTPDAprefs.includeDescription name = [name ': ' desc]; end end % Perform some substitutions on the labels function ss = fixlabel(ss) MAX_LENGTH = 50; wasCell = true; if ~iscell(ss) ss = {ss}; wasCell = false; end for kk = 1:numel(ss) s = ss{kk}; if ~isempty(s) % Replace all ^(...) with ^{...} jj = 1; while jj < numel(s) if strcmp(s(jj:jj+1), '^(') % find next ) for k = 1:numel(s)-jj+1 if s(jj+k) == ')' s(jj+1) = '{'; s(jj+k) = '}'; break; end end end jj = jj + 1; end % Replace all .^ with ^ s = strrep(s, '.^', '^'); % reduce size if length(s) > MAX_LENGTH s = s(1:MAX_LENGTH-3); if s(end) == '\' s = s(1:end-1) end s = [ s '...' ]; end end ss(kk) = {s}; end if ~wasCell ss = ss{1}; end end %----------------------------------------------- % Change X data for time-series according to the specified xunits function [x, xunit, dateTicSpec] = convertXunits(x, t0, xunit, xunitIn) dateTicSpec = false; xunit = strtrim(xunit); xunitIn = strtrim(xunitIn); if ~strcmpi(strtrim(xunitIn), '[s]') warning('### I can only convert from [s] to %s - ignoring requested Xunit', xunit); xunit = xunitIn; else switch strtrim(xunit) case {'[us]', 'us'} x = x .* 1e6; case {'[ms]', 'ms'} x = x .* 1e3; case {'[s]', 's'} case {'[m]', 'm'} x = x ./ 60; case {'[h]', 'h'} x = x ./ 3600; case {'[D]', 'D'} x = x ./ 86400; otherwise % then we have a datetic spec dateTicSpec = true; % first convert x data to serial date st = format(t0, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'); st = regexp(st, ' ', 'split'); st = [st{1} ' ' st{2}]; t0 = datenum(st); % get t0 as a serial date x = t0 + x./86400; % convert x to days end end if xunit(1) ~= '[' xunit = ['[' xunit]; end if xunit(end) ~= ']' xunit = [xunit ']']; end % 'us' - microseconds % 'ms' - milliseconds % 's' - seconds [default] % 'm' - minutes % 'h' - hours % 'D' - days % 'M' - months % 'HH:MM:SS' - using a date/time format end %---------------------------------------- % Prepare an axis label function lstr = prepareAxisLabel(units, math, lstr, axis, UseLatex) if isa(units, 'unit') if ismac && UseLatex units = units.tolabel; else units = {fixlabel(char(units))}; end else units = {units}; end if ~isempty(math) if ~isempty(lstr) lstr = strrep(math, axis, lstr); end lstr = [fixlabel(lstr) ' ' units{1} ]; else lstr = [fixlabel(lstr) ' ' units{1}]; end end % Parse cell-array of options function opt = parseOptions(varargin) %jj, opts, dopt jj = varargin{1}; opts = varargin{2}; dopt = varargin{3}; opt = dopt; if ~iscell(opts) opts = {opts}; end Nopts = numel(opts); % First look for the 'all' keyword if Nopts == 2 && strcmpi(opts{1}, 'all') opt = opts{2}; else if jj <= Nopts && ~isempty(opts{jj}) opt = opts{jj}; end end end % ERRORBARXY Customizable error bar plot in X and Y direction % % This function allows the user to plot the graph of x against y, along with % both x and y errorbars. % % With 4 numeric arguments (x,y,dx,dy), error bar are assumed to be of % same magnitude in both direction. % % One can specify lower and upper error bar with 6 numeric arguments % (x,y,dx_high,dy_high,dx_low,dy_low). % % x,y,dx,dy,... must be vectors of the same length % % [hp he] = errorbarxy(...) returns respectively the handle for the line % plot object and the line error bar object. % % It is pos1sible to customize the line properties of the error bars by % adding pair of 'field/value' fields (such as 'LineWidth',2) that can be % understood by line. See LineProperties for more information. % % -------- % EXAMPLES % -------- % X = 10 * rand(7,1); % Y = 10 * rand(7,1); % dx = rand(7,1); % dy = rand(7,1); % errorbarxy(X,Y,dx,dy,'Color','k','LineStyle','none','Marker','o',... % 'MarkerFaceColor','w','LineWidth',1,'MarkerSize',11); % % X = 10 * rand(7,1); % Y = 10 * rand(7,1); % dx = rand(7,1); % dy = rand(7,1); % dx2 = rand(7,1); % dy2 = rand(7,1); % errorbarxy(X,Y,dx,dy,dx2,dy2,'Color','B','LineStyle','--','Marker','s',... % 'MarkerFaceColor','w','LineWidth',2,'MarkerSize',11); % % This is a rewrite of the m-file errorbarxy of James Rooney, to add % customizable line properties. % ------------------ INFO ------------------ % Authors: Jean-Yves Tinevez % Work address: Max-Plank Insitute for Cell Biology and Genetics, % Dresden, Germany. % Email: tinevez AT mpi-cbg DOT de % November 2007 - June 2008; % Permission is given to distribute and modify this file as long as this % notice remains in it. Permission is also given to write to the author % for any suggestion, comment, modification or usage. % ------------------ BEGIN CODE ------------------ function out = errorbarxy(ax, x,y,varargin) nargs = length(varargin); for i = 1 : nargs if ~( isnumeric(varargin{i}) ) break end errbaropt{i} = varargin{i}; end if i+3 < nargin displayopt = varargin(i:end); if isstruct(displayopt{1}) options = displayopt{1}; else options = varargin2struct(displayopt); end erroroptions = options; else displayopt = []; end options.Color = 'k'; erroroptions.LineStyle = '-'; erroroptions.Marker = 'none'; xw = (max(x)-min(x))/100; yw = (max(y)-min(y))/100; n = length(varargin) - length(displayopt); if n == 2 % only 2 cells, so this is the same for lower and upper bar ux = errbaropt{1}; lx = ux; uy = errbaropt{2}; ly = uy; elseif n == 4 % 4 cells, the user specified both upper and lower limit ux = errbaropt{1}; lx = errbaropt{3}; uy = errbaropt{2}; ly = errbaropt{4}; else errid = 'MATLAB:errorbarxy:BadArgumentNumber'; errmsg = ['Must have 4 or 6 numeric arguments, got ' ,num2str(n+2),'.']; error(errid,errmsg); end %% holdstate = ishold(gca); X = []; Y = []; for t = 1:length(x) % x errorbars X = [ X nan x(t)-lx(t) x(t)+ux(t) nan x(t)-lx(t) x(t)-lx(t) nan x(t)+ux(t) x(t)+ux(t) ]; Y = [ Y nan y(t) y(t) nan y(t)-yw y(t)+yw nan y(t)-yw y(t)+yw ]; % y errorbars X = [ X nan x(t) x(t) nan x(t)-xw x(t)+xw nan x(t)-xw x(t)+xw ]; Y = [ Y nan y(t)-ly(t) y(t)+uy(t) nan y(t)-ly(t) y(t)-ly(t) nan y(t)+uy(t) y(t)+uy(t) ]; end hold on axes(ax); he = line(X,Y,erroroptions); hp = plot(ax, x,y,options); out = [hp he]; % Return to initial hold state if needed if ~holdstate hold off end function out = varargin2struct(in) % I hould write help if ~iscell(in) errid = 'MATLAB:struct2varargin:BadInputType'; errmsg = ['Input argument must be a cell, got a ' ,class(in),'.']; error(errid,errmsg); end n = length(in); if mod(n,2) ~= 0 errid = 'MATLAB:struct2varargin:BadInputType'; errmsg = ['Input argument must have an even number of elements, got ' ,num2str(n),'.']; error(errid,errmsg); end out = struct; for jj = 1 : n/2 name = in{2*jj-1}; value = in{2*jj}; out.(name) = value; end end end % Get a suitable ymin and ymax (in logscale) for the given % data. function [ticks,ymin,ymax] = getRealYDataTicks(y, ymin, ymax, complexPlotType, scale) ticks = []; switch complexPlotType case 'realimag' if strcmpi(scale', 'log') % do nothing because it doesn't make sense since we will have % negative values on a log scale end case {'absdeg', 'absrad'} if strcmpi(scale, 'log') % This is the main case we want to cover. ay = abs(y); newymin = min(ymin, floor(log10(min(ay(ay>0))))); newymax = max(ymax, ceil(log10(max(ay(ay>0))))); if ~isempty(newymin) && ~isempty(newymax) ymin = newymin; ymax = newymax; if ymin == ymax ymin = floor(log10(min(ay)/10)); ymax = ceil(log10(max(ay)*10)); end else if ymin == inf ymin = -1; end if ymax == -inf ymax = 1; end end nticks = ymax - ymin +1; % can we reduce this if they don't all fit? ticks = logspace(ymin, ymax, nticks); end otherwise error('### Unknown plot type for complex data'); end end % Get a suitable ymin and ymax (in linscale) for the given % data. function ticks = getImagYDataTicks(y, ymin, ymax, complexPlotType, scale) ticks = []; switch complexPlotType case 'realimag' if strcmpi(scale', 'log') % do nothing because it doesn't make sense since we will have % negative values on a log scale end case 'absdeg' if strcmpi(scale', 'log') % do nothing because it doesn't make sense since we will have % negative values on a log scale end case 'absrad' otherwise error('### Unknown plot type for complex data'); end end %------------------- % Process errorbars function [fcn, xu, xl, yu, yl] = process_errors(jj, dsize, ptype, XerrU, XerrL, YerrU, YerrL, a, auto) if numel(XerrL) == 1 xl = XerrL{1}; else xl = XerrL{jj}; end if numel(XerrU) == 1 xu = XerrU{1}; else xu = XerrU{jj}; end if numel(YerrL) == 1 yl = YerrL{1}; else yl = YerrL{jj}; end if numel(YerrU) == 1 yu = YerrU{1}; else yu = YerrU{jj}; end % Check if we have AOs if isa(xl, 'ao'), xl =; end if isa(xu, 'ao'), xu =; end if isa(yl, 'ao'), yl =; end if isa(yu, 'ao'), yu =; end if isempty(xl) && ~isempty(xu) xl = xu; end if isempty(xu) && ~isempty(xl) xu = xl; end if isempty(yl) && ~isempty(yu) yl = yu; end if isempty(yu) && ~isempty(yl) yu = yl; end % If the AO has errors, we use them if ~isempty(a.dy) && auto yl = a.dy; yu = a.dy; yu(yu==inf) = 0; yl(yl==inf) = 0; end if isempty(xl) && isempty(xu) && isempty(yu) && isempty(yl) fcn = ptype; elseif isempty(xl) && isempty(xu) fcn = 'errorbar'; else fcn = 'errorbarxy'; end if isempty(xl), xl = zeros(dsize); end if isempty(yl), yl = zeros(dsize); end if isempty(xu), xu = zeros(dsize); end if isempty(yu), yu = zeros(dsize); end if numel(xl) == 1, xl = xl.*ones(dsize); end if numel(xu) == 1, xu = xu.*ones(dsize); end if numel(yu) == 1, yu = yu.*ones(dsize); end if numel(yl) == 1, yl = yl.*ones(dsize); end end function applyPlotSettings(axesH, lineH) prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences'); jPlotPrefs = prefs.getPlotPrefs(); if jPlotPrefs.getPlotApplyPlotSettings.equals(mpipeline.ltpdapreferences.EnumPlotSetting.IPLOT_ONLY) % Set all axes properteis for ii =1:numel(axesH) set(axesH(ii), 'FontSize', double(jPlotPrefs.getPlotDefaultAxesFontSize)); set(axesH(ii), 'LineWidth', double(jPlotPrefs.getPlotDefaultAxesLineWidth)); set(axesH(ii), 'GridLineStyle', char(jPlotPrefs.getPlotDefaultAxesGridLineStyle)); set(axesH(ii), 'MinorGridLineStyle', char(jPlotPrefs.getPlotDefaultAxesMinorGridLineStyle)); switch char(jPlotPrefs.getPlotDefaultAxesFontWeight) case 'Plain' set(axesH(ii), 'FontWeight', 'normal'); case 'Bold' set(axesH(ii), 'FontWeight', 'bold'); case 'Italic' set(axesH(ii), 'FontWeight', 'light'); case 'Bold Italic' set(axesH(ii), 'FontWeight', 'demi'); otherwise error('### Unknown value (%s) for the default axes property ''FontWeight''', char(jPlotPrefs.getPlotDefaultAxesFontWeight)); end end % Set all line properties for ii = 1:numel(lineH) set(lineH(ii), 'LineWidth', double(jPlotPrefs.getPlotDefaultLineLineWidth)); set(lineH(ii), 'MarkerSize', double(jPlotPrefs.getPlotDefaultLineMarkerSize)); end end end