Fix. Default password should be [] not an empty string
line source
% RESHUFFLE rearragnes a ssm object using the given inputs and outputs.
% DESCRIPTION: rearragnes a ssm object using the given inputs and outputs.
% CALL: sys = reshuffle(sys, inputs1, inputs2, inputs3, states,
% outputs, outputStates)
% 'sys' - ssm object
% 'inputs1' - these will constitute the input block 1 of the output
% ssm (order is user defined)
% 'inputs2' - these will constitute the input block 1 of the output
% ssm (order is user defined)
% 'inputs3' - these will constitute the input block 1 of the output
% ssm (order is user defined)
% 'states' - states to keep (order is user defined)
% 'outputs' - outputs to keep, first output block (order is user
% defined)
% 'outputStates' - states to return as an output, second output block
% (order is user defined)
% The inputs/states/outputs can only be indexed using a cellstr containing
% block names or port names.
% 'sys' - a ssm object.
% $Id: reshuffleSym.m,v 1.3 2011/04/08 08:56:22 hewitson Exp $
function sys = reshuffleSym(sys, inputs1, inputs2, inputs3, states, outputs, outputStates)
error('Function reshuffle sym')
sys = copy(sys,true);
[iBlockInputs1 iPortInputs1] = findPortWithMixedNames( sys.inputs, inputs1 );
[iBlockInputs2 iPortInputs2] = findPortWithMixedNames( sys.inputs, inputs2 );
[iBlockInputs3 iPortInputs3] = findPortWithMixedNames( sys.inputs, inputs3 );
[iBlockStatesOut iPortStatesOut] = findPortWithMixedNames( sys.states, outputStates );
[iBlockStates iPortStates] = findPortWithMixedNames( sys.states, states );
[iBlockOutputsOut iPortOutputsOut] = findPortWithMixedNames( sys.outputs, outputs );
inputs1 = mergeBlocksWithPositionIndex(sys.inputs, iBlockInputs1, iPortInputs1, 'inputs1');
inputs2 = mergeBlocksWithPositionIndex(sys.inputs, iBlockInputs2, iPortInputs2, 'inputs2');
inputs3 = mergeBlocksWithPositionIndex(sys.inputs, iBlockInputs3, iPortInputs3, 'inputs3');
States = mergeBlocksWithPositionIndex(sys.states, iBlockStates, iPortStates, 'states');
StatesOut = mergeBlocksWithPositionIndex(sys.states, iBlockStatesOut, iPortStatesOut, 'statesOut');
OutputsOut = mergeBlocksWithPositionIndex(sys.outputs, iBlockOutputsOut, iPortOutputsOut, 'outputsOut');
% cell_mat lines wanted cols wanted
A = ssm.blockMatIndexSym(sys.amats, iBlockStates , iPortStates , iBlockStates , iPortStates );
C = ssm.blockMatIndexSym(sys.cmats, iBlockOutputsOut, iPortOutputsOut, iBlockStates , iPortStates );
B = ssm.blockMatIndexSym(sys.bmats, iBlockStates , iPortStates , iBlockInputs1, iPortInputs1);
D = ssm.blockMatIndexSym(sys.dmats, iBlockOutputsOut, iPortOutputsOut, iBlockInputs1, iPortInputs1);
E = ssm.blockMatIndexSym(sys.bmats, iBlockStates , iPortStates , iBlockInputs2, iPortInputs2);
F = ssm.blockMatIndexSym(sys.dmats, iBlockOutputsOut, iPortOutputsOut, iBlockInputs2, iPortInputs2);
G = ssm.blockMatIndexSym(sys.bmats, iBlockStates , iPortStates , iBlockInputs3, iPortInputs3);
H = ssm.blockMatIndexSym(sys.dmats, iBlockOutputsOut, iPortOutputsOut, iBlockInputs3, iPortInputs3);
Y = eye(sum(sys.statesizes));
Y = ssm.blockMatRecut(Y, sys.statesizes, sys.statesizes);
Cstates = ssm.blockMatIndex( Y, iBlockStatesOut, iPortStatesOut, iBlockStates , iPortStates );
sys.amats = {A};
sys.bmats = {B E G };
sys.cmats = {Cstates; C};
sys.dmats = {[] zeros(size(Cstates,1),size(F,2)) zeros(size(Cstates,1), size(H,2)) ;...
D F H };
sys.inputs = [inputs1 inputs2 inputs3];
sys.states = States ;
sys.outputs = [StatesOut OutputsOut];