view m-toolbox/html_help/help/ug/ltpda_training_intro_content.html @ 52:daf4eab1a51e
database-connection-manager tip
Fix. Default password should be [] not an empty string
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:29:47 +0100 (2011-12-07)
line source
+ − <p>
+ − This series of help pages consitute the first training session of LTPDA. The various data-packs used throughout
+ − the tutorials are available for download on the <a href="">LTPDA web-site</a>.
+ − </p>
+ − <ol>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_1.html">Topic 1 - The basics of LTPDA</a></li>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_2.html">Topic 2 - Pre-processing of data</a></li>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_3.html">Topic 3 - Spectral Analysis</a></li>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_4.html">Topic 4 - Transfer function models and digital filtering</a></li>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_5.html">Topic 5 - Model fitting</a></li>
+ − </ol>
+ − <p>
+ − In addition, throughout the course of this training session, we will perform a full analysis
+ − of some lab data. The inputs to the analysis are two time-series data streams,
+ − the first is the recorded output of an interferometer, the second is a recording
+ − of the room temperature in the vicinity of the interferometer. Both are recorded with
+ − different sample rates and on different sampling grids. The temperature data is unevenly
+ − sampled, and may evem have missing samples.
+ − </p>
+ − <p>
+ − During each topic of the training session, the data will be manipulated using
+ − the tools introduced in that topic (and previous topics). The aim of the data
+ − analysis is to determine the influence of temperature on the interferometer
+ − output. In particular the steps will be:
+ − </p>
+ − <ol>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_1.html">Topic 1</a>
+ − Loading and calibrating the raw data.
+ − <ol>
+ − <li>Read in the raw data files and convert them to AOs</li>
+ − <li>Plot the two data streams</li>
+ − <li>Calibrate the interferometer output to meters (from radians)</li>
+ − <li>Calibrate the temperature data to degrees Kelvin from degrees Celcius</li>
+ − <li>Save the calibrated data series to XML files, ready for the input to the next topic</li>
+ − </ol>
+ − </li>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_2.html">Topic 2</a>
+ − Pre-processing and data conditioning.
+ − <ol>
+ − <li>Read in the calibrated AOs from XML files</li>
+ − <li>Trim the data streams to the same time segments</li>
+ − <li>Resample the temperature on to an even sampling grid with no missing samples</li>
+ − <li>Resample to the two data streams to a common 1Hz sample rate</li>
+ − <li>Interpolate the two data streams on to the same time grid</li>
+ − <li>Save the cleaned data to AO XML files</li>
+ − </ol>
+ − </li>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_3.html">Topic 3</a>
+ − Spectral analysis.
+ − <ol>
+ − <li>Load the time-series data from Topics 1 and 2</li>
+ − <li>Compare PSDs of the time-series data before and after pre-processing</li>
+ − <li>Check the coherence of temperature and IFO output before and after pre-processing</li>
+ − <li>Measure the transfer function from temperature to IFO output</li>
+ − <li>Save the measured transfer function to disk as an AO XML file</li>
+ − </ol>
+ − </li>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_4.html">Topic 4</a>
+ − Simulation of the system under investigation.
+ − <ol>
+ − <li>Make approximate noise-shape models for the temperature and IFO displacement input spectra</li>
+ − <li>Make digital IIR filters matching these noise-shape models</li>
+ − <li>Filter white-noise data streams to produce simulated versions of the temperature and IFO inputs</li>
+ − <li>Make a model of the temperature to IFO coupling</li>
+ − <li>Construct a filter representing this coupling</li>
+ − <li>Filter the simulated temperature data and add it to the simulated IFO input data</li>
+ − <li>Save the simulated temperature and the simulated IFO output data to disk</li>
+ − <li>Repeat the steps from Topic 3, this time using the simulated data</li>
+ − </ol>
+ − </li>
+ − <li><a href="ltpda_training_topic_5.html">Topic 5</a>
+ − Model fitting and system identification.
+ − <ol>
+ − <li>Load the measured transfer function from the end of Topic 3</li>
+ − <li>Fit a model transfer function to this measurement</li>
+ − <li>Make a digital filter representation of the fitted model</li>
+ − <li>Filter the temperature data with this filter</li>
+ − <li>Compare the PSD of the filtered temperature data and the IFO output</li>
+ − <li>Subtract the filtered temperature data from the IFO output</li>
+ − <li>Compare the IFO data with the temperature influence subtracted to the original IFO output</li>
+ − <li>(Time permitting) Repeat the exercise for the simulated from Topic 4</li>
+ − <li>(Still need something to do?) Repeat the steps of Topic 4 but this time fit a model to the measured
+ − temperature data and use a noise generator to make a simulated temperature data stream</li>
+ − </ol>
+ − </li>
+ − </ol>