Fix. Default password should be [] not an empty string
line source
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MaskDescription "A model for the response of the drag-free loop dynamics."
MaskHelp "A model for the response of the drag-free loop dynamics.\n\nThis just computes (s^2 - w_1^2).\n\nInput a vector of frequencies and outputs an AO."
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MaskDescription "A model for the response of the suspension loop dynamics."
MaskHelp "A model for the response of the suspension loop dynamics.\n\nThis just computes (s^2 - w_3^2).\n\nInput a vector of frequencies and outputs an AO."
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MaskDescription "A constant AO that has the value of omega_3 for MDC1."
MaskHelp "A constant AO that has the value of omega_3 for MDC1.\n\nNote: this is not omega_3^2\n\nThis is equivalent to the variable omega_2 in Stefano's technical note."
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