% newpath = remove_svn_from_matlabpath(oldpath)%% An utility function to remove .svn folders from the given path% If no output is provided, it will use and set the current Matlab path% % D Nicolodi 25/03/2011%% VERSION: $Id: remove_svn_from_matlabpath.m,v 1.2 2011/03/25 15:11:40 mauro Exp $%function newpath = remove_svn_from_matlabpath(oldpath) % if no path given load current matlab path if nargin < 1 oldpath = matlabpath(); end newpath = ''; while true % split path definition into components [p, oldpath] = strtok(oldpath,pathsep); if isempty(p) break; end % remove components if it contais .svn if isempty(findstr(p,'.svn')) newpath = [newpath,pathsep,p]; end end % remove initial pathsep newpath = newpath(2:end); % if no path given set the new path as the current one if nargin < 1 path(newpath); endend