% DISPLAYMODELOVERVIEW diesplays the model overview in the MATLAB browser.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: DISPLAYMODELOVERVIEW diesplays the model overview in the% MATLAB browser.%% CALL: displayModelOverview(modelName)%% INPUTS: modelName: String with the model name%% VERSION: $Id: displayModelOverview.m,v 1.2 2010/10/29 16:11:13 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = displayModelOverview(varargin) % Check the inputs if nargin ~= 1 error('### Unknown number of inputs'); elseif ~ischar(varargin{1}) error('### The input must be a model name (String)'); end modelName = varargin{1}; txt = modelOverview(feval(modelName, 'info')); % Workaround for the broken anchor tags in the HTML page. % It is necessary to write the HTML page to disk. dynamicHelpPath = fullfile(prefdir(), 'dynamicHelp', 'models'); if ~exist(dynamicHelpPath, 'dir') mkdir(dynamicHelpPath); end filename = sprintf('%s.html', modelName); file = fullfile(dynamicHelpPath, filename); fid = fopen(file, 'w'); fwrite(fid, txt, 'char'); fclose(fid); web(file, '-new', '-noaddressbox');end