view m-toolbox/classes/@ltpda_uoh/fromFile.m @ 52:daf4eab1a51e
database-connection-manager tip
Fix. Default password should be [] not an empty string
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:29:47 +0100 (2011-12-07)
line source
+ − % Construct a ltpda_ob from a file
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: fromFile
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: Construct a ltpda_ob from a file
+ − %
+ − % CALL: obj = obj.fromFile(filename)
+ − % obj = obj.fromFile(pl)
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: $Id: fromFile.m,v 1.25 2011/10/05 09:50:55 ingo Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − function objs = fromFile(obj, pli)
+ −
+ − VERSION = '$Id: fromFile.m,v 1.25 2011/10/05 09:50:55 ingo Exp $';
+ −
+ − % Which file type are we dealing with?
+ − if ischar(pli)
+ − pli = plist('filename', pli);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % get filename
+ − filename = find(pli, 'filename');
+ −
+ − % Get the correct parameter set
+ − [path, name, ext] = fileparts(filename);
+ −
+ − % Load a MAT file if the file extension doesn't exist
+ − if isempty(ext)
+ − ext = '.mat';
+ − filename = strcat(filename, ext);
+ − pli.pset('filename', filename);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Some display information
+ − import utils.const.*
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'load file: %s%s', name, ext);
+ −
+ − switch ext
+ −
+ − case '.fil'
+ − objs = obj.fromLISO(pli);
+ −
+ − case '.mat'
+ − ii = obj.getInfo(class(obj), 'From MAT File');
+ − ii.setMversion([VERSION '-->' ii.mversion]);
+ −
+ − % Combine input and default plist
+ − pl = combine(pli, ii.plists);
+ −
+ − % Load MAT-File
+ − objs = load(filename);
+ −
+ − fn = fieldnames(objs);
+ −
+ − if (numel(fn) == 1) && (isstruct(objs.(fn{1})))
+ − % If the read object have only one entry and the this entry is a
+ − % struct then we assume that the struct is a LTPDA object.
+ −
+ − objs = objs.(fn{1});
+ −
+ − scl = utils.helper.classFromStruct(objs);
+ − if isempty(scl)
+ − if isfield(objs, 'class')
+ − scl = objs.class;
+ − else
+ − error('### The structure does not match any LTPDA object.');
+ − end
+ − end
+ − if ~strcmp(class(obj), scl)
+ − error('### The structure does not match the chosen LTPDA object constructor. It seems to be a [%s] object.', scl)
+ − end
+ − fcn_name = [class(obj) '.update_struct'];
+ − if ~isempty(objs(1).hist) && ~isempty(objs(1).hist.plistUsed)
+ − struct_ver = sscanf(objs(1).hist.plistUsed.creator.ltpda_version, '%s.%s.%s');
+ − else
+ − struct_ver = '1.0';
+ − end
+ − objs = feval(fcn_name, objs, struct_ver);
+ − objs = feval(class(obj), objs);
+ −
+ − elseif (numel(fn) == 1) && (isa(objs.(fn{1}), 'ltpda_obj'))
+ − % If the read object have only one entry and this entry is a LTPDA
+ − % object then return this LTPDA object.
+ − objs = objs.(fn{1});
+ −
+ − else
+ − objs = obj.fromDataInMAT(objs, pl);
+ − end
+ −
+ − case '.xml'
+ − ii = obj.getInfo(class(obj), 'From XML File');
+ − ii.setMversion([VERSION '-->' ii.mversion]);
+ −
+ − root_node = xmlread(filename);
+ − objs = utils.xml.xmlread(root_node, class(obj));
+ −
+ − otherwise
+ − % we load an ascii file
+ −
+ − if pli.isparam('complex_type')
+ − objs = obj.fromComplexDatafile(pli);
+ − else
+ − objs = obj.fromDatafile(pli);
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −