line source
% BUILDRETRIEVEPANEL build the retrieve panel
% M Hewitson 22-09-08
% $Id: buildRetrievePanel.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:36 hewitson Exp $
function buildRetrievePanel(mainfig)
import utils.const.*
utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'building Retrieve Panel');
htab = mainfig.panels(4);
Gproperties = mainfig.Gproperties;
pmarg = 0.025;
CommonHeight = 0.06;
fontsize = Gproperties.fontsize;
% Retrieve list
bl = pmarg;
bh = CommonHeight;
bb = 1 - pmarg - bh;
bw = 0.2;
Osth = uicontrol(htab,'Style','text',...
'String','Retrieve object IDs',...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Fontsize', fontsize,...
'BackgroundColor', Gproperties.Gcol{4},...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
%-- ID entry
bh = 0.5;
bb = bb - bh - pmarg;
sth = uicontrol(htab,'Style','edit',...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Fontsize', fontsize,...
'BackgroundColor', 'w',...
'Max', 100,...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
'Position',[bl bb bw bh],...
'Tag', 'retrieveIDsTxt');
%-- Prefix entry
bh = CommonHeight;
bb = bb - bh - pmarg;
bw = 0.1;
sth = uicontrol(htab,'Style','text',...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Fontsize', fontsize,...
'BackgroundColor', Gproperties.Gcol{4},...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
'Position',[bl bb bw bh]);
bl = bl + bw + pmarg;
bw = 0.2;
sth = uicontrol(htab,'Style','edit',...
'Fontsize', fontsize,...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'BackgroundColor', 'w',...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'left',...
'Position',[bl bb bw bh],...
'Tag', 'objPrefixTxt');
%-- Append obj type
bl = pmarg;
bb = bb - bh - pmarg;
bw = 0.2;
cbh = uicontrol(htab,'Style','checkbox',...
'String','Append object type',...
'Fontsize', fontsize,...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'BackgroundColor', Gproperties.Gcol{4},...
'Value',1,'Position',[bl bb bw bh],...
'Tag', 'appendObjTypeChk');
%-- Retrieve binary obj
bl = pmarg;
bb = bb - bh - pmarg;
bw = 0.2;
cbh = uicontrol(htab,'Style','checkbox',...
'String','Binary retrieval',...
'Fontsize', fontsize,...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'BackgroundColor', Gproperties.Gcol{4},...
'Value',1,'Position',[bl bb bw bh],...
'Tag', 'retrieveBinaryChk', 'TooltipString', 'retrieve the binary representation of the object. Typically much faster');
%-- Import Btn
bl = pmarg;
bh = CommonHeight;
bw = 0.2;
bb = pmarg;
pbh = uicontrol(htab,'Style','pushbutton','String','Import',...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position',[bl bb bw bh ],...
'Fontsize', fontsize,...
'Fontweight', 'bold',...
'Tag', 'importBtn');
set(pbh, 'Callback', {'repogui2.cb_importBtn', pbh, mainfig});
set(pbh, 'TooltipString', 'Retrieve objects to MATLAB workspace');
%-- Save Btn
bl = bl + pmarg + bw;
pbh = uicontrol(htab,'Style','pushbutton','String','Save',...
'Units', 'normalized', ...
'Position',[bl bb bw bh ],...
'Fontsize', fontsize,...
'Fontweight', 'bold',...
'Tag', 'saveBtn');
set(pbh, 'Callback', {'repogui2.cb_saveBtn', pbh, mainfig});
set(pbh, 'TooltipString', 'Retrieve objects to disk');