line source
+ − % REOGANIZE rearranges a ssm object for fast input to BODE, SIMULATE, PSD.
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: rearranges a ssm object for fast input to BODE, SIMULATE, PSD.
+ − %
+ − % CALL: sys = reshuffle(sys, plist)
+ − %
+ − % INPUTS:
+ − % 'sys' - ssm object
+ − % 'plist' - plist object
+ − %
+ − % The inputs/states/outputs can only be indexed using a cellstr containing
+ − % block names or port names.
+ − % Then the object can be passed to BODE, SIMULATE, PSD, CPSD, RESP with
+ − % the option "rearrange" turned to "false". These functions will run
+ − % significantly faster.
+ − %
+ − % OUTPUTS:
+ − %
+ − % 'sys' - a ssm object.
+ − %
+ − % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ssm', 'reorganize')">Parameters Description</a>
+ − %
+ − % VERSION : $Id: reorganize.m,v 1.19 2011/05/23 14:15:44 adrien Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function varargout = reorganize(varargin)
+ − %% starting initial checks
+ −
+ − % Check if this is a call for parameters
+ − if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+ − varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+ − return
+ − end
+ −
+ − utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.MNAME, ['running ', mfilename]);
+ −
+ − % Collect input variable names
+ − in_names = cell(size(varargin));
+ − for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
+ −
+ − % Collect all SSMs and plists
+ − [sys, ssm_invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ssm', in_names);
+ − [pli, invars2, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(rest(:), 'plist');
+ − if ~isempty(rest)
+ − pli = pli.combine(plist(rest{:}));
+ − end
+ −
+ − if numel(sys)~=1
+ − error(['There should be only one input object to ' mfilename])
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% Internal call: Only one object + don't look for a plist
+ − internal = strcmp(varargin{end}, 'internal');
+ −
+ − set = pli.find('set');
+ −
+ − pli = pli.combine(getDefaultPlist(set));
+ −
+ − sys = copy(sys, nargout);
+ −
+ − switch(lower(set))
+ − case 'none'
+ − error('the options "set" HAS to be specified');
+ − case 'for bode'
+ − inputnames = pli.find('inputs');
+ − statenames = pli.find('states');
+ − outputnames = pli.find('outputs');
+ − sys.reshuffle(inputnames, {}, {}, 'ALL', outputnames, statenames);
+ − case 'for resp'
+ − inputnames = pli.find('inputs');
+ − statenames = pli.find('states');
+ − outputnames = pli.find('outputs');
+ − sys.reshuffle( inputnames, {}, {}, 'ALL', outputnames, statenames);
+ − case 'for simulate'
+ − aos_varnames = find(pli, 'aos variable names');
+ − cov_varnames = find(pli, 'covariance variable names');
+ − cpsd_varnames = find(pli, 'CPSD variable names');
+ − constants_varnames = find(pli, 'constant variable names');
+ − return_states = find(pli, 'return states');
+ − return_outputs = find(pli, 'return outputs');
+ − sys.reshuffle( aos_varnames, [cov_varnames cpsd_varnames], constants_varnames, 'ALL', return_outputs, return_states );
+ − case 'for kalman'
+ − aos_varnames = find(pli, 'aos variable names');
+ − cov_varnames = find(pli, 'covariance variable names');
+ − cpsd_varnames = find(pli, 'cpsd variable names');
+ − constants_varnames = find(pli, 'constant variable names');
+ − return_states = find(pli, 'return states');
+ − return_outputs = find(pli, 'return outputs');
+ − known_outputs = find(pli, 'known output variable names');
+ − sys_est = copy(sys,true);
+ − sys_exp = copy(sys,true);
+ − sys_est = reshuffle(sys_est, aos_varnames, [cov_varnames cpsd_varnames], constants_varnames, 'ALL', return_outputs, return_states );
+ − sys_exp = reshuffle(sys_exp, aos_varnames, [cov_varnames cpsd_varnames], constants_varnames, 'ALL', known_outputs, 'none' );
+ − sys = [sys_est sys_exp];
+ − case 'for cpsd'
+ − aos_varnames = find(pli, 'aos variable names');
+ − cov_varnames = find(pli, 'covariance variable names');
+ − cpsd_varnames = find(pli, 'CPSD variable names');
+ − PZmodels_varnames = find(pli, 'PZmodel variable names');
+ − return_states = find(pli, 'return states');
+ − return_outputs = find(pli, 'return outputs');
+ − sys.reshuffle( aos_varnames, [cov_varnames cpsd_varnames], PZmodels_varnames, 'ALL', return_outputs, return_states );
+ − case 'for psd'
+ − aos_varnames = find(pli, 'aos variable names');
+ − cov_varnames = find(pli, 'variance variable names');
+ − cpsd_varnames = find(pli, 'PSD variable names');
+ − PZmodels_varnames = find(pli, 'PZmodel variable names');
+ − return_states = find(pli, 'return states');
+ − return_outputs = find(pli, 'return outputs');
+ − sys.reshuffle( aos_varnames, [cov_varnames cpsd_varnames], PZmodels_varnames, 'ALL', return_outputs, return_states );
+ − case 'for cpsdforcorrelatedinputs'
+ − aos_varnames = find(pli, 'aos variable names');
+ − cov_varnames = find(pli, 'covariance variable names');
+ − cpsd_varnames = find(pli, 'CPSD variable names');
+ − PZmodels_varnames = find(pli, 'PZmodel variable names');
+ − return_states = find(pli, 'return states');
+ − return_outputs = find(pli, 'return outputs');
+ − sys.reshuffle( aos_varnames, [cov_varnames cpsd_varnames], PZmodels_varnames, 'ALL', return_outputs, return_states );
+ − case 'for cpsdforindependentinputs'
+ − aos_varnames = find(pli, 'aos variable names');
+ − cov_varnames = find(pli, 'variance variable names');
+ − cpsd_varnames = find(pli, 'PSD variable names');
+ − PZmodels_varnames = find(pli, 'PZmodel variable names');
+ − return_states = find(pli, 'return states');
+ − return_outputs = find(pli, 'return outputs');
+ − sys.reshuffle( aos_varnames, [cov_varnames cpsd_varnames], PZmodels_varnames, 'ALL', return_outputs, return_states );
+ − case 'none'
+ − error('please set the parameter "set"')
+ − otherwise
+ − error('unknown parameter "set"')
+ − end
+ −
+ − if ~internal
+ − for i_sys = 1:numel(sys)
+ − sys(i_sys).addHistory(getInfo('None'), pli, ssm_invars, sys(i_sys).hist );
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − sys.validate;
+ − varargout = {sys};
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Info Object
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+ −
+ − if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+ − sets = {};
+ − pl = [];
+ − elseif nargin == 1 && ~isempty(varargin{1}) && ischar(varargin{1})
+ − sets{1} = varargin{1};
+ − pl = getDefaultPlist(sets{1});
+ − else
+ − sets = getSets;
+ − pl = plist.initObjectWithSize(1,numel(sets));
+ − for i=1:numel(sets)
+ − pl(i) = getDefaultPlist(sets{i});
+ − end
+ − end
+ − % Build info object
+ − ii = minfo(mfilename, 'reorganize', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.op, '$Id: reorganize.m,v 1.19 2011/05/23 14:15:44 adrien Exp $', sets, pl);
+ − end
+ −
+ − function sets = getSets
+ − sets = {'For bode', 'For simulate', 'For kalman', 'For cpsd', 'For resp', ...
+ − 'For psd', 'for cpsdforindependentinputs', 'for cpsdforcorrelatedinputs', 'none'};
+ − end
+ −
+ − function pl = getDefaultPlist(set)
+ − sets = lower(getSets);
+ − if ~utils.helper.ismember(sets, lower(set))
+ − error('### Unknown set [%s]', set);
+ − end
+ −
+ − pl = plist();
+ −
+ − p = param({'set','Choose for which operation the ssm iois re-organized is done'},...
+ − {7, getSets, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − switch lower(set) % Select parameter set
+ − case 'for bode'
+ − p = param({'inputs', 'A cell-array of input ports and blocks.'}, 'ALL' );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'outputs', 'A cell-array of output ports and blocks.'}, 'ALL' );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'states', 'A cell-array of states ports and blocks.'}, 'NONE' );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − case 'for simulate'
+ − p = param({'covariance variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'CPSD variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'aos variable names', 'A cell-array of input port names corresponding to the different input AOs.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'constant variable names', 'A cell-array of strings of the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return states', 'A cell-array of names of state ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return outputs', 'A cell-array of output ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − case 'for kalman'
+ − p = param({'covariance variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'CPSD variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'aos variable names', 'A cell-array of input port names corresponding to the different input AOs.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'constant variable names', 'A cell-array of strings of the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return states', 'A cell-array of names of state ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return outputs', 'A cell-array of output ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'known output variable names', 'A cell-array of strings of the known output variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − case 'for cpsd'
+ − p = param({'covariance variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'CPSD variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'PZmodel variable names', 'A cell-array of strings of the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'aos variable names', 'A cell-array of input defined with AOs spectrums.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return states', 'A cell-array of names of state ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return outputs', 'A cell-array of output ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − case 'for resp'
+ − p = param({'inputs', 'A cell-array of input ports and blocks.'}, 'ALL' );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'outputs', 'A cell-array of output ports and blocks.'}, 'ALL' );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'states', 'A cell-array of states ports and blocks.'}, 'NONE' );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − case 'for psd'
+ − p = param({'variance variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'PSD variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'PZmodel variable names', 'A cell-array of strings of the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'aos variable names', 'A cell-array of input defined with AOs spectrums.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return states', 'A cell-array of names of state ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return outputs', 'A cell-array of output ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − case 'for cpsdforindependentinputs'
+ − p = param({'variance variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'PSD variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'PZmodel variable names', 'A cell-array of strings of the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'aos variable names', 'A cell-array of input defined with AOs spectrums.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return states', 'A cell-array of names of state ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return outputs', 'A cell-array of output ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − case 'for cpsdforcorrelatedinputs'
+ − p = param({'covariance variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'CPSD variable names', 'A cell-array of strings specifying the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL );
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'PZmodel variable names', 'A cell-array of strings of the desired input variable names.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'aos variable names', 'A cell-array of input defined with AOs spectrums.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return states', 'A cell-array of names of state ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − p = param({'return outputs', 'A cell-array of output ports to return.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_CELL);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − end
+ − end