view m-toolbox/rm_cvs_dir.m @ 13:e05504b18072
Move more functions to utils.repository
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
line source
+ − function rm_cvs_dir(path_in, rm_file_dir)
+ − % RM_CVS_DIR Remove recursive directories or files in the search directory
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: RM_CVS_DIR Remove recursive the the handover
+ − % directories or files in the search directory
+ − %
+ − % CALL: rm_cvs_dir(toolbox, 'CVS');
+ − % rm_cvs_dir(toolbox, '*.m~');
+ − % rm_cvs_dir(toolbox, '*.o');
+ − % rm_cvs_dir('/home/diepholz/matlab', 'CVS');
+ − %
+ − % REMARK: rm_cvs_dir(toolbox, 'CVS'); This command will remove the file 'CVS'
+ − % as well as the directory 'CVS'
+ − %
+ − %
+ − % HISTORY: 24-05-2007 Diepholz
+ − % Creation
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ −
+ − % Replace the regular expression '*' with '\w*'
+ − rm_file = strrep(rm_file_dir, '*', '\w*');
+ − rm_file = strcat('^', rm_file);
+ −
+ − files = dir(path_in);
+ −
+ − %% Go through the files in the current directory
+ − for i = 1:length(files)
+ −
+ − if files(i).isdir == 1
+ −
+ − %% Delete a directory if case sensitive matchs
+ − if (strcmp (files(i).name, rm_file_dir))
+ − rm_dir = fullfile(path_in, rm_file_dir);
+ −
+ − try
+ − rmdir (rm_dir, 's');
+ − catch
+ − error (sprintf('### rm_cvs_dir: Can not delete the directory %s',rm_dir ));
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% Go into the subdirectory
+ − elseif ~(strcmp (files(i).name(1), '.'))
+ − new_dir = fullfile(path_in, files(i).name);
+ − rm_cvs_dir(new_dir, rm_file_dir);
+ − end
+ −
+ − else %% the object is a file
+ −
+ − match = regexp(files(i).name, rm_file, 'match');
+ −
+ − if ~isempty(match);
+ − remove_file = fullfile(path_in, files(i).name);
+ − try
+ − delete (remove_file);
+ − catch
+ − error (sprintf('### rm_cvs_dir: Can not delete the file %s', remove_File));
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −