% FROMSTRUCT sets all properties which are defined in the ltpda_data class from the structure to the input object.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION: fromStruct%% DESCRIPTION: Sets all properties which are defined in the ltpda_data class% from the structure to the input object.%% REMARK: Abstract classes handle only one input object and a% structure with the size 1.%% CALL: obj = fromStruct(obj, struct)%% VERSION: $Id: fromStruct.m,v 1.2 2011/02/14 19:25:14 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function obj = fromStruct(obj, obj_struct) % Call super-class obj = fromStruct@ltpda_nuo(obj, obj_struct); % Set 'yunits' object if isfield(obj_struct, 'yunits') obj.yunits = utils.helper.getObjectFromStruct(obj_struct.yunits); end % Set 'y' object if isfield(obj_struct, 'y') obj.y = obj_struct.y; end % Set 'dy' object if isfield(obj_struct, 'dy') obj.dy = obj_struct.dy; endend