% UT_RESULT encapsulates the result of running a single ltpda unit test.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: UT_RESULT encapsulates the result of running a single% ltpda unit test.%% SUPER CLASSES: handle%%% VERSION: $Id: ut_result.m,v 1.3 2011/05/24 19:04:16 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%classdef ut_result < handle properties message = ''; started = 0; stopped = 0; testClass = ''; testMethod = ''; testDescription = ''; passed = false; end properties (Dependent = true) runtime; end methods function result = ut_result(utp, method) result.started = now; result.testMethod = method; % Special case if 'utp' is a string if ischar(utp) result.testClass = utp; result.testDescription = 'not available'; else result.testClass = class(utp); result.testDescription = feval('help', [class(utp) '/' method]); end end function finish(result) result.stopped = now; end function val = get.runtime(result) val = 86400*(result.stopped - result.started); end end methods (Static) function str = formatException(Me) str = [strrep(Me.message, sprintf('\n'), ' ') ' - ' Me.stack(1).name ' - line ' num2str(Me.stack(1).line)]; end endend