line source
+ − % CTFIT fits a continuous model to a frequency response.
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % Fits a continuous model to a frequency response using relaxed
+ − % s-domain vector fitting algorithm [1, 2]. Model function is expanded
+ − % in partial fractions:
+ − %
+ − % r1 rN
+ − % f(s) = ------- + ... + ------- + d
+ − % s - p1 s - pN
+ − %
+ − % CALL:
+ − %
+ − % [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl] = ctfit(y,f,poles,weight,fitin)
+ − %
+ − % INPUTS:
+ − %
+ − % - y: Is a vector wuth the frequency response data.
+ − % - f: Is the frequency vector in Hz.
+ − % - poles: are a set of starting poles.
+ − % - weight: are a set of weights used in the fitting procedure.
+ − % - fitin: is a struct containing fitting options and parameters. fitin
+ − % fields are:
+ − % - fitin.stable = 0; fit without forcing poles to be stable.
+ − % - fitin.stable = 1; force poles to be stable flipping unstable
+ − % poles in the left side of the complex plane. s -> s - 2*conj(s).
+ − % - fitin.dterm = 0; fit with d = 0.
+ − % - fitin.dterm = 1; fit with d different from 0.
+ − % - fitin.polt = 0; fit without plotting results.
+ − % - fitin.plot = 1; plot fit results.
+ − %
+ − % OUTPUT:
+ − %
+ − % - res: vector or residues.
+ − % - poles: vector of poles.
+ − % - dterm: direct term d.
+ − % - mresp: frequency response of the fitted model
+ − % - rdl: residuals y - mresp
+ − %
+ − %
+ − % [1] B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Rational approximation of frequency
+ − % domain responses by Vector Fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery
+ − % vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1052-1061, July 1999.
+ − % [2] B. Gustavsen, "Improving the Pole Relocating Properties of Vector
+ − % Fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery vol. 21, no. 3, pp.
+ − % 1587-1592, July 2006.
+ − %
+ − % NOTE:
+ − %
+ − % This function cannot handle more than one frequency response per time
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − % VERSION: $Id: ctfit.m,v 1.2 2008/10/24 06:19:23 hewitson Exp $
+ − %
+ − % HISTORY: 12-09-2008 L Ferraioli
+ − % Creation
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl] = ctfit(y,f,poles,weight,fitin)
+ −
+ − %% Collecting inputs
+ −
+ − % Default input struct
+ − defaultparams = struct('stable',0, 'dterm',0, 'plot',0);
+ −
+ − names = {'stable','dterm','plot'};
+ −
+ − % collecting input and default params
+ − if ~isempty(fitin)
+ − for jj=1:length(names)
+ − if isfield(fitin, names(jj))
+ − defaultparams.(names{1,jj}) = fitin.(names{1,jj});
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − stab = defaultparams.stable; % Enforce pole stability is is 1
+ − dt = defaultparams.dterm; % 1 to fit with direct term
+ − plotting = defaultparams.plot; % set to 1 if plotting is required
+ −
+ − %% Inputs in column vectors
+ −
+ − [a,b] = size(y);
+ − if a < b % shifting to column
+ − y = y.';
+ − end
+ −
+ − [a,b] = size(f);
+ − if a < b % shifting to column
+ − f = f.';
+ − end
+ −
+ − [a,b] = size(poles);
+ − if a < b % shifting to column
+ − poles = poles.';
+ − end
+ −
+ − clear w
+ − w = weight;
+ − [a,b] = size(w);
+ − if a < b % shifting to column
+ − w = w.';
+ − end
+ −
+ − N = length(poles); % Model order
+ −
+ − if dt
+ − dl = 1; % Fit with direct term
+ − else
+ − dl = 0; % Fit without direct term
+ − end
+ −
+ − % definition of s
+ − s = 1i.*2.*pi.*f;
+ −
+ − Nz = length(s);
+ −
+ − %% Marking complex and real poles
+ −
+ − % cindex = 1; pole is complex, next conjugate pole is marked with cindex
+ − % = 2. cindex = 0; pole is real
+ − cindex=zeros(N,1);
+ − for m=1:N
+ − if imag(poles(m))~=0
+ − if m==1
+ − cindex(m)=1;
+ − else
+ − if cindex(m-1)==0 || cindex(m-1)==2
+ − cindex(m)=1; cindex(m+1)=2;
+ − else
+ − cindex(m)=2;
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% Initializing the augmented problem matrices
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − % Matrix initialinzation
+ − BA = zeros(Nz+1,1);
+ − AA = zeros(Nz+1,2*N+dl+1);
+ − Ak=zeros(Nz,N+1);
+ −
+ − % Defining Ak
+ − for jj = 1:N
+ − if cindex(jj) == 1 % conjugate complex couple of poles
+ − Ak(:,jj) = (1./(s-poles(jj)))+(1./(s-poles(jj+1)));
+ − Ak(:,jj+1) = (1i./(s-poles(jj)))-(1i./(s-poles(jj+1)));
+ − elseif cindex(jj) == 0 % real pole
+ − Ak(:,jj) = 1./(s-poles(jj));
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − Ak(1:Nz,N+1) = ones(Nz,1);
+ −
+ −
+ − for m=1:N+dl % left columns
+ − AA(1:Nz,m)=w.*Ak(1:Nz,m);
+ − end
+ − for m=1:N+1 %Rightmost blocks
+ − AA(1:Nz,N+dt+m)=-w.*(Ak(1:Nz,m).*y);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Scaling factor
+ − clear sc
+ − sc = norm(w.*y)/Nz;
+ −
+ − % setting the last row of AA and BA for the relaxion condition
+ − for qq = 1:N+1
+ − AA(Nz+1,N+dl+qq) = real(sc*sum(Ak(:,qq)));
+ − end
+ −
+ − AA = [real(AA);imag(AA)];
+ −
+ − % AAstr1 = AA; % storing
+ −
+ − % Last element of the solution vector
+ − BA(Nz+1) = Nz*sc;
+ −
+ − % solving for real and imaginary part of the solution vector
+ − nBA = [real(BA);imag(BA)];
+ −
+ − % Normalization factor
+ − nf = zeros(2*N+dl+1,1);
+ − for pp = 1:2*N+dl+1
+ − nf(pp,1) = norm(AA(:,pp),2); % Euclidean norm
+ − AA(:,pp) = AA(:,pp)./nf(pp,1); % Normalization
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − %% Solving augmented problem
+ −
+ − % XA = pinv(AA)*nBA;
+ − % XA = inv((AA.')*AA)*(AA.')*nBA;
+ −
+ − % XA = AA.'*AA\AA.'*nBA;
+ −
+ − XA = AA\nBA;
+ −
+ − XA = XA./nf; % renormalization
+ −
+ − %% Finding zeros of sigma
+ −
+ − lsr = XA(N+dl+1:2*N+dl,1); % collect the least square results
+ −
+ − Ds = XA(end); % direct term of sigma
+ −
+ − % Real poles have real residues, complex poles have comples residues
+ − rs = zeros(N,1);
+ − for tt = 1:N
+ − if cindex(tt) == 1 % conjugate complex couple of poles
+ − rs(tt,1) = lsr(tt)+1i*lsr(tt+1);
+ − rs(tt+1,1) = lsr(tt)-1i*lsr(tt+1);
+ − elseif cindex(tt) == 0 % real pole
+ − rs(tt,1) = lsr(tt);
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % [snum, sden] = residue(rs,poles,Ds);
+ − %
+ − % % ceking for numerical calculation errors
+ − % for jj = 1:length(snum)
+ − % if ~isequal(imag(snum(jj)),0)
+ − % snum(jj)=real(snum(jj));
+ − % end
+ − % end
+ − %
+ − % % Zeros of sigma are poles of F
+ − % szeros = roots(snum);
+ −
+ − DPOLES = diag(poles);
+ − B = ones(N,1);
+ − C = rs.';
+ − for kk = 1:N
+ − if cindex(kk) == 1
+ − DPOLES(kk,kk)=real(DPOLES(kk,kk));
+ − DPOLES(kk,kk+1)=imag(DPOLES(kk,kk));
+ − DPOLES(kk+1,kk)=-1*imag(DPOLES(kk,kk));
+ − DPOLES(kk+1,kk+1)=real(DPOLES(kk,kk));
+ − B(kk,1) = 2;
+ − B(kk+1,1) = 0;
+ − C(1,kk) = real(C(1,kk));
+ − C(1,kk+1) = imag(C(1,kk));
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − H = DPOLES-B*C/Ds;
+ − szeros = eig(H);
+ −
+ − %% Ruling out unstable poles
+ −
+ − % This option force the poles of f to stay inside the left side of the
+ − % complex plane
+ −
+ − if stab
+ − unst = real(szeros)>0;
+ − szeros(unst) = szeros(unst)-2*real(szeros(unst)); % Mirroring respect to the complex axes
+ − end
+ − N = length(szeros);
+ −
+ − %% Separating complex poles from real poles and ordering
+ −
+ − rnpoles = [];
+ − inpoles = [];
+ − for tt = 1:N
+ − if imag(szeros(tt)) == 0
+ − % collecting real poles
+ − rnpoles = [rnpoles; szeros(tt)];
+ − else
+ − % collecting complex poles
+ − inpoles = [inpoles; szeros(tt)];
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Sorting complex poles in order to have them in the expected order a+jb
+ − % and a-jb a>0 b>0
+ − inpoles = sort(inpoles);
+ − npoles = [rnpoles;inpoles];
+ − npoles = npoles - 2.*1i.*imag(npoles);
+ −
+ − %% Marking complex and real poles
+ −
+ − cindex=zeros(N,1);
+ − for m=1:N
+ − if imag(npoles(m))~=0
+ − if m==1
+ − cindex(m)=1;
+ − else
+ − if cindex(m-1)==0 || cindex(m-1)==2
+ − cindex(m)=1; cindex(m+1)=2;
+ − else
+ − cindex(m)=2;
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% Initializing direct problem
+ −
+ − % Matrix initialinzation
+ − B = w.*y;
+ − AD = zeros(Nz,N+dl);
+ − Ak=zeros(Nz,N+dl);
+ −
+ − % Defining Ak
+ − for jj = 1:N
+ − if cindex(jj) == 1 % conjugate complex couple of poles
+ − Ak(:,jj) = (1./(s-npoles(jj)))+(1./(s-npoles(jj+1)));
+ − Ak(:,jj+1) = (1i./(s-npoles(jj)))-(1i./(s-npoles(jj+1)));
+ − elseif cindex(jj) == 0 % real pole
+ − Ak(:,jj) = 1./(s-npoles(jj));
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − if dt
+ − Ak(1:Nz,N+dl) = ones(Nz,1); % considering the direct term
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Defining AD
+ − for m=1:N+dl
+ − AD(1:Nz,m)=w.*Ak(1:Nz,m);
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − AD = [real(AD);imag(AD)];
+ − nB = [real(B);imag(B)];
+ −
+ − % Normalization factor
+ − nf = zeros(N+dl,1);
+ − for pp = 1:N+dl
+ − nf(pp,1) = norm(AD(:,pp),2); % Euclidean norm
+ − AD(:,pp) = AD(:,pp)./nf(pp,1); % Normalization
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% Solving direct problem
+ −
+ − % XD = inv((AD.')*AD)*(AD.')*nB;
+ − % XD = AD.'*AD\AD.'*nB;
+ − % XD = pinv(AD)*nB;
+ − XD = AD\nB;
+ −
+ − XD = XD./nf; % Renormalization
+ −
+ − %% Final residues and poles of f
+ −
+ − if dt
+ − lsr = XD(1:end-1); % Fitting with direct term
+ − else
+ − lsr = XD(1:end); % Fitting without direct term
+ − end
+ −
+ − res = zeros(N,1);
+ − % Real poles have real residues, complex poles have comples residues
+ − for tt = 1:N
+ − if cindex(tt) == 1 % conjugate complex couple of poles
+ − res(tt) = lsr(tt)+1i*lsr(tt+1);
+ − res(tt+1) = lsr(tt)-1i*lsr(tt+1);
+ − elseif cindex(tt) == 0 % real pole
+ − res(tt) = lsr(tt);
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − clear poles
+ − poles = npoles;
+ −
+ − if dt
+ − dterm = XD(end);
+ − else
+ − dterm = 0;
+ − end
+ −
+ − %% freq resp of the fit model
+ −
+ − % f = pfparams.freq;
+ − r = res;
+ − p = poles;
+ − d = dterm;
+ −
+ − Nf = length(f);
+ − N = length(p);
+ −
+ − rsp = zeros(Nf,1);
+ − indx = (0:length(d)-1).';
+ − for ii = 1:Nf
+ − for jj = 1:N
+ − rsptemp = r(jj)/(1i*2*pi*f(ii)-p(jj));
+ − rsp(ii) = rsp(ii) + rsptemp;
+ − end
+ − % Direct terms response
+ − rsp(ii) = rsp(ii) + sum(((1i*2*pi*f(ii))*ones(length(d),1).^indx).*d);
+ − end
+ −
+ − mresp = rsp;
+ −
+ − % Residual
+ − rdl = y - mresp;
+ −
+ − %% Plotting response
+ −
+ − if plotting
+ − figure(1)
+ − subplot(2,1,1);
+ − loglog(f,abs(y),'k')
+ − hold on
+ − loglog(f,abs(mresp),'r')
+ − loglog(f,abs(rdl),'b')
+ − xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
+ − ylabel('Amplitude')
+ − legend('Original', 'CTFIT','Residual')
+ − hold off
+ −
+ − subplot(2,1,2);
+ − semilogx(f,angle(y),'k')
+ − hold on
+ − semilogx(f,angle(mresp),'r')
+ − xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
+ − ylabel('Phase [Rad]')
+ − legend('Original', 'CTFIT')
+ − end
+ − hold off
+ − end