view m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@mysql/getObjIds.m @ 0:f0afece42f48
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line source
+ − % GETOBJIDS gets a list of object ids from a given collection id.
+ − %
+ − % Usage: ids = getObjIds(conn,cid);
+ − %
+ − % Inputs:
+ − % conn - a database connection object
+ − % cid - a collection id
+ − %
+ − % Outputs:
+ − % ids - a list of object ids
+ − %
+ − % M Hewitson 30-08-07
+ − %
+ − % $Id: getObjIds.m,v 1.2 2010/01/22 12:46:08 ingo Exp $
+ − %
+ −
+ − function ids = getObjIds(conn, cid)
+ −
+ − error('### Obsolete as of LTPDA version 2.2. Replaced my the utils class jmysql (utils.jmysql.%s)', mfilename());
+ − try
+ − curs = exec(conn, sprintf('select obj_ids from collections where id="%d"', cid));
+ − curs = fetch(curs);
+ − ids = str2num(curs.Data{1});
+ − close(curs);
+ − catch
+ − error('### Unable to determine object IDs from collection ID. Server returned %s', curs.Message);
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −