% ADDCONNECTION adds a new managed connection to the repository manager.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% description: addconnection adds a new managed connection to the% repository manager.% this method still adds a new connection. it doesn't open by% default the connection and for this reason it is not% necessary to define a password yet.%% call: conn = rm.addconnection(pl);% conn = rm.addconnection('hostname');% conn = rm.addconnection('hostname', 'database');% conn = rm.addconnection('hostname', 'database', 'username');% conn = rm.addconnection('hostname', 'database', 'username', 'password');%% <a href="matlab:web(ltpdarepositorymanager.getinfo('addconnection').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">parameter sets</a>%% version: $Id: addConnection.m,v 1.6 2011/03/28 12:45:44 hewitson Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = addConnection(varargin) % check if this is a call for parameters if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:}) varargout{1} = getinfo(varargin{3}); return end import utils.const.* utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.MNAME , 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename); % get the repository manager - there should only be one! [rm, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'LTPDARepositoryManager'); % collect all plists [pl, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(rest(:), 'plist'); pl = combine(pl, getdefaultplist); hostname = pl.find('hostname'); database = pl.find('database'); username = pl.find('username'); password = pl.find('password'); autoconnect = pl.find('connect'); % check through 'rest' if numel(rest) > 0 hostname = rest{1}; end if numel(rest) > 1 database = rest{2}; end if numel(rest) > 2 username = rest{3}; end if numel(rest) > 3 password = rest{4}; end conn = mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection([]); conn.setHostname(hostname); conn.setDatabase(database); conn.setUsername(username); conn.setPassword(password); if ~isempty(password) && autoconnect conn.openconnection(); end rm.manager.addConnection(conn); if ~isempty(rm.gui) rm.gui.reloadConnectionTable(); end if nargout == 1 varargout{1} = conn; endend%--------------------------------------------------------------------------% get info object%--------------------------------------------------------------------------function ii = getinfo(varargin) if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'none') sets = {}; pl = []; else sets = {'default'}; pl = getdefaultplist; end % build info object ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.gui, '$id: psd.m,v 1.53 2009/12/17 08:04:43 mauro exp $', sets, pl);end%--------------------------------------------------------------------------% get default plist%--------------------------------------------------------------------------function pl = getdefaultplist() % initialise plist pl = plist(); % hostname p = param({'hostname', 'the hostname of the repository to connect to.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); pl.append(p); % database p = param({'database', 'the database on the repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); pl.append(p); % username p = param({'username', 'the username to connect with.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); pl.append(p); % password p = param({'password', 'the password to connect with. leave this empty to be prompted on connection.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); pl.append(p); % auto connect p = param({'connect', '''true'' or ''false'' if the repository manager should open the connection.'}, paramValue.FALSE_TRUE); pl.append(p);end