view m-toolbox/classes/@ao/fromXYVals.m @ 0:f0afece42f48
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
line source
+ − % FROMXYVALS Construct an ao from a value set
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: fromXYVals
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: Construct an ao from a value set
+ − %
+ − % CALL: a = aoFromXYVals(a, vals)
+ − %
+ − % PARAMETER: vals: Constant values
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − function a = fromXYVals(a, pli, callerIsMethod)
+ −
+ − VERSION = '$Id: fromXYVals.m,v 1.20 2011/08/15 05:03:31 hewitson Exp $';
+ −
+ − if callerIsMethod
+ − % do nothing
+ − else
+ − % get AO info
+ − ii = ao.getInfo('ao', 'From XY Values');
+ −
+ − % Set the method version string in the minfo object
+ − ii.setMversion([VERSION '-->' ii.mversion]);
+ − end
+ −
+ − if callerIsMethod
+ − pl = pli;
+ − pl_unused = plist();
+ − else
+ − % Combine input plist with default values
+ − % TODO: the parse step should be removed and included somehow into plist/applyDefaults
+ − [pl, pl_unused] = applyDefaults(ii.plists, pli);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Get values from the plist
+ − xvals = find(pl, 'xvals');
+ − yvals = find(pl, 'yvals');
+ − fs = find(pl, 'fs');
+ − dtype = find(pl, 'type');
+ − t0 = find(pl, 't0');
+ −
+ − % Create an AO with cdata if no value is set
+ − if isempty(xvals) && isempty(yvals)
+ − error('### Please specify some X and Y values.');
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Try to decide what to do if the user doesn't specify dtype
+ − if isempty(dtype)
+ − if ~isempty(yvals)
+ − if ~isempty(fs)
+ − dtype = 'tsdata';
+ − else
+ − dtype = 'xydata';
+ − end
+ − else
+ − dtype = 'cdata';
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------- Now decide what to construct
+ − switch lower(dtype)
+ −
+ − case 'tsdata'
+ − if ~isempty(xvals) && ~isempty(yvals) && ~isempty(fs)
+ − data_obj = tsdata(xvals, yvals, fs);
+ − elseif ~isempty(xvals) && ~isempty(yvals)
+ − data_obj = tsdata(xvals, yvals);
+ − elseif ~isempty(yvals) && ~isempty(fs)
+ − data_obj = tsdata(yvals, fs);
+ − else
+ − error('### To build an AO with tsdata please specify at least yvals and fs');
+ − end
+ − if ~isempty(t0)
+ − data_obj.setT0(time(t0));
+ − else
+ − data_obj.setT0(time(0));
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Handle toffset
+ − % For evenly sampled which means the original toffset of the data has
+ − % been put in the toffset field, so we need to add the user
+ − % specified toffset.
+ − % For unevenly sampled data, the data object is constructed with a
+ − % toffset of zero. In any case the following works for both cases
+ − % except when this is called from a method, in which case we don't
+ − % apply the defaults and the toffset could be []. MATLAB returns []
+ − % when you do <double> + [], so we need to check that the plist value
+ − % of toffset is not empty before doing the sum.
+ − if ~isempty(pl.find('toffset'))
+ − toffset = data_obj.toffset + 1000*pl.find('toffset');
+ − data_obj.setToffset(toffset);
+ − end
+ −
+ − case 'fsdata'
+ − if ~isempty(xvals) && ~isempty(yvals) && ~isempty(fs)
+ − data_obj = fsdata(xvals, yvals, fs);
+ − elseif ~isempty(xvals) && ~isempty(yvals)
+ − data_obj = fsdata(xvals, yvals);
+ − elseif ~isempty(yvals) && ~isempty(fs)
+ − data_obj = fsdata(yvals, fs);
+ − else
+ − error('### To build an AO with fsdata please specify at least xvals and yvals');
+ − end
+ −
+ − case 'xydata'
+ − if ~isempty(xvals) && ~isempty(yvals)
+ − data_obj = xydata(xvals, yvals);
+ − elseif ~isempty(yvals)
+ − data_obj = xydata(yvals);
+ − else
+ − error('### To build an AO with xydata please specify at least yvals');
+ − end
+ −
+ − case 'cdata'
+ − if ~isempty(yvals)
+ − data_obj = cdata(yvals);
+ − else
+ − error('### To build an AO with cdata please specify yvals');
+ − end
+ −
+ − otherwise
+ − error('### Can not build a data object with the given parameters.');
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − if isa(data_obj, 'fsdata')
+ − if eq(unit(pl.find('xunits')), unit(''))
+ − pl.pset('xunits', 'Hz');
+ − end
+ − elseif isa(data_obj, 'tsdata')
+ − if eq(unit(pl.find('xunits')), unit(''))
+ − pl.pset('xunits', 's');
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Set data
+ − = data_obj;
+ −
+ − a.setXunits(find(pl, 'xunits'));
+ − a.setYunits(find(pl, 'yunits'));
+ −
+ − if callerIsMethod
+ − % do nothing
+ − else
+ − % Add history
+ − a.addHistory(ii, pl, [], []);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Set the object properties from the plist
+ − a.setObjectProperties(pl);
+ −
+ − end
+ −