line source
+ − % sDomainFit performs a fitting loop to identify model order and
+ − % parameters.
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: sDomainFit fit a partial fraction model to frequency
+ − % response data using the function utils.math.vcfit.
+ − %
+ − % The function performs a fitting loop to automatically identify model
+ − % order and parameters in s-domain. Output is a s-domain model expanded
+ − % in partial fractions:
+ − %
+ − % r1 rN
+ − % f(s) = ------- + ... + ------- + d
+ − % s - p1 s - pN
+ − %
+ − % The function attempt to perform first the identification of a model
+ − % with d = 0, then if the operation do not succeed, it try the
+ − % identification with d different from zero.
+ − % % Identification loop stop when the stop condition is reached.
+ − % Stop criterion is based on three different approachs:
+ − %
+ − % 1) Mean Squared Error and variation
+ − % Check if the normalized mean squared error is lower than the value specified in
+ − % FITTOL and if the relative variation of the mean squared error is lower
+ − % than the value specified in MSEVARTOL.
+ − % E.g. FITTOL = 1e-3, MSEVARTOL = 1e-2 search for a fit with
+ − % normalized magnitude error lower than 1e-3 and and MSE relative
+ − % variation lower than 1e-2.
+ − %
+ − % 1) Log residuals difference and root mean squared error
+ − % Log Residuals difference
+ − % Check if the minimum of the logarithmic difference between data and
+ − % residuals is larger than a specified value. ie. if the conditioning
+ − % value is 2, the function ensures that the difference between data and
+ − % residuals is at lest 2 order of magnitude lower than data itsleves.
+ − % Root Mean Squared Error
+ − % Check that the variation of the root mean squared error is lower than
+ − % 10^(-1*value).
+ − %
+ − % 2) Residuals spectral flatness and root mean squared error
+ − % Residuals Spectral Flatness
+ − % In case of a fit on noisy data, the residuals from a good fit are
+ − % expected to be as much as possible similar to a white noise. This
+ − % property can be used to test the accuracy of a fit procedure. In
+ − % particular it can be tested that the spectral flatness coefficient of
+ − % the residuals is larger than a certain qiantity sf such that 0<sf<1.
+ − % Root Mean Squared Error
+ − % Check that the variation of the root mean squared error is lower than
+ − % 10^(-1*value).
+ − %
+ − % Both in the first and second approach the fitting loop stops when the
+ − % two stopping conditions are satisfied.
+ − % The output are AOs containing the frequency response of the fitted
+ − % model, while the Model parameters are output as a parfrac model
+ − % in the output AOs procinfo filed.
+ − %
+ − % The function can also perform a single loop without taking care of
+ − % the stop conditions. This happens when 'AutoSearch' parameter is
+ − % setted to 'off'.
+ − %
+ − % If you provide more than one AO as input, they will be fitted
+ − % together with a common set of poles.
+ − %
+ − % CALL: mod = sDomainFit(a, pl)
+ − %
+ − % INPUTS: a - input AOs to fit to. If you provide more than one AO as
+ − % input, they will be fitted together with a common set
+ − % of poles. Only frequency domain (fsdata) data can be
+ − % fitted. Each non fsdata object will be ignored. Input
+ − % objects must have the same number of elements.
+ − % pl - parameter list (see below)
+ − %
+ − % OUTPUTS:
+ − % mod - matrix of one parfrac object for each input AO.
+ − % Usseful fit information are stored in the procinfoi
+ − % field:
+ − % FIT_RESP - model frequency response.
+ − % FIT_RESIDUALS - analysis object containing the fit
+ − % residuals.
+ − % FIT_MSE - analysis object containing the mean squared
+ − % error progression during the fitting loop.
+ − %
+ − %
+ − % Note: all the input objects are assumed to caontain the same X
+ − % (frequencies) values
+ − %
+ − %
+ − %
+ − % 1) Fit to a frequency-series using Mean Squared Error and variation stop
+ − % criterion
+ − %
+ − % % Create a frequency-series AO
+ − % pl_data = plist('fsfcn', '0.01./(0.0001+f)', 'f1', 1e-5, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 1000);
+ − % a = ao(pl_data);
+ − %
+ − % % Fitting parameter list
+ − % pl_fit = plist('AutoSearch','on',...
+ − % 'StartPoles',[],...
+ − % 'StartPolesOpt','clog',...
+ − % 'maxiter',5,...
+ − % 'minorder',2,...
+ − % 'maxorder',20,...
+ − % 'weights',[],...
+ − % 'CONDTYPE','MSE',...
+ − % 'FITTOL',1e-3,...
+ − % 'MSEVARTOL',1e-2,...
+ − % 'Plot','off',...
+ − % 'ForceStability','off',...
+ − % 'direct term','off',...
+ − % 'CheckProgress','off');
+ − %
+ − % % Do fit
+ − % b = sDomainFit(a, pl_fit);
+ − %
+ − % 2) Fit to a frequency-series using Log residuals difference and mean
+ − % squared error variation stop criterion
+ − %
+ − % % Create a frequency-series AO
+ − % pl_data = plist('fsfcn', '0.01./(0.0001+f)', 'f1', 1e-5, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 1000);
+ − % a = ao(pl_data);
+ − %
+ − % % Fitting parameter list
+ − % pl_fit = plist('FS',[],...
+ − % 'AutoSearch','on',...
+ − % 'StartPoles',[],...
+ − % 'StartPolesOpt','clog',...
+ − % 'maxiter',5,...
+ − % 'minorder',2,...
+ − % 'maxorder',20,...
+ − % 'weights',[],...
+ − % 'weightparam','abs',...
+ − % 'CONDTYPE','RLD',...
+ − % 'FITTOL',1e-3,...
+ − % 'MSEVARTOL',1e-2,...
+ − % 'Plot','off',...
+ − % 'ForceStability','off',...
+ − % 'CheckProgress','off');
+ − %
+ − % % Do fit
+ − % b = sDomainFit(a, pl_fit);
+ − %
+ − % 3) Fit to a frequency-series using Residuals spectral flatness and mean
+ − % squared error variation stop criterion
+ − %
+ − % % Create a frequency-series AO
+ − % pl_data = plist('fsfcn', '0.01./(0.0001+f)', 'f1', 1e-5, 'f2', 5, 'nf', 1000);
+ − % a = ao(pl_data);
+ − %
+ − % % Fitting parameter list
+ − % pl_fit = plist('FS',[],...
+ − % 'AutoSearch','on',...
+ − % 'StartPoles',[],...
+ − % 'StartPolesOpt','clog',...
+ − % 'maxiter',5,...
+ − % 'minorder',2,...
+ − % 'maxorder',20,...
+ − % 'weights',[],...
+ − % 'weightparam','abs',...
+ − % 'CONDTYPE','RSF',...
+ − % 'FITTOL',0.5,...
+ − % 'MSEVARTOL',1e-2,...
+ − % 'Plot','off',...
+ − % 'ForceStability','off',...
+ − % 'CheckProgress','off');
+ − %
+ − % % Do fit
+ − % b = sDomainFit(a, pl_fit);
+ − %
+ − %
+ − % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ao', 'sDomainFit')">Parameters Description</a>
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: $Id: sDomainFit.m,v 1.32 2011/08/15 09:46:44 hewitson Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function varargout = sDomainFit(varargin)
+ −
+ − % Check if this is a call for parameters
+ − if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+ − varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+ − return
+ − end
+ −
+ − import utils.const.*
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+ −
+ − % Collect input variable names
+ − in_names = cell(size(varargin));
+ − for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
+ −
+ − % Collect all AOs and plists
+ − [as, ao_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ao', in_names);
+ − pl = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist', in_names);
+ −
+ − if nargout == 0
+ − error('### sDomainFit cannot be used as a modifier. Please give an output variable.');
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% Decide on a deep copy or a modify
+ − bs = copy(as, nargout);
+ − inhists = [as.hist];
+ −
+ − % combine plists
+ − pl = parse(pl, getDefaultPlist());
+ −
+ − %%%%% Extract necessary parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − extpoles = find(pl, 'StartPoles'); % Check if external poles are providied
+ − spolesopt = 0;
+ − if isempty(extpoles) % if no external poles set them internally
+ − splopt = find(pl, 'StartPolesOpt');
+ − switch lower(splopt)
+ − case 'real'
+ − spolesopt = 1;
+ − case 'clog'
+ − spolesopt = 2;
+ − case 'clin'
+ − spolesopt = 3;
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − maxiter = find(pl, 'maxiter'); % set the maximum number of iterations
+ − minorder = find(pl, 'minorder'); % set the minimum function order
+ − maxoredr = find(pl, 'maxorder');% set the maximum function order
+ −
+ − extweights = find(pl, 'weights'); % check if external weights are provided
+ − weightparam = 0;
+ − if isempty(extweights) % set internally the weights on the basis of the input options
+ − wtparam = find(pl, 'weightparam');
+ − switch lower(wtparam)
+ − case 'ones'
+ − weightparam = 1;
+ − case 'abs'
+ − weightparam = 2;
+ − case 'sqrt'
+ − weightparam = 3;
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % decide to plot or not
+ − plt = find(pl, 'plot');
+ − switch lower(plt)
+ − case 'on'
+ − showplot = 1;
+ − case 'off'
+ − showplot = 0;
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Make a decision between Fit conditioning type
+ − condtype = find(pl, 'CONDTYPE');
+ − condtype = upper(condtype);
+ − switch condtype
+ − case 'MSE'
+ − ctp = 'chivar'; % use normalized mean squared error value and relative variation
+ − lrscond = find(pl, 'FITTOL');
+ − % give an error for strange values of lrscond
+ − if lrscond<0
+ − error('!!! Negative values for FITTOL are not allowed !!!')
+ − end
+ − % handling data
+ − lrscond = -1*log10(lrscond);
+ − % give a warning for strange values of lrscond
+ − if lrscond<0
+ − warning('You are searching for a MSE lower than %s', num2str(10^(-1*lrscond)))
+ − end
+ − case 'RLD'
+ − ctp = 'lrsmse'; % use residuals log difference and MSE relative variation
+ − lrscond = find(pl, 'FITTOL');
+ − % give a warning for strange values of lrscond
+ − if lrscond<0
+ − error('!!! Negative values for FITTOL are not allowed !!!')
+ − end
+ − if lrscond<1
+ − warning('You are searching for a frequency by frequency residuals log difference of %s', num2str(lrscond))
+ − end
+ − case 'RSF'
+ − ctp = 'rftmse'; % use residuals spectral flatness and MSE relative variation
+ − lrscond = find(pl, 'FITTOL');
+ − % give a warning for strange values of lrscond
+ − if lrscond<0 || lrscond>1
+ − error('!!! Values <0 or >1 for FITTOL are not allowed when CONDTYPE is RSF !!!')
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Tolerance for the MSE relative variation
+ − msevar = find(pl, 'MSEVARTOL');
+ − % handling data
+ − msevar = -1*log10(msevar);
+ − % give a warning for strange values of msevar
+ − if msevar<0
+ − warning('You are searching for MSE relative variation lower than %s', num2str(10^(-1*msevar)))
+ − end
+ −
+ − % decide to stabilize or not the model
+ − stab = find(pl, 'ForceStability');
+ − switch lower(stab)
+ − case 'on'
+ − stabfit = 1;
+ − case 'off'
+ − stabfit = 0;
+ − end
+ −
+ − % decide to fit with or whitout direct term
+ − dtm = find(pl, 'direct term');
+ − switch lower(dtm)
+ − case 'on'
+ − dterm = 1;
+ − case 'off'
+ − dterm = 0;
+ − end
+ −
+ − % decide to disp or not the fitting progress in matlab command window
+ − prg = find(pl, 'CheckProgress');
+ − switch lower(prg)
+ − case 'on'
+ − spy = 1;
+ − case 'off'
+ − spy = 0;
+ − end
+ −
+ − % decide to perform or not a full automatic model search
+ − autos = find(pl, 'AutoSearch');
+ − switch lower(autos)
+ − case 'on'
+ − fullauto = 1;
+ − case 'off'
+ − fullauto = 0;
+ − end
+ −
+ − % extract delay
+ − delay = find(pl, 'delay');
+ −
+ − %%%%% End Extract necessary parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − %%%%% Fitting %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − % Fit parameters
+ − params = struct('spolesopt',spolesopt,...
+ − 'extpoles', extpoles,...
+ − 'Nmaxiter',maxiter,...
+ − 'minorder',minorder,...
+ − 'maxorder',maxoredr,...
+ − 'weightparam',weightparam,...
+ − 'extweights', extweights,...
+ − 'plot',showplot,...
+ − 'ctp',ctp,...
+ − 'lrscond',lrscond,...
+ − 'msevar',msevar,...
+ − 'stabfit',stabfit,...
+ − 'dterm',dterm,...
+ − 'spy',spy,...
+ − 'fullauto',fullauto);
+ −
+ − %%% extracting elements from AOs
+ −
+ − % Finding the index of the first fsdata
+ − for gg = 1:numel(bs)
+ − if isa(bs(gg).data, 'fsdata')
+ − prm = gg;
+ − break
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − y = zeros(length(bs(prm).data.getY),numel(bs)); % initialize input vector
+ − k = numel(bs(prm).data.getY); % setting a comparison constant
+ − idx = true(numel(bs),1); % initialize the control index
+ − for jj=1:numel(bs)
+ − % checking that AOs are fsdata and skipping non fsdata objects
+ − if ~isa(bs(jj).data, 'fsdata')
+ − % skipping data if non fsdata
+ − warning('!!! %s expects ao/fsdata objects. Skipping AO %s', mfilename, ao_invars{jj});
+ − idx(jj) = false; % set the corresponding value of the control index to false
+ − else
+ − % preparing data for fit
+ − yt = bs(jj).data.getY;
+ − if numel(yt)~=k
+ − error('Input AOs must have the same number of elements')
+ − end
+ − if size(yt,2)>1 % wish to work with columns
+ − y(:,jj) = yt.';
+ − else
+ − y(:,jj) = yt;
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − %%% extracting frequencies
+ − % Note: all the objects are assumed to caontain the same X (frequencies) values
+ − f = bs(prm).data.getX;
+ −
+ − % reshaping y to contain only Y from fsdata, subtract delay if given by
+ − % user
+ − if ~isempty(delay)
+ − y = y(:,idx)./exp(-2*pi*1i*f*delay);
+ − else
+ − y = y(:,idx);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Fitting loop
+ − [res,poles,dterm,mresp,rdl,mse] = utils.math.autocfit(y,f,params);
+ −
+ − %%%%% Building output AOs with model responses, model parameters are %%%%
+ −
+ − for kk = 1:numel(bs)
+ − if idx(kk) % set the corresponding Y values of fitted data
+ −
+ − % if delay is input we return a pzmodel with the corresponding delay
+ − if isempty(delay)
+ − mdl(kk) = parfrac(plist('res', res(:,kk),'poles', poles, 'dir',...
+ − dterm(:,kk), 'name', sprintf('fit(%s)', ao_invars{kk})));
+ − else
+ − mdl_aux = parfrac(plist('res', res(:,kk),'poles', poles, 'dir',...
+ − dterm(:,kk), 'name', sprintf('fit(%s)', ao_invars{kk})));
+ − mdl(kk) = pzmodel(mdl_aux);
+ − mdl(kk).setDelay(delay);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Output also response, residuals and mse progression in the procinfo
+ −
+ − rsp = mresp(:,kk);
+ − bs(kk).data.setY(rsp);
+ −
+ − % Set output AO name
+ − bs(kk).name = sprintf('fit(%s)', ao_invars{kk});
+ −
+ − res_ao = copy(bs(kk),1);
+ − trdl = rdl(:,kk);
+ −;
+ −
+ − % Set output AO name
+ − = sprintf('fit_residuals(%s)', ao_invars{kk});
+ −
+ − d = cdata();
+ − tmse = mse(:,kk);
+ − d.setY(tmse);
+ − mse_ao = ao(d);
+ −
+ − % Set output AO name
+ − = sprintf('fit_mse(%s)', ao_invars{kk});
+ −
+ − procpl = plist('fit_resp',bs(kk),...
+ − 'fit_residuals',res_ao,...
+ − 'fit_mse',mse_ao);
+ −
+ − mdl(kk).setProcinfo(procpl);
+ −
+ − else
+ − mdl(kk) = parfrac();
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − % set output as matrix if multiple inputs
+ − if numel(mdl) ~= 1
+ − mmdl = matrix(mdl);
+ − else
+ − mmdl = mdl;
+ − end
+ −
+ − mmdl.setName(sprintf('fit(%s)', ao_invars{:}));
+ −
+ − mmdl.addHistory(getInfo('None'), pl, [ao_invars(:)], [inhists(:)]);
+ −
+ − % ----- Set outputs -----
+ − if nargout == 1
+ − varargout{1} = mmdl;
+ − else
+ − % multiple output is not supported
+ − error('### Multiple output is not supported ###')
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Info Object
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+ − if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+ − sets = {};
+ − pl = [];
+ − else
+ − sets = {'Default'};
+ − pl = getDefaultPlist;
+ − end
+ − % Build info object
+ − ii = minfo(mfilename, 'ao', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.sigproc, '$Id: sDomainFit.m,v 1.32 2011/08/15 09:46:44 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
+ − ii.setModifier(false);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Default Plist
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function plout = getDefaultPlist()
+ − persistent pl;
+ − if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl)
+ − pl = buildplist();
+ − end
+ − plout = pl;
+ − end
+ −
+ − function pl = buildplist()
+ −
+ − pl = plist();
+ −
+ − % AutoSearch
+ − p = param({'AutoSearch', ['''on'': Parform a full automatic search for the<br>'...
+ − 'transfer function order. The fitting<br>'...
+ − 'procedure will stop when stop conditions<br>'...
+ − 'defined are satisfied.<br>'...
+ − '''off'': Perform a fitting loop as long as the<br>'...
+ − 'number of iteration reach ''maxiter''. The order<br>'...
+ − 'of the fitting function will be that<br>'...
+ − 'specified in ''minorder''.']}, ...
+ − {1, {'on', 'off'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % StartPoles
+ − p = param({'StartPoles', ['A vector of starting poles. Providing a fixed<br>'...
+ − 'set of starting poles fixes the function<br>'...
+ − 'order. If it is left empty starting poles are<br>'...
+ − 'internally assigned.']}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % StartPolesOpt
+ − p = param({'StartPolesOpt', ['Define the characteristics of internally<br>'...
+ − 'assigned starting poles. Admitted values<br>'...
+ − 'are:<ul>'...
+ − '<li>''real'' linear-spaced real poles</li>'...
+ − '<li>''clog'' log-spaced complex poles</li>'...
+ − '<li>''clin'' linear-spaced complex poles<li></ul>']}, ...
+ − {2, {'real', 'clog', 'clin'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % MaxIter
+ − p = param({'MaxIter', 'Maximum number of iterations in fit routine.'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(50));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % MinOrder
+ − p = param({'MinOrder', 'Minimum order to fit with.'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(2));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % MaxOrder
+ − p = param({'MaxOrder', 'Maximum order to fit with.'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(20));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % Weights
+ − p = param({'Weights', ['A vector with the desired weights. If a single<br>'...
+ − 'Ao is input weights must be a Nx1 vector where<br>'...
+ − 'N is the number of elements in the input Ao. If<br>'...
+ − 'M Aos are passed as input, then weights must<br>'...
+ − 'be a NxM matrix. If it is leaved empty weights<br>'...
+ − 'are internally assigned basing on the input<br>'...
+ − 'parameters']}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % Weightparam
+ − p = param({'weightparam', ['Specify the characteristics of the internally<br>'...
+ − 'assigned weights. Admitted values are:<ul>'...
+ − '<li>''ones'' assigns weights equal to 1 to all data.<li>'...
+ − '<li>''abs'' weights data with <tt>1./abs(y)</tt></li>'...
+ − '<li>''sqrt'' weights data with <tt>1./sqrt(abs(y))</tt></li>']}, ...
+ − {2, {'ones', 'abs', 'sqrt'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'CONDTYPE', ['Fit conditioning type. Admitted values are:<ul>'...
+ − '<li>''MSE'' Mean Squared Error and variation</li>'...
+ − '<li>''RLD'' Log residuals difference and mean squared error variation<li>'...
+ − '<li>''RSF'' Residuals spectral flatness and mean squared error variation<li></ul>']}, ...
+ − {1, {'MSE', 'RLD', 'RSF'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % FITTOL
+ − p = param({'FITTOL', 'Fit tolerance.'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1e-3));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'MSEVARTOL', ['Mean Squared Error Variation - Check if the<br>'...
+ − 'realtive variation of the mean squared error is<br>'...
+ − 'smaller than the value specified. This<br>'...
+ − 'option is useful for finding the minimum of Chi-squared.']}, ...
+ − paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1e-2));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % Plot
+ − p = param({'Plot', 'Plot results of each fitting step.'}, {2, {'on', 'off'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − p.val.setValIndex(2);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % ForceStability
+ − p = param({'ForceStability', 'Force poles to be stable'}, ...
+ − {2, {'on', 'off'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % direct term
+ − p = param({'direct term', 'Fit with direct term.'}, {2, {'on', 'off'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % CheckProgress
+ − p = param({'CheckProgress', 'Display the status of the fit iteration.'}, ...
+ − {2, {'on', 'off'}, paramValue.SINGLE});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % Delay
+ − p = param({'delay', 'Innput a delay that will be subtracted from the fit.<br>'...
+ − 'The output is a pzmodel which includes the inputted delay.'},paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ − end
+ − % END
+ −
+ −
+ − % 'AutoSearch' - 'on': Parform a full automatic search for the
+ − % transfer function order. The fitting
+ − % procedure will stop when stop conditions
+ − % defined are satisfied. [Default]
+ − % 'off': Perform a fitting loop as long as the
+ − % number of iteration reach 'maxiter'. The order
+ − % of the fitting function will be that
+ − % specified in 'minorder'.
+ − % 'StartPoles' - A vector of starting poles. Providing a fixed
+ − % set of starting poles fixes the function
+ − % order. If it is left empty starting poles are
+ − % internally assigned. [Default []]
+ − % 'StartPolesOpt' - Define the characteristics of internally
+ − % assigned starting poles. Admitted values
+ − % are:
+ − % 'real' linspaced real poles
+ − % 'clog' logspaced complex poles [Default]
+ − % 'clin' linspaced complex poles
+ − % 'maxiter' - Maximum number of allowed iteration. [Deafult
+ − % 50].
+ − % 'minorder' - Minimum model function order. [Default 2]
+ − % 'maxorder' - Maximum model function order. [Default 20]
+ − % 'weights' - A vector with the desired weights. If a single
+ − % Ao is input weights must be a Nx1 vector where
+ − % N is the number of elements in the input Ao. If
+ − % M Aos are passed as input, then weights must
+ − % be a NxM matrix. If it is leaved empty weights
+ − % are internally assigned basing on the input
+ − % parameters. [Default []]
+ − % 'weightparam' - Specify the characteristics of the internally
+ − % assigned weights. Admitted values are:
+ − % 'ones' assigns weights equal to 1 to all data.
+ − % 'abs' weights data with 1./abs(y) [Default]
+ − % 'sqrt' weights data with 1./sqrt(abs(y))
+ − % 'CONDTYPE' - Fit conditioning type. Admitted values are:
+ − % - 'MSE' Mean Squared Error and variation
+ − % [Default]
+ − % - 'RLD' Log residuals difference and mean
+ − % squared error variation
+ − % - 'RSF' Residuals spectral flatness and mean
+ − % squared error variation
+ − % 'FITTOL' - Fit tolerance [Default, 1e-3]
+ − % 'MSEVARTOL' - This allow to check if the relative variation
+ − % of mean squared error is lower than the value
+ − % sepcified. [Default 1e-2]
+ − % 'Plot' - Plot fit result: 'on' or 'off' [default]
+ − % 'ForceStability' - Force poles to be stable, values are
+ − % 'on' or 'off'. [Default 'off']
+ − % 'direct term' - Fit with direct term if 'on', without if
+ − % 'off'. [Default 'off']
+ − % 'CheckProgress' - Disply the status of the fit iteration.
+ − % Values are 'on and 'off'. [Default 'off']
+ − %
+ − %
+ −