line source
+ − % WELCH Welch spectral estimation method.
+ − %
+ − % [pxx, f, info] = welch(x,type,pl)
+ − % [pxx, f, info] = welch(x,y,type,pl)
+ − %
+ − % INPUTS: x - input analysis objects
+ − % y - input analysis objects
+ − % type - type of spectrum:
+ − % 'psd' - compute Power Spectral Denstiy (PSD)
+ − % 'ms' - compute Mean-square (Power) Spectrum (MS)
+ − % 'cpsd' - compute cross-spectral density
+ − % 'tfe' - estimate transfer function between inputs
+ − % 'mscohere' - estimate magnitude-squared cross-coherence
+ − % 'cohere' - estimate complex cross-coherence
+ − % pl - input parameter list
+ − %
+ − % PARAMETERS: 'Win' - a specwin window object [default: Kaiser -200dB psll]
+ − % 'Olap' - segment percent overlap [default: taken from window function]
+ − % 'Nfft' - number of samples in each fft [default: length of input data]
+ − % 'Scale' - one of
+ − % 'ASD' - amplitude spectral density
+ − % 'PSD' - power spectral density [default]
+ − % 'AS' - amplitude spectrum
+ − % 'PS' - power spectrum
+ − % * applies only to spectrum 'Type' 'psd'
+ − % 'Order' - order of segment detrending
+ − % -1 - no detrending
+ − % 0 - subtract mean [default]
+ − % 1 - subtract linear fit
+ − % N - subtract fit of polynomial, order N
+ − %
+ − % Copied directly from MATLAB and extended to do segment-wise detrending,
+ − % compute transfer function variance and to take a plist input
+ − %
+ − % M Hewitson 08-05-08
+ − %
+ − % $Id: welch.m,v 1.34 2011/03/14 16:06:05 mauro Exp $
+ − %
+ −
+ − % Author(s): P. Pacheco
+ − % Copyright 1988-2006 The MathWorks, Inc.
+ − % $Revision: 1.34 $ $Date: 2011/03/14 16:06:05 $
+ −
+ − % References:
+ − % [1] Petre Stoica and Randolph Moses, Introduction To Spectral
+ − % Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 1997, pg. 15
+ − % [2] Monson Hayes, Statistical Digital Signal Processing and
+ − % Modeling, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
+ − % [3] JS Bendat and AG Piersol, Engineering applications of correlation
+ − % and spectral analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
+ −
+ −
+ − % Compute the periodogram power spectrum of each segment and average always
+ − % compute the whole power spectrum, we force Fs = 1 to get a PS not a PSD.
+ −
+ − function varargout = welch(varargin)
+ −
+ − if nargin == 3
+ − a = varargin{1};
+ − esttype = varargin{2};
+ − pl = varargin{3};
+ − x =;
+ − inunits =;
+ − else
+ − a = varargin{1};
+ − b = varargin{2};
+ − esttype = varargin{3};
+ − pl = varargin{4};
+ − if ~=
+ − error('### Two time-series have different sample rates.');
+ − end
+ − inunits = /;
+ − x = {,};
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Parse inputs
+ − win = find(pl, 'Win');
+ − nfft = find(pl, 'Nfft');
+ − olap = find(pl, 'Olap')/100;
+ − scale = find(pl, 'scale');
+ − Xolap = round(olap*nfft);
+ − fs =;
+ − order = find(pl, 'order');
+ −
+ − [x,M,isreal_x,y,Ly,win,winName,winParam,noverlap,k,L,options] = ...
+ − ao.welchparse(x,esttype,, Xolap, nfft, fs);
+ −
+ − % Initialize
+ − Sxx = zeros(options.nfft,1);
+ −
+ − % Frequency vector was specified, return and plot two-sided PSD
+ − freqVectorSpecified = false; nrow = 1;
+ − if length(options.nfft) > 1,
+ − freqVectorSpecified = true;
+ − [ncol,nrow] = size(options.nfft);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Compute the periodogram power spectrum of each segment and average always
+ − % compute the whole power spectrum, we force Fs = 1 to get a PS not a PSD.
+ −
+ − % Initialize
+ − Mnxx = 0; Mn2xx = 0;
+ − if freqVectorSpecified,
+ − Sxx = zeros(length(options.nfft),1);
+ − else
+ − Sxx = zeros(options.nfft,1);
+ − end
+ − range = options.range;
+ −
+ − LminusOverlap = L-noverlap;
+ − xStart = 1:LminusOverlap:k*LminusOverlap;
+ − xEnd = xStart+L-1;
+ − switch lower(esttype)
+ − case {'ms','psd'}
+ − for ii = 1:k,
+ − if order < 0
+ − seg = x(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii));
+ − else
+ − [seg,coeffs] = ltpda_polyreg(x(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii)), order);
+ − end
+ − [Sxxk,w] = ao.computeperiodogram(seg,win,...
+ − options.nfft,esttype,options.Fs);
+ − % Welford's algorithm for updating mean and variance
+ − if ii == 1
+ − Mnxx = Sxxk;
+ − else
+ − Qxx = Sxxk - Mnxx;
+ − Mnxx = Mnxx + Qxx/ii;
+ − Mn2xx = Mn2xx + Qxx.*(Sxxk - Mnxx);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − Sxx = Mnxx;
+ − if k == 1
+ − Svxx = [];
+ − else
+ − Svxx = Mn2xx/(k-1)/k;
+ − end
+ − case 'cpsd'
+ − for ii = 1:k,
+ − if order < 0
+ − xseg = x(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii));
+ − else
+ − [xseg,coeffs] = ltpda_polyreg(x(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii)), order);
+ − end
+ − if order < 0
+ − yseg = y(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii));
+ − else
+ − [yseg,coeffs] = ltpda_polyreg(y(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii)), order);
+ − end
+ − [Sxxk,w] = ao.computeperiodogram({xseg,...
+ − yseg},win,options.nfft,esttype,options.Fs);
+ − % Welford's algorithm to update mean and variance
+ − Qxx = Sxxk - Mnxx;
+ − Mnxx = Mnxx +Qxx/ii;
+ − Mn2xx = Mn2xx + abs(Qxx.*conj(Sxxk - Mnxx));
+ − end
+ − Sxx = Mnxx;
+ − if k ==1
+ − Svxx = [];
+ − else
+ − Svxx = Mn2xx/(k-1)/k;
+ − end
+ − case 'tfe'
+ − % compute transfer function
+ − Sxy = zeros(options.nfft,1); % Initialize
+ − Syy = zeros(options.nfft,1); % Initialize
+ − for ii = 1:k,
+ − if order < 0
+ − xseg = x(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii));
+ − else
+ − [xseg,coeffs] = ltpda_polyreg(x(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii)), order);
+ − end
+ − if order < 0
+ − yseg = y(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii));
+ − else
+ − [yseg,coeffs] = ltpda_polyreg(y(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii)), order);
+ − end
+ − [Sxxk,w] = ao.computeperiodogram(xseg,...
+ − win,options.nfft,esttype,options.Fs);
+ − [Sxyk,w] = ao.computeperiodogram({yseg,...
+ − xseg},win,options.nfft,esttype,options.Fs);
+ − [Syyk,w] = ao.computeperiodogram(yseg,...
+ − win,options.nfft,esttype,options.Fs);
+ − Sxx = Sxx + Sxxk;
+ − Sxy = Sxy + Sxyk;
+ − Syy = Syy + Syyk;
+ − % don't need to be divided by k because only rations are used here
+ − end
+ − case {'mscohere','cohere'}
+ − % Note: (Sxy1+Sxy2)/(Sxx1+Sxx2) ~= (Sxy1/Sxy2) + (Sxx1/Sxx2)
+ − % ie, we can't push the computation of Cxy into computeperiodogram.
+ − Sxy = zeros(options.nfft,1); % Initialize
+ − Syy = zeros(options.nfft,1); % Initialize
+ − for ii = 1:k,
+ − if order < 0
+ − xseg = x(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii));
+ − else
+ − [xseg,coeffs] = ltpda_polyreg(x(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii)), order);
+ − end
+ − if order < 0
+ − yseg = y(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii));
+ − else
+ − [yseg,coeffs] = ltpda_polyreg(y(xStart(ii):xEnd(ii)), order);
+ − end
+ − [Sxxk,w] = ao.computeperiodogram(xseg,...
+ − win,options.nfft,esttype,options.Fs);
+ − [Syyk,w] = ao.computeperiodogram(yseg,...
+ − win,options.nfft,esttype,options.Fs);
+ − [Sxyk,w] = ao.computeperiodogram({xseg,...
+ − yseg},win,options.nfft,esttype,options.Fs);
+ − Sxx = Sxx + Sxxk;
+ − Sxy = Sxy + Sxyk;
+ − Syy = Syy + Syyk;
+ − % don't need to be divided by k because only rations are used here
+ − end
+ − end
+ − % Generate the freq vector directly in Hz to avoid roundoff errors due to
+ − % conversions later.
+ − if ~freqVectorSpecified,
+ − w = psdfreqvec('npts',options.nfft, 'Fs',options.Fs);
+ − else
+ − if strcmpi(options.range,'onesided')
+ − warning(generatemsgid('InconsistentRangeOption'),...
+ − 'Ignoring ''onesided'' option. When a frequency vector is specified, a ''twosided'' PSD is computed');
+ − end
+ − options.range = 'twosided';
+ − end
+ −
+ − switch lower(esttype)
+ − case {'psd','cpsd'}
+ − % Compute the 1-sided or 2-sided PSD [Power/freq] or mean-square [Power].
+ − % Also, corresponding freq vector and freq units.
+ − % Here we use our own 'computepsd' to scale correctly the variance
+ − if k == 1
+ − [Pxx,w,units] = computepsd(Sxx,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − P = Pxx;
+ − dP = [];
+ − else
+ − [Pxx,Pvxx,w,units] = utils.math.computepsd(Sxx,Svxx,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − P = Pxx;
+ − % the 1/k factor should come after welchscale if we don't want to apply sqrt() to it.
+ − % we correct for that here. It is only needed for 'asd','as' in
+ − % psd/cpsd, the other cases go always through 'PSD'.
+ − if (strcmpi(scale,'PSD') || strcmpi(scale,'PS'))
+ − dP = Pvxx;
+ − elseif (strcmpi(scale,'ASD') || strcmpi(scale,'AS'))
+ − dP = Pvxx/k;
+ − else
+ − error('### Unknown scale')
+ − end
+ − end
+ − case 'tfe'
+ − % Compute the 1-sided or 2-sided PSD [Power/freq] or mean-square [Power].
+ − % Also, corresponding freq vector and freq units.
+ − % In the Cross PSD, the frequency vector and xunits are not used.
+ − [Pxx,w,units] = computepsd(Sxx,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − [Pxy,w,units] = computepsd(Sxy,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − [Pyy,w,units] = computepsd(Syy,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − % mean and std
+ − P = Pxy ./ Pxx; % Txy
+ − if k == 1
+ − dP =[];
+ − else
+ − dP = (k/(k-1)^2)*(Pyy./Pxx).*(1 - (abs(Pxy).^2)./(Pxx.*Pyy));
+ − end
+ − case 'mscohere'
+ − % Magnitude Square Coherence estimate.
+ − % Auto PSD for 2nd input vector. The freq vector & xunits are not
+ − % used.
+ − [Pxx,w,units] = computepsd(Sxx,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − [Pxy,w,units] = computepsd(Sxy,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − [Pyy,w,units] = computepsd(Syy,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − % mean and std
+ − P = (abs(Pxy).^2)./(Pxx.*Pyy); % Magnitude-squared coherence
+ − dP = (2*P/k).*(1-P).^2;
+ − case 'cohere'
+ − % Complex Coherence estimate.
+ − % Auto PSD for 2nd input vector. The freq vector & xunits are not
+ − % used.
+ − [Pxx,w,units] = computepsd(Sxx,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − [Pxy,w,units] = computepsd(Sxy,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − [Pyy,w,units] = computepsd(Syy,w,options.range,options.nfft,options.Fs,esttype);
+ − P = Pxy./sqrt(Pxx.*Pyy); % Complex coherence
+ − dP = (2*abs(P)/k).*(1-abs(P)).^2;
+ − end
+ − % end
+ −
+ − % Scale to required units
+ − [P, dP, info] = ao.welchscale(P, dP, win, fs, scale, inunits);
+ − info.navs = k;
+ −
+ − if k ==1
+ − dev = [];
+ − else
+ − dev = sqrt(dP);
+ − end
+ −
+ − varargout = {P, w, info, dev};
+ −
+ − end
+ −