% GETOPTIONSFORPARAM Returns the options for the specified parameter key.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: GETOPTIONSFORPARAM Returns the options for the specified% parameter key.%% CALL: obj = obj.getOptionsForParam('key');% obj = obj.getOptionsForParam(plist('key'));% obj = getOptionsForParam(obj, 'key');%% INPUTS: obj - One parameter list (plist).% key - Parameter key%% <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('plist', 'getOptionsForParam')">Parameters Description</a>% % VERSION: $Id: getOptionsForParam.m,v 1.7 2011/04/08 08:56:21 hewitson Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = getOptionsForParam(varargin) %%% Check if this is a call for parameters if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:}) varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3}); return end if nargin ~= 2 error('### This method works only with two inputs (plist + key name).'); end if ~(isa(varargin{1}, 'plist') || numel(varargin{1} ~= 1)) error('### This method accepts only one plist as an input.') end if ~(ischar(varargin{2}) || isa(varargin{2}, 'plist')) error('### The second input must be a ') end pl = varargin{1}; key = varargin{2}; val = []; if isa(key, 'plist') key = key.find('key'); end for ii = 1:pl.nparams if strcmpi(pl.params(ii).key, key) if isa(pl.params(ii).val, 'paramValue') val = pl.params(ii).val.getOptions(); else val = {pl.params(ii).val}; end break; end end % Single output varargout{1} = val;end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Local Functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION: getInfo%% DESCRIPTION: Get Info Object%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function ii = getInfo(varargin) if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None') sets = {}; pl = []; else sets = {'Default'}; pl = getDefaultPlist; end % Build info object ii = minfo(mfilename, 'plist', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.helper, '$Id: getOptionsForParam.m,v 1.7 2011/04/08 08:56:21 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION: getDefaultPlist%% DESCRIPTION: Get Default Plist%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function pl = getDefaultPlist() pl = plist(); % Key p = param({'key', 'The key of the parameter to retrieve the options from.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING); pl.append(p); end