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view m-toolbox/classes/@repogui/cb_treegui.m @ 0:f0afece42f48
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23) |
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% TREEGUI for exploring objects in memory %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % DESCRIPTION: TREEGUI builds a tree visual structure to explore objects in % memory; this is an optimized version of the ltpda_explorer % tree object to explore inside structs, and it's meant to be % implemented into the repoGUI. % % CALL: treegui; % % VERSION: $Id: cb_treegui.m,v 1.3 2009/07/29 16:19:38 nicola Exp $ % % HISTORY: 15-02-09 N Tateo % Creation % % NOTE: The idea and the core source code are taken from: % Hassan Lahdili ( % Communications Research Centre (CRC) | Advanced Audio Systems (AAS) % | % Ottawa. Canada % CRC Advanced Audio Systems - Ottawa 16/02/2005 2004-2005 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function tree = cb_treegui(varargin) prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences'); fontsize = prefs.repository.fontsize; tree_name = 'Workspace'; obj_value = {}; obj_name = {}; % % if nargin==0 % % Define figure % fig_name = 'Variables in workspace'; % fig_position = [150 150 400 600]; % fig = figure('NumberTitle','off', 'Toolbar','none', 'name',fig_name, 'Color','w', 'ToolBar','none',... % 'NextPlot','new', 'MenuBar','none', 'Position',fig_position); % treeSize = [.01 .07 .98 .92]; % % else fig = gcf; treeSize = varargin{1}; % % end fig = gcf; treeSize = [0.025 1-2*0.025-0.55 0.3 0.5]; % Read the objects from the 'base' workspace ws_vars = evalin('base','whos'); % Only ltpda_user_classes and common structs are shown: accepted_classes = [utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses(), 'struct']; for ii=numel(ws_vars):-1:1 if ~ismember(ws_vars(ii).class,accepted_classes) ws_vars(ii)=[]; end end clear accepted_classes for ii=1:length(ws_vars) obj = evalin('base', ws_vars(ii).name); if numel(obj) == 1 obj_value{end+1} = obj; obj_name{end+1} = ws_vars(ii).name; else % the ao in the workspace is a vector [n,m] = size(obj); if n == 1 || m == 1 for jj=1:length(obj) obj_value{end+1} = obj(jj); obj_name{end+1} = [ws_vars(ii).name '(' num2str(jj) ')']; end elseif n > 1 && m > 1 % the ao in the workspace is a matrix for gg = 1:n for hh = 1:m obj_value{end+1} = obj(gg,hh); obj_name{end+1} = [ws_vars(ii).name '(' num2str(gg) ',' num2str(hh) ')']; end end else error ('### This should not happen: not scalar, nor vector, nor matrix?'); end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Define the tree % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% root = uitreenode('v0', tree_name, tree_name, [], false); tree = uitree('v0',fig, 'Root',root, 'ExpandFcn', @myExpfcn4); set(tree, 'Units', 'normalized') set(tree,'MultipleSelectionEnabled',1) drawnow; set(tree, 'position', treeSize); set(tree, 'NodeWillExpandCallback', @nodeWillExpand_cb4); %, ... %'NodeSelectedCallback', @nodeSelected_cb4); % assignin('base','tree',tree) tmp = tree.FigureComponent; cell_Data = cell(3,1); cell_Data{1} = obj_value; cell_Data{2} = root.getRoot; cell_Data{3} = obj_name; set(tmp, 'UserData', cell_Data); nodeWillExpand_cb4(tree,[],root); myExpfcn4(tree); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function nodes = myExpfcn4(tree,varargin) tmp = tree.FigureComponent; S = get(tmp, 'UserData'); s = S{1}; cNode = S{2}; [val, cNode] = getcNodevalue(cNode, s); ltpda_user_classes = utils.helper.ltpda_userclasses(); if numel(val)==1 && utils.helper.isobject(val) newVal = struct(); allfields = fieldnames(val); for kk=numel(allfields):-1:1 if ismember(allfields{kk},ltpda_user_classes), newVal.(allfields{kk}) = val.(allfields{kk}); end end val = newVal; clear newVal end [n,m] = size(val); count = 0; %%% Vector or Matrix if m>1 || n>1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Vector if m==1 || n==1 L = length(val); for J = 1:L count = count + 1; cNode = S{2}; iconpath = setIconPath(val{J}); if ismember(class(val{J}),ltpda_user_classes), isLeaf = 1; else isLeaf = 0; end % disp('--- Running vector') level = cNode.getLevel; fname = strcat(cNode.getValue, '(', num2str(J),')'); if level==0 && ~isempty(S{3}) && numel(S{3}) == numel(S{1}) node_str = S{3}(J); else node_str = fname; end nodes(count) = uitreenode('v0',fname, node_str, iconpath, isLeaf); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Matrix else for ii=1:n for jj=1:m count = count + 1; cNode = S{2}; % disp('--- Running matrix') iconpath = setIconPath(val{ii,jj}); if ismember(class(val{ii,jj}),ltpda_user_classes), isLeaf = 1; else isLeaf = 0; end fname = [cNode.getValue '(' num2str(ii) ',' num2str(jj) ')']; nodes(count) = uitreenode('v0',fname, fname, iconpath, isLeaf); end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Struct, Object or single value else %%% % val = val; if ~isempty(val) fnames = fieldnames(val); else fnames = {}; end for i=1:length(fnames) count = count + 1; % disp('--- Running else') x = val.(fnames{i}); if iscell(x), x = x{1}; end if isstruct(x), isLeaf = 0; else isLeaf = 1; end iconpath = setIconPath(x); nodes(count) = uitreenode('v0',fnames{i}, fnames{i}, iconpath, isLeaf); end end if (count == 0) nodes = []; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function cNode = nodeWillExpand_cb4(tree,ev,varargin) if isempty(ev) && nargin ==3 cNode = varargin{1}.getRoot; else cNode = ev.getCurrentNode; end tmp = tree.FigureComponent; cell_Data = get(tmp, 'UserData'); cell_Data{2} = cNode; set(tmp, 'UserData', cell_Data); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [val, displayed, cNode] = getcNodevalue(cNode, s) % disp('------- Running getcNodevalue ') fields = {}; while cNode.getLevel ~=0 fields = [fields; cNode.getValue]; c = findstr(cNode.getValue, '('); if ~isempty(c) && cNode.getLevel ~=0 cNode = cNode.getParent; end if cNode.getLevel ==0, break; end cNode = cNode.getParent; end val = s; if ~isempty(fields) L=length(fields); displayed = fields{L}; % create the variable: displayed for j = L-1:-1:1 displayed = strcat(displayed, '.', fields{j}); end for i = L:-1:1 field = fields{i}; von = findstr(field,'('); bis = findstr(field,')'); if ~isempty(von) idx = field(von+1:bis-1); field = field(1:von-1); if (strcmp(field, cNode.getValue)) cmd = sprintf('val = val(%s);',idx); eval(cmd); if iscell(val) && numel(val) == 1 val = val{1}; else error('################'); end else cmd = sprintf('val = getfield(val, field, {%s});',idx); eval(cmd); if iscell(val) && numel(val) == 1 val = val{1}; end end else if iscell(val) && numel(val) == 1 val = val{1}; elseif numel(val) ~= 1 error('################ MAch mich neu'); end val = val.(field); end end else displayed = cNode.getValue; if iscell(val) && numel(val) == 1 val = val{1}; else end return; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function iconpath = setIconPath(val) % Set the path to the *.gif files % This is the current path of this function + 'exp_struct_icons' pth = ''; eval (sprintf('pth = which(''%s'');',mfilename)) index = find(pth==filesep, 1, 'last'); pth = pth(1:index); pth = [pth 'exp_struct_icons' filesep]; if isa(val, 'ao') iconpath =[pth,'analysis_object.gif']; elseif isa(val, 'tsdata') iconpath =[pth,'ts_data.gif']; elseif isa(val, 'fsdata') iconpath =[pth,'fs_data.gif']; elseif isa(val, 'xydata') iconpath =[pth,'xy_data.gif']; elseif isa(val, 'cdata') iconpath =[pth,'c_data.gif']; elseif isa(val, 'plist') iconpath =[pth,'plist.gif']; elseif isstruct(val) iconpath =[pth,'obj_icon.gif']; else iconpath =[pth,'unknown_icon.gif']; end end