line source
+ − % FROMDATAFILE Construct smodel object from filename AND parameter list
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: fromDatafile
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: Construct smodel object from filename AND parameter list
+ − %
+ − % CALL: a = fromFilenameAndPlist(a, pli)
+ − %
+ − % PARAMETER: a: empty ltpda-model-object
+ − % pli: plist-object (must contain the filename)
+ − %
+ − % FORMAT: The text file must have the following format:
+ − %
+ − % - Blank lines are ignored
+ − % - Lines starting with a hash (#) are ignored
+ − % (* see description part
+ − % - The first continuous comment block will be put into the
+ − % description field
+ − % - The values for the model are defined with some keywords
+ − % - Use only one line for a value
+ − % - A colon after a keyword can be optionally inserted
+ − % - The following keywords (inside the quotes) are mandatory
+ − % and must be at the beginning of a line.
+ − % 'expr' - the expression of the model
+ − % 'params' - parameters which are used in the model
+ − % 'values' - default values for the parameters
+ − % 'xvar' - X-variable
+ − % - The following keywords are optional
+ − % 'xunits' - units of the x-axis
+ − % 'yunits' - units of the y-axis
+ − % 'xvals' - values for the X-variable
+ − % - It is possible to read more than one model from a file.
+ − % Use for this the indeces behind the keywords. For example
+ − % expr(1,2): ...
+ − % expr(3) ...
+ − % - It is necessary that each mandatory keyword have an entry
+ − % for each index. If a keyword have only one entry then will
+ − % be this enty copied to all other models.
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: $Id: fromDatafile.m,v 1.2 2011/08/15 13:12:17 hewitson Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function mdl = fromDatafile(mdlin, pli)
+ −
+ − utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, 'constructing from filename and/or plist');
+ −
+ − VERSION = '$Id: fromDatafile.m,v 1.2 2011/08/15 13:12:17 hewitson Exp $';
+ −
+ − % get ltpda-model info
+ − mi = smodel.getInfo('smodel', 'From ASCII File');
+ −
+ − % Set the method version string in the minfo object
+ − mi.setMversion([VERSION '-->' mi.mversion]);
+ −
+ − % Get filename
+ − file_name = find(pli, 'filename');
+ −
+ − [pathstr, f_name, ext] = fileparts(file_name);
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%% Get default parameter list %%%%%%%%%%
+ − dpl = smodel.getDefaultPlist('From ASCII File');
+ − pl = applyDefaults(dpl, pli);
+ −
+ − pl = pset(pl, 'filename', [f_name ext]);
+ − pl = pset(pl, 'filepath', pathstr);
+ −
+ − dxunits = pl.find('xunits');
+ − dyunits = pl.find('yunits');
+ − dxvals = pl.find('xvals');
+ − ddesc = pl.find('description');
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%% read file %%%%%%%%%%
+ − [fid,msg] = fopen (file_name, 'r');
+ − if (fid < 0)
+ − error ('### can not open file: %s \n### error msg: %s',file_name, msg);
+ − end
+ −
+ − firstCommentBlock = true;
+ −
+ − desc = '';
+ − expr = {};
+ − params = {};
+ − xvar = {};
+ − values = {};
+ −
+ − xvals = {};
+ − xunits = {};
+ − yunits = {};
+ −
+ − while ~feof(fid)
+ −
+ − fline = fgetl(fid);
+ − fline = strtrim(fline);
+ −
+ − if isempty(fline)
+ − firstCommentBlock = isFirstCommentBlock(desc);
+ − elseif fline(1) == '#'
+ − if firstCommentBlock && ~isempty(strtrim(fline(2:end)))
+ − desc = [desc, strtrim(fline(2:end)), '\n'];
+ − end
+ −
+ − elseif strcmpi(fline(1:4), 'expr')
+ − firstCommentBlock = isFirstCommentBlock(desc);
+ − [i,j,txt] = parseLine(fline, 'expr');
+ − expr{i,j} = txt;
+ −
+ − elseif strcmpi(fline(1:6), 'params')
+ − firstCommentBlock = isFirstCommentBlock(desc);
+ − [i,j,txt] = parseLine(fline, 'params');
+ − params{i,j} = txt;
+ −
+ − elseif strcmpi(fline(1:4), 'xvar')
+ − firstCommentBlock = isFirstCommentBlock(desc);
+ − [i,j,txt] = parseLine(fline, 'xvar');
+ − xvar{i,j} = txt;
+ −
+ − elseif strcmpi(fline(1:6), 'values')
+ − firstCommentBlock = isFirstCommentBlock(desc);
+ − [i,j,txt] = parseLine(fline, 'values');
+ − values{i,j} = txt;
+ −
+ − elseif strcmpi(fline(1:5), 'xvals')
+ − firstCommentBlock = isFirstCommentBlock(desc);
+ − [i,j,txt] = parseLine(fline, 'xvals');
+ − xvals{i,j} = txt;
+ −
+ − elseif strcmpi(fline(1:6), 'xunits')
+ − firstCommentBlock = isFirstCommentBlock(desc);
+ − [i,j,txt] = parseLine(fline, 'xunits');
+ − xunits{i,j} = txt;
+ −
+ − elseif strcmpi(fline(1:6), 'yunits')
+ − firstCommentBlock = isFirstCommentBlock(desc);
+ − [i,j,txt] = parseLine(fline, 'yunits');
+ − yunits{i,j} = txt;
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ − fclose(fid);
+ −
+ − % Get maximum size of the smodel matrix
+ − maxi = max([size(expr,1), size(params,1), size(xvar,1), size(values,1), size(xvals,1), size(xunits,1), size(yunits,1)]);
+ − maxj = max([size(expr,2), size(params,2), size(xvar,2), size(values,2), size(xvals,2), size(xunits,2), size(yunits,2)]);
+ −
+ − % Make some plausibly checks
+ − % 1) Replicate the array to the maximum size of the used indices if the
+ − % array have only one input.
+ − % 2) The array must have the same size as the used indices.
+ − if isempty(xunits)
+ − xunits = {dxunits};
+ − end
+ − if isempty(yunits)
+ − yunits = {dyunits};
+ − end
+ − if isempty(xvals)
+ − xvals = {dxvals};
+ − end
+ − if ~isempty(ddesc)
+ − desc = ddesc;
+ − end
+ − expr = checkArray(expr, maxi, maxj);
+ − params = checkArray(params, maxi, maxj);
+ − xvar = checkArray(xvar, maxi, maxj);
+ − values = checkArray(values, maxi, maxj);
+ − xvals = checkArray(xvals, maxi, maxj);
+ − xunits = checkArray(xunits, maxi, maxj);
+ − yunits = checkArray(yunits, maxi, maxj);
+ −
+ − mdl = smodel.newarray([maxi, maxj]);
+ −
+ − % Check mandatory fields
+ − if isempty(expr) || isempty(params) || isempty(xvar) || isempty(values)
+ − error('### At least one of the mandatory fields (''expr'', ''params'', ''xvar'', ''values'') is empty.');
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Create Object
+ − for ii = 1:numel(mdl)
+ −
+ − % mandatory fields
+ − mdl(ii).expr = expr{ii};
+ − mdl(ii).params = regexp(strtrim(params{ii}), ',', 'split');
+ − mdl(ii).xvar = xvar{ii};
+ − mdl(ii).values = cellfun(@str2num, regexp(strtrim(values{ii}), ',', 'split'));
+ −
+ − % Optional fields
+ − if ~isempty(xvals)
+ − if ischar(xvals{ii})
+ − mdl(ii).xvals = eval(xvals{ii});
+ − else
+ − mdl(ii).xvals = xvals{ii};
+ − end
+ − end
+ − if ~isempty(xunits)
+ − mdl(ii).xunits = xunits{ii};
+ − end
+ − if ~isempty(yunits)
+ − mdl(ii).yunits = yunits{ii};
+ − end
+ − mdl(ii).description = desc(1:end-2); % remove the last break
+ − mdl(ii).addHistory(mi, pl, [], []);
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − % Local Functions %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: fromDatafile
+ − %
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − function flag = isFirstCommentBlock(desc)
+ − if isempty(desc)
+ − flag = true;
+ − else
+ − flag = false;
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: getIndex
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: Returns the index of the input string.
+ − % '(3,2)' -> i=3, j=2
+ − % '(3)' -> i=3, default: j=1
+ − % '()' -> default i=1, default: j=1
+ − % '' -> default i=1, default: j=1
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − function [i,j] = getIndex(token)
+ − ij = regexp(token, '\d*', 'match');
+ − if numel(ij) == 2
+ − i = eval(ij{1});
+ − j = eval(ij{2});
+ − elseif numel(ij) == 1
+ − i = eval(ij{1});
+ − j = 1;
+ − else
+ − i = 1;
+ − j = 1;
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: parseLine
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: Returns the indices i,j and the remaining value for the
+ − % given field.
+ − %
+ − % Example: expr: a+b*t -> i=1, j=1, txt=a+b*t
+ − % expr a+b*t -> i=1, j=1, txt=a+b*t
+ − % expr(3) a+b*t -> i=3, j=1, txt=a+b*t
+ − % expr(3,2): a+b*t -> i=3, j=2, txt=a+b*t
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − function [i,j,txt] = parseLine(lineIn, field)
+ − exp = [field '(?<idx>\(\d*(,\d*)?\))?:? *'];
+ − idx = regexp(lineIn, exp, 'end');
+ − ij = regexp(lineIn, exp, 'names');
+ − [i,j] = getIndex(ij(1).idx);
+ − txt = lineIn(idx+1:end);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % FUNCTION: checkArray
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: There are the following rules
+ − % 1) If the array have only one input then replicate this
+ − % input to the maximum size of the used indices.
+ − % 2) Throw an error if the inputs are more than one but not so
+ − % much as the maximum of the used indices.
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − function array = checkArray(array, maxi, maxj)
+ − if numel(array) == 0
+ − % Do nothing
+ − elseif numel(array) == 1
+ − array = repmat(array, maxi, maxj);
+ − elseif size(array,1) ~= maxi || size(array,2) ~= maxj
+ − error('### One model is not well defined. Max (i,j) = (%d,%d) but only used (%d,%d)', maxi, maxj, size(array,1), size(array,2));
+ − end
+ − end
+ −