% UPDATE_STRUCT update the input structure to the current ltpda version%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION: update_struct%% DESCRIPTION: UPDATE_STRUCT update the input structure to the current% ltpda version%% CALL: obj_struct = update_struct(obj_struct, version_str);%% VERSION: $Id: update_struct.m,v 1.12 2010/08/02 16:41:10 nicolodi Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function obj_struct = update_struct(obj_struct, version_str) % get only the version string without the MATLAB version and convert to double ver = utils.helper.ver2num(strtok(version_str)); % update from version 1.0 if ver <= utils.helper.ver2num('1.0') if isfield(obj_struct, 'timeformat') if isstruct(obj_struct.timeformat) obj_struct.timeformat = obj_struct.timeformat.format_str; end end end % update from version 2.3 if ver <= utils.helper.ver2num('2.3') if isfield(obj_struct, 'time_str') obj_struct = rmfield(obj_struct, 'time_str'); end end % update from version 2.4 if ver <= utils.helper.ver2num('2.4') if isfield(obj_struct, 'timeformat') obj_struct = rmfield(obj_struct, 'timeformat'); end if isfield(obj_struct, 'timezone') obj_struct = rmfield(obj_struct, 'timezone'); end endend