<p> Transfer functions can be expressed as a quocient of polynomials</p><br><div align="center"> <img src="images/parfrac_tf_eqn.png" alt="Pole/zero model TF" border="3"></div><br><p> The constructor can be used in different ways</p><h2>From poles and residues</a></h2><p> The standard way is to input the coefficients of your filter. The constructor accepts as a optional properties the name</p><br><div class="fragment"><pre> >> par = parfrac([1 2+1i 2-1i], [6 1+3i 1-3i], []) ---- parfrac 1 ---- model: None res: [1;2+i*1;2-i*1] poles: [6;1+i*3;1-i*3] dir: 0 pmul: [1;1;1] iunits: [] ounits: [] -------------------</pre></div><br><h2>From partial XML file</a></h2>You can input a XML file containing a transfer function model into the constructor<br><div class="fragment"><pre> >> par = parfrac('datafile.xml')</pre></div><br><h2>From mat file</a></h2>You can input a mat file containing a transfer function model into the constructor<br><div class="fragment"><pre> >> rat = parfrac('datafile.mat')</pre></div><br><h2>From plist</a></h2>All the properties of the filter can be specified in a plist and then passed to the constructor:<br><div class="fragment"><pre> >> pl = plist('iunits','m','ounits','V','res',[1 2+1i 2-1i],'poles',[6 1+3i 1-3i],... 'name','filter_mame'); >> par = parfrac(pl) ---- parfrac 1 ---- model: filter_mame res: [1;2+i*1;2-i*1] poles: [6;1+i*3;1-i*3] dir: 0 pmul: [1;1;1] iunits: [m] ounits: [V] -------------------</pre></div><br><h2>From repository</a></h2>Rational transfer function can be obtained from the <a href="repo.html"> repository </a> with the following syntax.<br><div class="fragment"><pre> >> rat = rational('Hostname','localhost','Database','ltpda',... 'ID',[],'CID',[],'Binary',yes)</pre></div><br>