line source
+ − % Training session Topic 5 exercise 03
+ − %
+ − % Generation of noise with given psd
+ − %
+ − % 1) Load fsdata object from file
+ − % 2) Fit psd of test data with zDomainFit
+ − % 3) Genarate noise from fitted model
+ − % 4) Fit psd of test data with curvefit
+ − % 5) Genarate noise from fitted model
+ − % 6) Compare results
+ − %
+ − % L FERRAIOLI 22-02-09
+ − %
+ − % $Id: TrainigSession_T5_Ex03.m,v 1.3 2009/02/25 18:18:45 luigi Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − %% 1) load fsdata
+ −
+ − % load test noise AO from file
+ − tn = ao(plist('filename', 'topic5\T5_Ex03_TestNoise.xml'));
+ − tn.setName;
+ −
+ − %% 2) Fitting psd of test data with zDomainFit
+ −
+ − %% 2.1) We try to identify a proper model for the psd of loaded data
+ −
+ − % making psd ot test data - we need some average otherwise the fitting
+ − % algorithm is not able to run correctly
+ − tnxx1 = tn.psd(plist('Nfft',2000));
+ −
+ − % Removing first bins
+ − tnxx1r = split(tnxx1,plist('split_type', 'frequencies', 'frequencies', [2e-3 5e-1]));
+ − iplot(tnxx1r)
+ −
+ − % finding proper weights for noisy data
+ − stnxx = smoother(tnxx1r);
+ − wgh = 1./(abs(;
+ −
+ − %% 2.2) Fitting
+ −
+ − plfit1 = plist('FS',1,... % Sampling frequency for the model filters
+ − 'AutoSearch','on',... % Automatically search for a good model
+ − 'StartPolesOpt','c1',... % Define the properties of the starting poles - complex distributed in the unitary circle
+ − 'maxiter',50,... % maximum number of iteration per model order
+ − 'minorder',10,... % minimum model order
+ − 'maxorder',45,... % maximum model order
+ − 'weights',wgh,... % assign externally calculated weights
+ − 'ResLogDiff',[],... % Residuals log difference (no need to assign this parameter for the moment)
+ − 'ResFlat',0.77,... % Rsiduals spectral flatness
+ − 'RMSE',5,... % Root Mean Squared Error Variation
+ − 'Plot','on',... % set the plot on or off
+ − 'ForceStability','off',... % we do not need a stable filter
+ − 'CheckProgress','off'); % display fitting progress on the command window
+ −
+ − % Do the fit
+ − [param1,fmod1] = zDomainFit(tnxx1r,plfit1);
+ −
+ − %% 3) Generating noise from model psd
+ −
+ − % noisegen1D is a noise coloring tool. It accept as input a white noise
+ − % time series and output a colored noise time series with one sided psd
+ − % matching the model specifiend into the parameters
+ −
+ − % Generate white noise
+ − a1 = ao(plist('tsfcn', 'randn(size(t))', 'fs', 1, 'nsecs', 10000,'yunits','m'));
+ −
+ − plng = plist(...
+ − 'model', abs(fmod1), ... % model for colored noise psd
+ − 'MaxIter', 50, ... % maximum number of fit iteration per model order
+ − 'PoleType', 2, ... % generates complex poles distributed in the unitary circle
+ − 'MinOrder', 20, ... % minimum model order
+ − 'MaxOrder', 50, ... % maximum model order
+ − 'Weights', 2, ... % weight with 1/abs(model)
+ − 'Plot', false,... % on to show the plot
+ − 'Disp', false,... % on to display fit progress on the command window
+ − 'RMSEVar', 7,... % Root Mean Squared Error Variation
+ − 'FitTolerance', 2); % Residuals log difference
+ −
+ − ac1 = noisegen1D(a1, plng);
+ −
+ − %% 4) Checking results
+ −
+ − % Calculating psd of generated data
+ − acxx1 = ac1.psd(plist('Nfft',2000));
+ −
+ − % Comparing with starting data
+ − iplot(tnxx1,acxx1)
+ −