line source
function out = draftConvert128_3toAOs(filename)
if nargin == 0
filename = '/data/home/indiep/DataAnalysis/a109721/DMUDMU_A/LSM10030_tmpk/LSM10030_tmpk_200910052051Z_F200909301020Z_T200909301021Z_hex.txt';
fid = fopen(filename);
format128_3 = '%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %*[^\n]';
C = textscan(fid, format128_3, 'Delimiter', '\t');
timeFormat = java.text.SimpleDateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS');
timeFormat.parse('01-01-2000 00:00:00.000');
toff = timeFormat.getCalendar.getTimeInMillis;
timeFormat = java.text.SimpleDateFormat('dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS');
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Convert time string %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Column 2
N = 2;
tUDMS = [];
for ii = 3:numel(C{N})
tUDMS = [tUDMS; (timeFormat.getCalendar.getTimeInMillis - toff)/1000];
% Column 3
N = 3;
tDMU = hex2x_time(char(C{N}{3:end}));
DMU_UDMS_TIME = ao(xydata(tDMU, tUDMS));
DMU_UDMS_TIME.setName('DMU_UDMS_TIME', 'internal');
t0 = time();
t0.setEpochtime(round(toff + tDMU(1)*1000));
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Convert flags %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Column 5
N = 5;
DMU_X1_C1_GT_5 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 6
N = 6;
DMU_X1_C1_GT_42 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 7
N = 7;
DMU_X1_C1_LT_38 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 8
N = 8;
DMU_X1_C1_GT_70 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 9
N = 9;
DMU_X1_ERR1 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 10
N = 10;
DMU_X1_ERR2 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 11
N = 11;
DMU_X1_ERR3 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 12
N = 12;
DMU_X1_ETA_PHI = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 13
N = 13;
DMU_X1_VALIDITY = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 14
N = 14;
DMU_X1_ETA_PHI_VALIDITY = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 15
N = 15;
DMU_X1_C1_GT_10 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 16
N = 16;
DMU_X1_C1_LT_6 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 19
N = 19;
DMU_X12_C12_GT_5 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 20
N = 20;
DMU_X12_C12_GT_42 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 21
N = 21;
DMU_X12_C12_LT_38 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 22
N = 22;
DMU_X12_C12_GT_70 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 23
N = 23;
DMU_X12_ERR4 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 24
N = 24;
DMU_X12_ERR5 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 25
N = 25;
DMU_X12_ERR6 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 26
N = 26;
DMU_X12_ETA_PHI = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 27
N = 27;
DMU_X12_VALIDITY = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 28
N = 28;
DMU_X12_ETA_PHI_VALIDITY = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 29
N = 29;
DMU_X12_C1_GT_10 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
% Column 30
N = 30;
DMU_X12_C1_LT_6 = createFlagAO(N, @hex2dec);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Convert data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Column 17
N = 17;
DMU_X1_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2num, 'm');
% Column 31
N = 31;
DMU_X12_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2num, 'm');
% Column 32
N = 32;
DMU_DC_PHI_1_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad');
% Column 33
N = 33;
DMU_DC_ETA_1_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad');
% Column 34
N = 34;
DMU_DC_PHI_2_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad');
% Column 35
N = 35;
DMU_DC_ETA_2_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad');
% Column 36
N = 36;
DMU_DWS_PHI_1_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad');
% Column 37
N = 37;
DMU_DWS_ETA_1_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad');
% Column 38
N = 38;
DMU_DWS_PHI_2_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad');
% Column 39
N = 39;
DMU_DWS_ETA_2_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad');
% Column 40
N = 40;
DMU_PSI_F_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2num, 'rad');
% Column 41
N = 41;
DMU_PSI_R_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2num, 'rad');
% Column 42
N = 42;
DMU_SIGMA_F_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, '');
% Column 43
N = 43;
DMU_SIGMA_R_FILT = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, '');
out = [...
DMU_X1_FILT, ...
DMU_X12_FILT, ...
DMU_X1_C1_GT_5, ...
DMU_X1_C1_GT_42, ...
DMU_X1_C1_LT_38, ...
DMU_X1_C1_GT_70, ...
DMU_X1_ERR1, ...
DMU_X1_ERR2, ...
DMU_X1_ERR3, ...
DMU_X1_C1_GT_10, ...
DMU_X1_C1_LT_6, ...
DMU_X12_C12_GT_5, ...
DMU_X12_C12_GT_42, ...
DMU_X12_C12_LT_38, ...
DMU_X12_C12_GT_70, ...
DMU_X12_ERR4, ...
DMU_X12_ERR5, ...
DMU_X12_ERR6, ...
DMU_X12_ETA_PHI, ...
DMU_X12_C1_GT_10, ...
DMU_X12_C1_LT_6, ...
out = addHistoryStep(out, plist('filename', filename), '$Id: draftConvert128_3toAOs.m,v 1.3 2009/10/19 10:35:12 ingo Exp $', []);
function out = createFlagAO(N, convert_fcn)
d = cdata(convert_fcn(char(C{N}{3:end})));
out = ao(d);
out.setName(C{N}{2}, 'internal');
out.setDescription(C{N}{1}, 'internal');
function out = createDataAO(N, convert_fcn, unit)
d = tsdata(convert_fcn(char(C{N}{3:end})), 10, t0);
out = ao(d);
out.setName(C{N}{2}, 'internal');
out.setDescription(C{N}{1}, 'internal');
out.setXunits('s', 'internal');
out.setYunits(unit, 'internal');
function x = hex2x_time(s)
% The first 4 bytes are the seconds from the 1 January 2000
s1 = s(:, 1:8);
% The last byte divided by 256 in milliseconds
s2 = s(:, 9:10);
x = hex2dec(s1) + hex2dec(s2)/256;
%HEX2SINGLE Convert single precision IEEE hexadecimal string to number.
% HEX2SINGLE(S), where S is a 8 character string containing
% a hexadecimal number, returns a double type number
% equal to the IEEE single precision
% floating point number it represents. Fewer than 8
% characters are padded on the right with zeros.
% If S is a character array, each row is interpreted as a single
% precision number (and returned as a double).
% NaNs, infinities and denorms are handled correctly.
% Example:
% hexsingle2num('40490fdb') returns Pi.
% hexsingle2num('bf8') returns -1.
% See also HEX2NUM.
% Based on Matlab's hex2num.
% Note: IEEE Standard 754 for floating point numbers
% Floating point numbers are represented as:
% x = +/- (1+f)*2^e
% doubles: 64 bits
% Bit 63 (1 bit) = sign (0=positive, 1=negative)
% Bit 62 to 52 (11 bits)= exponent biased by 1023
% Bit 51 to 0 (52 bits)= fraction f of the number 1.f
% singles: 32 bits
% Bit 31 (1 bit) = sign (0=positive, 1=negative)
% Bit 30 to 23 (8 bits) = exponent biased by 127
% Bit 22 to 0 (23 bits)= fraction f of the number 1.f
% Original file hexsingle2num from Mark Lubinski
% Changed on 19-may-05 by Matthias Noell: denormalized power set 2^-126
function x = hex2single(s)
if iscellstr(s), s = char(s); end
if ~ischar(s)
error('Input to hexsingle2num must be a string.')
if isempty(s), x = []; return, end
[row,col] = size(s);
blanks = find(s==' '); % Find the blanks at the end
if ~isempty(blanks), s(blanks) = '0'; end % Zero pad the shorter hex numbers.
% Convert characters to numeric digits.
% More than 8 characters are ignored
% For double: d = zeros(row,16);
d = zeros(row,8);
d(:,1:col) = abs(lower(s)) - '0';
d = d + ('0'+10-'a').*(d>9);
neg = d(:,1) > 7;
d(:,1) = d(:,1)-8*neg;
if any(d > 15) | any(d < 0)
error('Input string to hexsingle2num should have just 0-9, a-f, or A-F.')
% Floating point exponent.
% For double: e = 16*(16*(d(:,1)-4) + d(:,2)) + d(:,3) + 1;
% For double: e = 256*d(:,1) + 16*d(:,2) + d(:,3) - 1023;
expBit = (d(:,3) > 7);
e = 32*d(:,1) + 2*d(:,2) + expBit - 127;
d(:,3) = d(:,3)-8*expBit; % Remove most sig. bit of d(:,3) which belongs to exponent
% Floating point fraction.
% For double: sixteens = [16;256;4096;65536;1048576;16777216;268435456];
% For double: sixteens2 = 268435456*sixteens(1:6);
% For double: multiplier = 1./[sixteens;sixteens2];
% For double: f = d(:,4:16)*multiplier;
sixteens = [16;256;4096;65536;1048576;16777216];
multiplier = 2./[sixteens];
f = d(:,3:8)*multiplier;
x = zeros(row,1);
% Scale the fraction by 2 to the exponent.
% For double: overinf = find((e>1023) & (f==0));
overinf = find((e>127) & (f==0));
if ~isempty(overinf), x(overinf) = inf; end
% For double: overNaN = find((e>1023) & (f~=0));
overNaN = find((e>127) & (f~=0));
if ~isempty(overNaN), x(overNaN) = NaN; end
% For double: underflow = find(e<-1022);
underflow = find(e<-126);
if ~isempty(underflow), x(underflow) = pow2(f(underflow),-126); end
% For double: allothers = find((e<=1023) & (e>=-1022));
allothers = find((e<=127) & (e>=-126));
if ~isempty(allothers), x(allothers) = pow2(1+f(allothers),e(allothers)); end
negatives = find(neg);
if ~isempty(negatives), x(negatives) = -x(negatives); end