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view m-toolbox/test/draftConvert128_4toAOs.m @ 0:f0afece42f48
author | Daniele Nicolodi <> |
date | Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23) |
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function out = draftConvert128_4toAOs(filename) if nargin == 0 filename = '/data/home/indiep/DataAnalysis/a109721/DMUDMU_A/LSM10031_tmpk/LSM10031_tmpk_200910052051Z_F200909301020Z_T200909301021Z_hex.txt'; end fid = fopen(filename); desc = fgetl(fid); desc = textscan(desc, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\t', 'CollectOutput', true); desc = desc{1}; names = fgetl(fid); names = textscan(names, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\t', 'CollectOutput', true); names = names{1}; ncols = numCols(fid); C = textscan(fid, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\t', 'CollectOutput', true); fclose(fid); C =C{1}; packetID = hex2dec(C{4}); if packetID ~= 9001 error('### At the moment it is only possible to convert 128,4 with packet 9001 into AOs. But the packet is [%d]', packetID); end timeFormat = java.text.SimpleDateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS'); timeFormat.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')); timeFormat.parse('01-01-2000 00:00:00.000'); toff = timeFormat.getCalendar.getTimeInMillis/1000; t0 = time(); t0.setTimezone('UTC'); t0.setEpochtime(round((hex2x_time(C{3}) + toff)*1000)); N = 43; HORIZ_DWS_F = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad'); N = 44; VERT_DWS_F = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad'); N = 45; HORIZ_DWS_R = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad'); N = 46; VERT_DWS_R = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad'); N = 47; HORIZ_DC_R = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad'); N = 48; VERT_DC_R = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad'); N = 49; CTAST_1 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 50; CTAST_12 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 51; CTAST_F = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 52; CTAST_R = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 53; HORIZ_DC_F = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad'); N = 54; VERT_DC_F = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, 'rad'); N = 17; DMU_INTERIM_13 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 18; DMU_INTERIM_14 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 19; DMU_INTERIM_15 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 20; DMU_INTERIM_16 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 21; DMU_INTERIM_17 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 22; DMU_INTERIM_18 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 23; DMU_INTERIM_19 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 24; DMU_INTERIM_20 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 25; DMU_INTERIM_21 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 26; DMU_INTERIM_22 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 27; DMU_INTERIM_23 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 28; DMU_INTERIM_24 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 29; DMU_INTERIM_25 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 30; DMU_INTERIM_26 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 31; DMU_INTERIM_27 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 32; DMU_INTERIM_28 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 33; DMU_INTERIM_29 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 34; DMU_INTERIM_30 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 35; DMU_INTERIM_31 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 36; DMU_INTERIM_32 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 37; DMU_INTERIM_33 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 38; DMU_INTERIM_34 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 39; DMU_INTERIM_35 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); N = 40; DMU_INTERIM_36 = createDataAO(N, @hex2single, ''); out = [... HORIZ_DWS_F, ... VERT_DWS_F, ... HORIZ_DWS_R, ... VERT_DWS_R, ... HORIZ_DC_R, ... VERT_DC_R, ... CTAST_1, ... CTAST_12, ... CTAST_F, ... CTAST_R, ... HORIZ_DC_F, ... VERT_DC_F, ... DMU_INTERIM_13, ... DMU_INTERIM_14, ... DMU_INTERIM_15, ... DMU_INTERIM_16, ... DMU_INTERIM_17, ... DMU_INTERIM_18, ... DMU_INTERIM_19, ... DMU_INTERIM_20, ... DMU_INTERIM_21, ... DMU_INTERIM_22, ... DMU_INTERIM_23, ... DMU_INTERIM_24, ... DMU_INTERIM_25, ... DMU_INTERIM_26, ... DMU_INTERIM_27, ... DMU_INTERIM_28, ... DMU_INTERIM_29, ... DMU_INTERIM_30, ... DMU_INTERIM_31, ... DMU_INTERIM_32, ... DMU_INTERIM_33, ... DMU_INTERIM_34, ... DMU_INTERIM_35, ... DMU_INTERIM_36]; out = addHistoryStep(out, plist('filename', filename), '$Id: draftConvert128_4toAOs.m,v 1.1 2009/10/19 10:35:12 ingo Exp $', []); out.submit(); function out = createDataAO(N, convert_fcn, unit) y = convert_fcn(char(C(N:ncols:end))); d = tsdata(y, 10, t0); out = ao(d); out.setName(names{N}, 'internal'); out.setDescription(desc{N}, 'internal'); out.setXunits('s', 'internal'); out.setYunits(unit, 'internal'); end end function t = date2seconds(s) t = []; timeFormat = java.text.SimpleDateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS'); timeFormat.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')); timeFormat.parse('01-01-2000 00:00:00.000'); toff = timeFormat.getCalendar.getTimeInMillis; timeFormat = java.text.SimpleDateFormat('dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS'); timeFormat.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')); for ii = 1:size(s,1) timeFormat.parse(s(ii,:)); t = [t; (timeFormat.getCalendar.getTimeInMillis - toff)/1000]; end end function ncols = numCols(fid) position = ftell(fid); line = fgetl(fid); C = textscan(line, '%s', 'Delimiter', '\t'); C = C{1}; ncols = numel(C); fseek(fid, position, 'bof'); end function lines = numLines(fid) block = []; position = ftell(fid); lines = 0; % number of lines in file nlchr = uint8(sprintf('\n')); % newline chr as uint8 bsize = 4 * 256 * 8192; % block size to read while ~feof(fid) block = fread(fid, bsize, '*uint8'); lines = lines + sum(block == nlchr); end if ~isempty(block) % in case file is empty lines = lines + double(block(end) ~= nlchr); end fseek(fid, position, 'bof'); end function x = hex2x_time(s) % The first 4 bytes are the seconds from the 1 January 2000 s1 = s(:, 1:8); % The last byte divided by 256 in milliseconds s2 = s(:, 9:10); x = hex2dec(s1) + hex2dec(s2)/256; end %HEX2SINGLE Convert single precision IEEE hexadecimal string to number. % HEX2SINGLE(S), where S is a 8 character string containing % a hexadecimal number, returns a double type number % equal to the IEEE single precision % floating point number it represents. Fewer than 8 % characters are padded on the right with zeros. % % If S is a character array, each row is interpreted as a single % precision number (and returned as a double). % % NaNs, infinities and denorms are handled correctly. % % Example: % hexsingle2num('40490fdb') returns Pi. % hexsingle2num('bf8') returns -1. % % See also HEX2NUM. % Based on Matlab's hex2num. % Note: IEEE Standard 754 for floating point numbers % % Floating point numbers are represented as: % x = +/- (1+f)*2^e % % doubles: 64 bits % Bit 63 (1 bit) = sign (0=positive, 1=negative) % Bit 62 to 52 (11 bits)= exponent biased by 1023 % Bit 51 to 0 (52 bits)= fraction f of the number 1.f % singles: 32 bits % Bit 31 (1 bit) = sign (0=positive, 1=negative) % Bit 30 to 23 (8 bits) = exponent biased by 127 % Bit 22 to 0 (23 bits)= fraction f of the number 1.f % % Original file hexsingle2num from Mark Lubinski % Changed on 19-may-05 by Matthias Noell: denormalized power set 2^-126 function x = hex2single(s) if iscellstr(s), s = char(s); end if ~ischar(s) error('Input to hexsingle2num must be a string.') end if isempty(s), x = []; return, end [row,col] = size(s); blanks = find(s==' '); % Find the blanks at the end if ~isempty(blanks), s(blanks) = '0'; end % Zero pad the shorter hex numbers. % Convert characters to numeric digits. % More than 8 characters are ignored % For double: d = zeros(row,16); d = zeros(row,8); d(:,1:col) = abs(lower(s)) - '0'; d = d + ('0'+10-'a').*(d>9); neg = d(:,1) > 7; d(:,1) = d(:,1)-8*neg; if any(d > 15) | any(d < 0) error('Input string to hexsingle2num should have just 0-9, a-f, or A-F.') end % Floating point exponent. % For double: e = 16*(16*(d(:,1)-4) + d(:,2)) + d(:,3) + 1; % For double: e = 256*d(:,1) + 16*d(:,2) + d(:,3) - 1023; expBit = (d(:,3) > 7); e = 32*d(:,1) + 2*d(:,2) + expBit - 127; d(:,3) = d(:,3)-8*expBit; % Remove most sig. bit of d(:,3) which belongs to exponent % Floating point fraction. % For double: sixteens = [16;256;4096;65536;1048576;16777216;268435456]; % For double: sixteens2 = 268435456*sixteens(1:6); % For double: multiplier = 1./[sixteens;sixteens2]; % For double: f = d(:,4:16)*multiplier; sixteens = [16;256;4096;65536;1048576;16777216]; multiplier = 2./[sixteens]; f = d(:,3:8)*multiplier; x = zeros(row,1); % Scale the fraction by 2 to the exponent. % For double: overinf = find((e>1023) & (f==0)); overinf = find((e>127) & (f==0)); if ~isempty(overinf), x(overinf) = inf; end % For double: overNaN = find((e>1023) & (f~=0)); overNaN = find((e>127) & (f~=0)); if ~isempty(overNaN), x(overNaN) = NaN; end % For double: underflow = find(e<-1022); underflow = find(e<-126); if ~isempty(underflow), x(underflow) = pow2(f(underflow),-126); end % For double: allothers = find((e<=1023) & (e>=-1022)); allothers = find((e<=127) & (e>=-126)); if ~isempty(allothers), x(allothers) = pow2(1+f(allothers),e(allothers)); end negatives = find(neg); if ~isempty(negatives), x(negatives) = -x(negatives); end end