line source
% Test file for ltpda_timedomain fit. This does a noise subtraction from
% engineering model data.
% M Hewitson 18-03-07
% $Id: test_timedomainfit.m,v 1.2 2008/07/29 15:11:44 ingo Exp $
%% Load data into analysis objects
disp('*** Loading data....')
x12 = ao('~/frommario/Data/x12.txt'); %x12
phi1 = ao('~/frommario/Data/phi1.txt'); %phi1
eta1 = ao('~/frommario/Data/eta1.txt'); %eta1
phi12 = ao('~/frommario/Data/phi12.txt'); %phi12
eta12 = ao('~/frommario/Data/eta12.txt'); %eta12
disp('*** Done.')
% get the sample frequency for designing bandpass filter
d1 =;
fs = d1.fs;
%% Load bandpass
pl = plist();
pl = append(pl, param('type', 'bandpass'));
% pl = append(pl, param('fs', fs));
pl = append(pl, param('fc', [0.003 0.03]));
pl = append(pl, param('order', 2));
bp = miir(pl);
%% Filter data and remove startup transients
% parameter list for split()
% to remove startup transient of filters
spl = plist(param('times', [1000 2000]));
% parameter list for filter()
fpl = plist(param('filter', bp));
% filter and split data
x12f = split(filter(x12, fpl), spl);
phi1f = split(filter(phi1, fpl), spl);
eta1f = split(filter(eta1, fpl), spl);
phi12f = split(filter(phi12, fpl), spl);
eta12f = split(filter(eta12, fpl), spl);
%% Make Timedomainfit
coeffsAO = timedomainfit(x12f, phi1f, eta1f, phi12f, eta12f);
%% Make linear combination
x12_fit = lincom(phi1, eta1, phi12, eta12, coeffsAO);
x12ns = x12 - x12_fit;
%% Make LPSD of each
% Window function
w = specwin('Kaiser', 10, 150);
% parameter list for lpsd
pl = plist();
pl = append(pl, param('Kdes', 100));
pl = append(pl, param('Kmin', 2));
pl = append(pl, param('Jdes', 500));
pl = append(pl, param('Win', w));
pl = append(pl, param('order', 1));
% LPSD of filtered x12
x12fxx = lpsd(x12f, pl);
x12xx = lpsd(x12, pl);
x12nsxx = lpsd(x12ns, pl);
%% Plot results
iplot([x12fxx x12xx x12nsxx])
legend('Bandpassed X12', 'X12', 'X12 with noise subtracted');
save(x12fxx, 'x12fxx.xml');
save(x12xx, 'x12xx.xml');
save(x12nsxx, 'x12nsxx.xml');
%% Reproduce from history
% Write an m-file from AO
ao2m(x12nsxx, 'test.m');
%% now run it