line source
+ − % LINFITSVD Linear fit with singular value decomposition
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ − %
+ − % DESCRIPTION: Linear least square problem with singular value
+ − % decomposition
+ − %
+ − % ALGORITHM: Perform linear identification of the parameters of a
+ − % multichannel systems. The results of different experiments on the same
+ − % system can be passed as input. The algorithm, thanks to the singular
+ − % value decomposition, extract the maximum amount of information from each
+ − % single channel and for each experiment. Total information is then
+ − % combined to get the final result.
+ − %
+ − % CALL: pars = linfitsvd(os1,...,osn,pl);
+ − %
+ − % INPUT:
+ − % - osi are vector of system output signals. They must be
+ − % Nx1 matrix objects, where N is the output dimension of the
+ − % system
+ − %
+ − % OUTPUT:
+ − % - pars: a pest object containing parameter estimation
+ − %
+ − % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('matrix', 'linfitsvd')">Parameters Description</a>
+ − %
+ − % VERSION: $Id: linfitsvd.m,v 1.38 2011/04/08 08:56:32 hewitson Exp $
+ − %
+ − %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − function varargout = linfitsvd(varargin)
+ −
+ − %%% LTPDA stufs and get data %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ −
+ − % Check if this is a call for parameters
+ − if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
+ − varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
+ − return
+ − end
+ −
+ − import utils.const.*
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.OMNAME, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
+ −
+ − % Collect input variable names
+ − in_names = cell(size(varargin));
+ − for ii = 1:nargin,in_names{ii} = inputname(ii);end
+ −
+ − % Collect all ltpdauoh objects
+ − [mtxs, mtxs_invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'matrix', in_names);
+ − [pl, invars] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist');
+ −
+ − inhists = [mtxs(:).hist];
+ −
+ − % combine plists
+ − pl = parse(pl, getDefaultPlist());
+ −
+ − %%% get input parameters
+ − % if the model is a matrix of smodels
+ − lmod = find(pl, 'dmodel');
+ − % if the model is ssm
+ − inNames = find(pl,'InNames');
+ − outNames = find(pl,'OutNames');
+ − % common parameters
+ − mod = find(pl,'Model');
+ − fitparams = find(pl,'FitParams');
+ − inputdat = find(pl,'Input');
+ − WF = find(pl,'WhiteningFilter');
+ − nloops = find(pl,'Nloops');
+ − ncut = find(pl,'Ncut');
+ − npad = find(pl,'Npad');
+ − kwnpars = find(pl,'KnownParams');
+ − tol = find(pl,'tol');
+ − fastopt = find(pl,'fast');
+ − setalias = find(pl,'SetAlias');
+ − sThreshold = find(pl,'sThreshold');
+ − diffStep = find(pl,'diffStep');
+ −
+ − boundedpars = find(pl,'BoundedParams');
+ − boudary = find(pl,'BoundVals');
+ −
+ − % check if there are bounded parameters
+ − if ~isempty(boundedpars)
+ − boundparams = true;
+ − else
+ − boundparams = false;
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − % check the class of the model
+ − if isa(mod,'ssm')
+ − ssmmod = true;
+ − else
+ − ssmmod = false;
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% some sanity checks
+ − if ~ssmmod
+ − if numel(mtxs)~= numel(inputdat.objs)
+ − error('Number of input data vectors must be the same of fit data vectors')
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − [fitparams,idx] = sort(fitparams);
+ − fitparvals = fitparams;
+ − if ssmmod
+ − %%% get fit parameters
+ − for ii=1:numel(fitparams)
+ − fitparvals{ii} = mod.getParameters(plist('names',fitparams{ii}));
+ − end
+ − if isempty(diffStep)
+ − sdiffStep = cell2mat(fitparvals).*0.01;
+ − idz = sdiffStep == 0;
+ − sdiffStep(idz) = 1e-7;
+ − else
+ − sdiffStep = diffStep(idx);
+ − end
+ − else
+ − %%% get a single set of parameters
+ − totparnames = {};
+ − totparvals = {};
+ − for ii=1:numel(mod.objs)
+ − aa = mod.objs(ii).params;
+ − cc = mod.objs(ii).values;
+ − % get total parameter names
+ − [bb,i1,i2]=union(totparnames,aa);
+ − totparnames = [totparnames(i1),aa(i2)];
+ − % get total parameter values
+ − totparvals = [totparvals(i1),cc(i2)];
+ − end
+ − [totparnames,id] = sort(totparnames);
+ − totparvals = totparvals(id);
+ −
+ − %%% get fit parameters
+ − [nn,i1,i2] = intersect(totparnames,fitparams);
+ − fitparams = totparnames(i1);
+ − fitparvals = totparvals(i1);
+ − [fitparams,id] = sort(fitparams);
+ − fitparvals = fitparvals(id);
+ − end
+ −
+ − if ~ssmmod
+ − %%% linearize model with respect to fit parameters
+ − if isempty(lmod)
+ − lmod = linearize(mod,plist('Params',fitparams,'Sorting',false));
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − if isempty(WF)
+ − wfdat = copy(mtxs,1);
+ − elseif ~fastopt
+ − %%% whitening fit data
+ − wfdat = copy(mtxs,1);
+ − for ii=1:numel(mtxs)
+ − wfdat(ii) = filter(mtxs(ii),WF);
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % decide to pad in any case, assuming the objects have the same length
+ − if isempty(npad)
+ − npad = length(mtxs(1).objs(1).data.y) - 1;
+ − end
+ −
+ − % set alias if there are
+ − if setalias && (~ssmmod && ~isempty(mod.objs(1).aliasNames))
+ − nsecs = mtxs(1).objs(1).data.nsecs;
+ − fs = mtxs(1).objs(1).data.fs;
+ −
+ − plalias = plist('nsecs',nsecs,'npad',npad,'fs',fs);
+ − for ii=1:numel(mod.objs)
+ − mod.objs(ii).assignalias(mod.objs(ii),plalias);
+ − end
+ − for jj=1:numel(lmod.objs)
+ − for ii=1:numel(lmod.objs{jj}.objs)
+ − lmod.objs{jj}.objs(ii).assignalias(lmod.objs{jj}.objs(ii),plalias);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % do a copy to add at the output pest
+ − outmod = copy(mod,1);
+ −
+ − % check if the fast option is active
+ − if ~ssmmod && fastopt
+ − % set length of fft (this should match the operation made in fftfilt_core)
+ − nfft = length(mtxs(1).objs(1).data.y) + npad;
+ − fs = mtxs(1).objs(1).data.fs;
+ − % get fft freqs for current data. type option must match the one used
+ − % in fftfilt_core for fft_core
+ − fftfreq = utils.math.getfftfreq(nfft,fs,'one');
+ − % calculate freq resp of diagonal elements of WF
+ − rWF = getWFresp(WF,fftfreq,fs);
+ − % combine symbolic models with rWF
+ − mod = joinmodelandfilter(mod,rWF);
+ − lmod = joinmodelandfilter(lmod,rWF);
+ − WF = [];
+ − %%% whitening fit data
+ − wfdat = copy(mtxs,1);
+ − for ii=1:numel(mtxs)
+ − for jj=1:numel(mtxs(ii).objs)
+ − wfdat(ii).objs(jj) = fftfilt_core(wfdat(ii).objs(jj),rWF.objs(jj),npad);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − clear rWF
+ − end
+ −
+ − % init storage struct
+ − loop_results = struct('a',cell(1),...
+ − 'Ca',cell(1),...
+ − 'Corra',cell(1),...
+ − 'Vu',cell(1),...
+ − 'bu',cell(1),...
+ − 'Cbu',cell(1),...
+ − 'Fbu',cell(1),...
+ − 'mse',cell(1),...
+ − 'params',cell(1),...
+ − 'ppm',cell(1));
+ −
+ − % init user interaction variable
+ − reply = 'N';
+ −
+ − %%% run fit loop
+ −
+ − % This causes problems on some machines so we remove it for now until we
+ − % can investigate further.
+ − % fftw('planner', 'exhaustive');
+ −
+ − for kk=1:nloops
+ −
+ − % init index variable
+ − xxx = 1;
+ −
+ − % init data struct
+ − exps = struct();
+ −
+ − %%% Set fit parameters into model
+ − if ssmmod
+ − fs = wfdat(1).objs(1).fs;
+ − mod.doSetParameters(fitparams,cell2mat(fitparvals));
+ − lmod = parameterDiff(mod,plist('names',fitparams,'values',sdiffStep));
+ − lmod.modifyTimeStep(plist('newtimestep',1/fs));
+ − else
+ − % fitparvals are updated at each fit loop
+ − if fastopt
+ − for ii = 1:numel(mod.objs)
+ − mod.objs(ii).objs{2}.setParams(fitparams,fitparvals);
+ − end
+ − else
+ − for ii = 1:numel(mod.objs)
+ − mod.objs(ii).setParams(fitparams,fitparvals);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% run over input data
+ −
+ − for ii=1:numel(inputdat.objs)
+ − if ssmmod
+ − %%% extract input
+ − if isa(inputdat.objs{ii},'ao')
+ − in = inputdat.objs{ii};
+ − elseif isa(inputdat.objs{ii},'matrix')
+ − in = inputdat.objs{ii}.objs(:);
+ − else
+ − error('Unknown Input data type.')
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% calculates zero order response
+ − plsym = plist('AOS VARIABLE NAMES',inNames{ii},...
+ − 'RETURN OUTPUTS',outNames{ii},...
+ − 'AOS',in);
+ − %eo = simulate(lmod,plsym);
+ − %zor = matrix(eo,plist('shape',[numel(eo) 1]));
+ − zor = simulate(lmod,plsym);
+ − % check dimensions
+ − if size(zor.objs,1)<size(zor.objs,2)
+ − % do transpose
+ − zor = transpose(zor);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% calculates first order response
+ − for jj=1:numel(fitparams)
+ − % get output ports names
+ − [token, remain] = strtok(outNames{ii},'.');
+ − loutNames = token;
+ − for zz=1:numel(token)
+ − loutNames{zz} = sprintf('%s_DIFF_%s%s',token{zz},fitparams{jj},remain{zz});
+ − end
+ − plsym = plist('AOS VARIABLE NAMES',inNames{ii},...
+ − 'RETURN OUTPUTS',loutNames,...
+ − 'AOS',in);
+ − %eol = simulate(lmod,plsym);
+ − %fstor(jj) = matrix(eol,plist('shape',[numel(eol) 1]));
+ − fstor(jj) = simulate(lmod,plsym);
+ − % check dimensions
+ − if size(fstor(jj).objs,1)<size(fstor(jj).objs,2)
+ − % do transpose
+ − fstor(jj) = transpose(fstor(jj));
+ − end
+ − fstor(jj).setName(fitparams{jj});
+ − end
+ − else
+ − %%% calculates zero order response
+ − zor = fftfilt(inputdat.objs{ii},mod,plist('Npad',npad));
+ −
+ − %%% calculates first order response
+ − for jj=1:numel(lmod.objs)
+ − fstor(jj) = fftfilt(inputdat.objs{ii},lmod.objs{jj},plist('Npad',npad));
+ − fstor(jj).setName(lmod.objs{jj}.name);
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − if isempty(WF)
+ − wzor = zor;
+ − wfstor = fstor;
+ − else
+ − %%% whitening zor
+ − wzor = filter(zor,WF);
+ −
+ − %%% whitening fstor
+ − for jj=1:numel(fstor)
+ − wfstor(jj) = filter(fstor(jj),WF);
+ − wfstor(jj).setName(fstor(jj).name);
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% Collect object for the fit procedure
+ − for jj=1:numel(wfdat(ii).objs)
+ − % get difference between fit data and zero order response
+ − tfdat = wfdat(ii).objs(jj) - wzor.objs(jj);
+ − % remove whitening filter transient
+ − tfdats = tfdat.split(plist('samples',[ncut+1 numel(tfdat.y)]));
+ − % insert into exps struct
+ − fitdata(xxx,1) = tfdats;
+ −
+ − % build fit basis
+ − for gg=1:numel(fitparams)
+ − for hh=1:numel(wfstor)
+ − if strcmp(fitparams(gg),wfstor(hh).name)
+ − bsel = wfstor(hh).objs(jj);
+ − % remove whitening filter transient
+ − bsels = bsel.split(plist('samples',[ncut+1 numel(tfdat.y)]));
+ − end
+ − end
+ − bs(gg) = bsels;
+ − end
+ − % insert basis
+ − fitbasis(xxx,:) = bs;
+ −
+ − % step up xxx
+ − xxx = xxx + 1;
+ − end %jj=1:numel(wfdat(ii).objs)
+ −
+ − end %ii=1:numel(inputdat.objs)
+ −
+ − %%% build input objects
+ − [NN,MM] = size(fitbasis);
+ −
+ − for zz=1:MM
+ − H(1,zz) = matrix(fitbasis(:,zz));
+ − end
+ −
+ − Y = matrix(fitdata);
+ −
+ − %%% Insert known parameters
+ − if ~isempty(kwnpars)
+ − kwnparmanes = kwnpars.names;
+ − kwnparvals = kwnpars.y;
+ − kwnparerrors = kwnpars.dy;
+ −
+ − % init struct
+ − groundexps = struct;
+ −
+ − for ii=1:numel(kwnparmanes)
+ − for jj=1:numel(fitparams)
+ − if strcmp(kwnparmanes{ii},fitparams{jj})
+ − groundexps(ii).pos = jj;
+ − groundexps(ii).value = kwnparvals(ii);
+ − groundexps(ii).err = kwnparerrors(ii);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − %%% do fit
+ − if ~isempty(kwnpars) && isfield(groundexps,'pos')
+ − plfit = plist('KnownParams',groundexps,'sThreshold',sThreshold);
+ − [out,a,Ca,Corra,Vu,bu,Cbu,Fbu,mse,dof,ppm] = linlsqsvd(H,Y,plfit);
+ − else
+ − plfit = plist('sThreshold',sThreshold);
+ − [out,a,Ca,Corra,Vu,bu,Cbu,Fbu,mse,dof,ppm] = linlsqsvd(H,Y,plfit);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% update parameters values
+ − for ii=1:numel(fitparams)
+ − fitparvals{ii} = fitparvals{ii} + a(ii);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% check for bouded params
+ − if boundparams
+ − for pp=1:numel(fitparams)
+ − for qq=1:numel(boundedpars)
+ − if strcmp(fitparams{pp},boundedpars{qq});
+ − % check boudaries
+ − bd = boudary{qq};
+ − if fitparvals{pp}<bd(1)
+ − fitparvals{pp} = bd(1);
+ − elseif fitparvals{pp}>bd(2)
+ − fitparvals{pp} = bd(2);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − %%% store intermediate results
+ − loop_results(kk).a = a;
+ − loop_results(kk).Ca = Ca;
+ − loop_results(kk).Corra = Corra;
+ − loop_results(kk).Vu = Vu;
+ − loop_results(kk).bu = bu;
+ − loop_results(kk).Cbu = Cbu;
+ − loop_results(kk).Fbu = Fbu;
+ − loop_results(kk).mse = mse;
+ − loop_results(kk).params = fitparvals;
+ − loop_results(kk).ppm = ppm;
+ −
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, 'loop %d, mse %d\n',kk,mse);
+ −
+ − % check fit stability and accuracy
+ − fitmsg = checkfit(Vu,a);
+ − if ~isempty(fitmsg) && ~strcmpi(reply,'Y')
+ − % display message
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, fitmsg);
+ − % decide if stop for cycle
+ − reply = input('Do you want to carry on with fit iteration? Y/N [Y]: ', 's');
+ − if isempty(reply)
+ − reply = 'Y';
+ − end
+ − if strcmpi(reply,'N')
+ − break
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ − % check convergence
+ − condvec = (abs(a).^2)./diag(Ca); % parameters a are going to zero during the fit iterations
+ −
+ − if all(condvec < tol)
+ − condmsg = sprintf(['Fit parameters have reached convergence.\n'...
+ − 'Fit loop was terminated at iteration %s.\n'],num2str(kk));
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.IMPORTANT, condmsg);
+ − break
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ − end %for kk=1:nloops
+ −
+ − %%% output data
+ − % get minimum mse
+ − if ~isempty(fitmsg)
+ − val = mse;
+ − idx = kk;
+ − else
+ − mseprog = zeros(numel(loop_results),1);
+ − for ii=1:numel(loop_results)
+ − mseprog(ii) = loop_results(ii).mse;
+ − end
+ − [val,idx] = min(abs(mseprog-1)); % get the nearest to 1 value
+ − utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC1, 'Output values at minimum mse, mse = %d\n',val);
+ − end
+ −
+ − % output pest object
+ − pe = pest();
+ − pe.setY(cell2mat(loop_results(idx).params));
+ − pe.setDy(sqrt(diag(loop_results(idx).Ca)));
+ − pe.setCov(loop_results(idx).Ca);
+ − pe.setChi2(loop_results(idx).mse);
+ − pe.setNames(fitparams);
+ − pe.setDof(dof);
+ − pe.setModels(outmod);
+ − pe.setName(sprintf('linfitsvd(%s)',;
+ − pe.setProcinfo(plist('loop_results',loop_results));
+ −
+ − % set History
+ − pe.addHistory(getInfo('None'), pl, [mtxs_invars(:)], [inhists(:)]);
+ − varargout{1} = pe;
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % check fit accuracy and stability
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function msg = checkfit(V,aa)
+ −
+ − if size(V,1)<numel(aa)
+ − % The number of parameters combinations is less than the number of fit
+ − % parameters. Information cannot be recostructed fit results will be
+ − % compromised
+ − VV = abs(V).^2;
+ − num = numel(aa)-size(V,1);
+ − mVV = max(VV);
+ − % try to identify non measured params
+ − unmparams = [];
+ − for jj = 1:num
+ − [vl,idx] = min(mVV);
+ − unmparams = [unmparams idx];
+ − mVV(idx) = [];
+ − end
+ − msg = sprintf(['!!! The number of parameters combinations is less than the number of fit parameters. \n' ...
+ − 'Information cannot be recostructed and fit results will be compromised. \n'...
+ − 'Try to remove parameters %s from the fit parameters list or add information with more experiments !!!\n'],num2str(unmparams));
+ −
+ − else
+ −
+ − unmparams = [];
+ − trh1 = 1e-4;
+ −
+ − % eigenvectors are normalized, therefore square of the rows of V are sum
+ − % to one. Each column of V store the coefficients for a given parameter
+ − % for the set of eigenvectors
+ − for jj = 1:size(V,2)
+ − cl = abs(V(:,jj)).^2;
+ − if all(cl<trh1)
+ − unmparams = [unmparams jj];
+ − end
+ − end
+ − if ~isempty(unmparams)
+ − msg = sprintf(['!!! Parameter/s %s is/are not well measured. \n'...
+ − 'Fit accuracy could be impaired. \n'...
+ − 'Try to remove such parameters from the fit parameters list !!!\n'],num2str(unmparams));
+ − else
+ − msg = '';
+ − end
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % calculate frequency response of diagonal elements of the whitening filter
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function rsp = getWFresp(wf,f,fs)
+ − % run over wf elements
+ − obj = wf.objs;
+ − [rw,cl] = size(obj);
+ − if rw~=cl
+ − error('??? Matrix of whitening filter must be square');
+ − end
+ − amdl = ao.initObjectWithSize(rw,1);
+ − for jj=1:rw
+ − % check filter type
+ − switch lower(class(obj(jj,jj)))
+ − case 'filterbank'
+ − % get filter response on given frequencies
+ − amdly = utils.math.mtxiirresp(obj(jj,jj).filters,f,fs,obj(jj,jj).type);
+ − amdl(jj,1) = ao(fsdata(f, amdly, fs));
+ − case 'miir'
+ − % get filter response on given frequencies
+ − amdly = utils.math.mtxiirresp(obj(jj,jj),f,fs,[]);
+ − amdl(jj,1) = ao(fsdata(f, amdly, fs));
+ − end
+ − end
+ − rsp = matrix(amdl,plist('shape',[rw 1]));
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Join Symbolic model and whitening filter for fast calculations
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function jmod = joinmodelandfilter(smod,fil)
+ − switch class(smod)
+ − case 'matrix'
+ − mobj = smod.objs;
+ − [nn,mm] = size(mobj);
+ − nmobj = collection.initObjectWithSize(nn,mm);
+ − for ii=1:nn
+ − for jj=1:mm
+ − nmobj(ii,jj) = collection(fil.objs(ii,1),mobj(ii,jj));
+ − nmobj(ii,jj).setName(mobj(ii,jj).name);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − jmod = matrix(nmobj, plist('shape',[nn,mm]));
+ − jmod.setName(;
+ − case 'collection'
+ − matobj = matrix.initObjectWithSize(1,numel(smod.objs));
+ − for kk=1:numel(smod.objs)
+ − mobj = smod.objs{kk}.objs;
+ − [nn,mm] = size(mobj);
+ − nmobj = collection.initObjectWithSize(nn,mm);
+ − for ii=1:nn
+ − for jj=1:mm
+ − nmobj(ii,jj) = collection(fil.objs(ii,1),mobj(ii,jj));
+ − nmobj(ii,jj).setName(mobj(ii,jj).name);
+ − end
+ − end
+ − matobj(kk) = matrix(nmobj);
+ − matobj(kk).setName(smod.objs{kk}.name);
+ − %smod.objs{kk} = matobj;
+ − end
+ − jmod = collection(matobj);
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Info Object
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function ii = getInfo(varargin)
+ − if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
+ − sets = {};
+ − pl = [];
+ − else
+ − sets = {'Default'};
+ − pl = getDefaultPlist;
+ − end
+ − % Build info object
+ − ii = minfo(mfilename, 'matrix', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.sigproc, '$Id: linfitsvd.m,v 1.38 2011/04/08 08:56:32 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
+ − ii.setArgsmin(1);
+ − ii.setOutmin(1);
+ − ii.setOutmax(1);
+ − ii.setModifier(false);
+ − end
+ −
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − % Get Default Plist
+ − %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function plout = getDefaultPlist()
+ − persistent pl;
+ − if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl)
+ − pl = buildplist();
+ − end
+ − plout = pl;
+ − end
+ −
+ − function pl = buildplist()
+ −
+ − % General plist for moltichannel fits
+ − pl = plist.MCH_FIT_PLIST;
+ −
+ −
+ − % p = param({'FitParams','A cell array with the names of the fit parameters'}, {});
+ − % pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'BoundedParams','A cell array with the names of the bounded fit parameters'}, {});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'BoundVals','A cell array with the boundaries values for the bounded fit parameters'}, {});
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % p = param({'Model','System parametric model. A matrix of smodel objects or a ssm object'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − % pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'dModel','Partial derivatives of the system parametric model. A matrix of smodel objects'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % p = param({'InNames','A cell array containing cell arrays of the input ports names for each experiment. Used only with ssm models.'}, {});
+ − % pl.append(p);
+ − %
+ − % p = param({'OutNames','A cell array containing cell arrays of the output ports names for each experiment. Used only with ssm models.'}, {});
+ − % pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % p = param({'Input','Collection of input signals'},paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − % pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'WhiteningFilter','The multichannel whitening filter. A matrix object of filters'},paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'Nloops', 'Number of desired iteration loops.'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'Ncut', 'Number of bins to be discharged in order to cut whitening filter transients'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(100));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − % Number of points for zero padding
+ − p = param({'Npad', 'Number of points for zero padding.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'KnownParams', 'Known Parameters. A pest object containing parameters values, names and errors'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'tol','Convergence threshold for fit parameters'}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'fast',['Using fast option causes the whitening filter to be applied in frequency domain.'...
+ − 'The filter matrix is considered diagonal. The method skip time domain filtering saving some process time'...
+ − 'It works only when the imput model is a matrix of smodels']}, paramValue.FALSE_TRUE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'SetAlias','Set to true in order to aassign internally the values to the model alias'}, paramValue.FALSE_TRUE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = param({'sThreshold',['Fix upper treshold for singular values.'...
+ − 'Singular values larger than the value will be ignored.'...
+ − 'This correspon to consider only parameters combinations with error lower then the value']},...
+ − paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(1));
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ − p = plist({'diffStep','Numerical differentiation step for ssm models'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
+ − pl.append(p);
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − end