function string = cell2str(cellstr)%CELL2STR Convert a 2-D cell array to a string in MATLAB syntax.% STR = CELL2STR(CELLSTR) converts the 2-D CELLSTR to a % MATLAB string so that EVAL(STR) produces the original cell-array.% Works as corresponding MAT2STR but for cell array instead of % scalar matrices.%% Example% cellstr = {'U-234','Th-230'};% cell2str(cellstr) produces the string '{''U-234'',''Th-230'';}'.%% See also MAT2STR, STRREP, CELLFUN, EVAL.% Developed by Per-Anders Ekstr?m, 2003-2007 Facilia AB.%% Modified by Nicola Tateo for the LTPDA toolbox, to work also with cell% arrays of numbers and to remove the last ';'% % $Id: cell2str.m,v 1.3 2009/07/15 14:09:42 hewitson Exp $% if nargin~=1 error('CELL2STR:Nargin','Takes 1 input argument.');endif ischar(cellstr) string = ['''' strrep(cellstr,'''','''''') '''']; returnendif ndims(cellstr)>2 error('CELL2STR:TwoDInput','Input cell array must be 2-D.');endif isempty(cellstr) string = '{}';else if iscellstr(cellstr) ncols = size(cellstr,2); for i=1:ncols-1 output(:,i) = cellfun(@(x)['''' strrep(x,'''','''''') ''', '],... cellstr(:,i),'UniformOutput',false); end if ncols>0 output(:,ncols) = cellfun(@(x)['''' strrep(x,'''','''''') ''';'],... cellstr(:,ncols),'UniformOutput',false); end output = output'; output{numel(output)}(numel(output{numel(output)})) = []; string = ['{' output{:} '}']; else output = mat2str(cell2mat(cellstr)); if numel(output)>1, string = ['{',output(2:numel(output)-1),'}']; else string = ['{',output,'}']; end endend