view m-toolbox/classes/+utils/@prog/findparent.m @ 52:daf4eab1a51e
database-connection-manager tip
Fix. Default password should be [] not an empty string
Daniele Nicolodi <>
Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:29:47 +0100 (2011-12-07)
line source
+ − function [parentHandles] = findparent(childHandle,varargin)
+ − % This function retrieves the handles of all blocks parents of a given
+ − % child block, i.e. all those blocks which must be executed prior to the
+ − % given one.
+ − % Are considered only 'M-S-Function' blocks, since all others will be
+ − % executed anyway.
+ − %
+ − % $Id: findparent.m,v 1.2 2008/08/16 03:30:35 nicola Exp $
+ −
+ − lineHandles = get(childHandle,'LineHandles');
+ − lineIn1 = lineHandles.Inport; % this are all the handles of the lines coming in.
+ − parentHandles = get(lineIn1,'SrcBlockHandle'); % these are the handles of all parent blocks.
+ −
+ − if isempty(parentHandles), return; end
+ −
+ − if(iscell(parentHandles)), parentHandles = cell2mat(parentHandles); end
+ −
+ − for i=numel(parentHandles):-1:1
+ − if strcmp(get(parentHandles(i),'BlockType'),'From')
+ − gotoBlock = utils.prog.find_in_models(bdroot,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Goto','GotoTag',get(parentHandles(i),'GotoTag'));
+ − if numel(gotoBlock)>1
+ − disp(['*** Warning; found multiple GOTO blocks with the same associated tag; please check model ',gcs]);
+ − gotoBlock = gotoBlock{1};
+ − end
+ − % Substitute the handle of the 'from' block with the corresponding
+ − % 'goto' block:
+ − parentHandles(i) = get_param(gotoBlock{1},'Handle');
+ − end
+ −
+ − % Let's find recursively all the parents of this parent block:
+ − parentHandles = [parentHandles ; utils.prog.findparent(parentHandles(i))];
+ −
+ − % If this parent is a subsystem, all inner block must be added to the list
+ − % (but there's no need to look for the parents of all them):
+ − if strcmp(get(parentHandles(i),'BlockType'),'SubSystem')
+ − innerBlocks = utils.prog.find_in_models(parentHandles(i),'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','M-S-Function');
+ − for j=1:numel(innerBlocks)
+ − parentHandles = [parentHandles; innerBlocks(j)];
+ − end
+ − % The handle of the subsystem can be discarded:
+ − parentHandles(i) = [];
+ − elseif ~strcmp(get(parentHandles(i),'BlockType'),'M-S-Function')
+ − parentHandles(i) = [];
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ − end
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ −