% CTRANSPOSE overloads the ' operator for Analysis Objects.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: CTRANSPOSE overloads the ' operator for Analysis Objects.%% CALL: a = a1' % only with data = cdata% % This is just a wrapper of ao/transpose with the 'complex' parameter set% to true.%% <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ao', 'ctranspose')">Parameter Sets</a>%% VERSION: $Id: ctranspose.m,v 1.42 2011/04/17 15:51:45 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = ctranspose(varargin) % Check if this is a call for parameters if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:}) varargout{1} = ao.getInfo('transpose', varargin{3}); return end pl = plist('complex', true); if nargout > 0 out = ltpda_run_method('transpose', varargin{:}, pl); varargout = utils.helper.setoutputs(nargout, out); else ltpda_run_method('transpose', varargin{:}, pl); varargout{1} = [varargin{:}]; endend% END