% CSVGENERATEDATA Default method to convert a ltpda_uoh-object into csv data.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION: csvGenerateData%% DESCRIPTION:%% CALL: [data, pl] = csvGenerateData(ltpda_uoh)%% INPUTS: ltpda_uoh: Input objects%% OUTPUTS: data: Cell array with the data which should should be% written to the file.% pl: Parameter list which contains the description of the% data. The parameter list must contain the following% keys:% 'DESCRIPTION': Description for the file% 'COLUMNS': Meaning of each column seperated by a% comma. For additional information add% this name as a key and a description as% the value. For example:% | key | value% -----------------------% |COLUMNS| 'X1, X2'% | X1 | 'x-axis data'% | X2 | 'y-axis data'%% 'NROWS': Bumber of rows% 'NCOLS': Number of columns% 'OBJECT IDS': UUID of the objects seperated by a comma% 'OBJECT NEAMES': Object names seperated by a comma% 'CREATOR': Creator of the objects%% VERSION: $Id: csvGenerateData.m,v 1.1 2009/07/16 18:22:10 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [data, pl] = csvGenerateData(objs) error('### If it is necessary to export a %s-object then add a change request to MANTIS. https://ed.fbk.eu/ltpda/mantis/login_page.php', class(objs)); end%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION: getDefaultPlist%% DESCRIPTION: Get Default Plist%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function plo = getDefaultPlist() plo = plist(... 'DESCRIPTION', '', ... 'COLUMNS', '', ... 'NROWS', -1, ... 'NCOLS', -1, ... 'OBJECT IDS', '', ... 'OBJECT NEAMES', '', ... 'CREATOR', '');end