% SETPROPERTY set a property to a parameter.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: SETPROPERTY set a property to a parameter. If the property% name exists then replace the value otherwise add this% property.%% CALL: obj = obj.setProperty(propertyName, val);%% INPUTS: propertyName: Property name of the paramValue object% value: Value of the property%% VERSION: $Id: setProperty.m,v 1.2 2011/02/22 15:53:12 hewitson Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function obj = setProperty(obj, propertyName, value) if nargin ~= 3 error('### This method works only with three inputs.'); end if ~isempty(obj.val) obj = copy(obj, nargout); % if the value is not a paramValue, we need to promote it before % setting the property. if ~isa(obj.val, 'paramValue') obj.val = paramValue(1, {obj.val}); end obj.val.setProperty(propertyName, value); else error('### There is no value set! Therefore it is not possible to set for this value a property.') endend