% SETX Set the property 'x'.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DESCRIPTION: Set the property 'x'.%% CALL: obj.setX([1 2 3]);% obj = obj.setX([1 2 3]); create copy of the object%% INPUTS: obj - must be a single tsdata object.%% VERSION: $Id: setX.m,v 1.1 2011/10/05 12:01:28 ingo Exp $%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function varargout = setX(varargin) obj = varargin{1}; % In this case we have to sett the toffset to 0. % % This is necessary because some methods get the x-vector with getX and % then contains the x-vector the toffset. obj.setToffset(0); if nargout>0 obj = setX@data2D(varargin{:}); else setX@data2D(varargin{:}); end varargout{1} = obj;end