Fix. Default password should be [] not an empty string
line source
+ − function g_LoadFromBlockCallback(currPanel,varargin)
+ − % This callback is called whenever the user selects a From block.
+ −
+ − global guiFontSize
+ − panelDimens = get(currPanel, 'Position');
+ − backColor = get(currPanel, 'BackgroundColor');
+ −
+ − % Button: 'Find origin'
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[(panelDimens(4)-200)/2 panelDimens(4)-100 200 30],'String','Find origin','FontSize',guiFontSize+1,'Visible','on','Enable','on','Callback',@FindOriginCallback,'Style','pushbutton');
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ − function FindOriginCallback(varargin)
+ − % This callback is called whenever click on the 'Find Origin' button,
+ − % having selected a 'From' block.
+ −
+ − varName = get(gcbh,'GotoTag');
+ − origin = utils.prog.find_in_models(bdroot,'LookUnderMasks','all','BlockType','Goto','GotoTag',varName);
+ − if numel(origin)>1
+ − % Error text: there are multiple origins.
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[(panelDimens(4)-400)/2 panelDimens(4)-160 400 30],'String','Error: there are multiple sources','Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − elseif numel(origin)==1
+ − % Text: full path of the origin.
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[(panelDimens(4)-400)/2 panelDimens(4)-160 400 30],'String',origin{1},'Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − else
+ − % Error text: no origin found.
+ − uicontrol('Parent',currPanel,'BackgroundColor',backColor,'Units','pixels','HorizontalAlignment','center','Position',[(panelDimens(4)-400)/2 panelDimens(4)-160 400 30],'String','Error: no source found','Visible','on','Style','text');
+ − end
+ − end
+ − %----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ −
+ − end