view m-toolbox/user_libraries/mrh/slblocks.m @ 52:daf4eab1a51e database-connection-manager tip

Fix. Default password should be [] not an empty string
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:29:47 +0100 (2011-12-07)
parents f0afece42f48
line wrap: on
line source
function blkStruct = slblocks
%SLBLOCKS Defines the block library for a specific Toolbox or Blockset.
%   SLBLOCKS returns information about a Blockset to Simulink.  The
%   information returned is in the form of a BlocksetStruct with the
%   following fields:
%     Name         Name of the Blockset in the Simulink block library
%                  Blocksets & Toolboxes subsystem.
%     OpenFcn      MATLAB expression (function) to call when you
%                  double-click on the block in the Blocksets & Toolboxes
%                  subsystem.
%     MaskDisplay  Optional field that specifies the Mask Display commands
%                  to use for the block in the Blocksets & Toolboxes
%                  subsystem.
%     Browser      Array of Simulink Library Browser structures, described
%                  below.
%   The Simulink Library Browser needs to know which libraries in your
%   Blockset it should show, and what names to give them.  To provide
%   this information, define an array of Browser data structures with one
%   array element for each library to display in the Simulink Library
%   Browser.  Each array element has two fields:
%     Library      File name of the library (mdl-file) to include in the
%                  Library Browser.
%     Name         Name displayed for the library in the Library Browser
%                  window.  Note that the Name is not required to be the
%                  same as the mdl-file name.
%   Example:
%      %
%      % Define the BlocksetStruct for the Simulink block libraries
%      % Only simulink_extras shows up in Blocksets & Toolboxes
%      %
%      blkStruct.Name        = ['Simulink' sprintf('\n') 'Extras'];
%      blkStruct.OpenFcn     = simulink_extras;
%      blkStruct.MaskDisplay = disp('Simulink\nExtras');
%      %
%      % Both simulink and simulink_extras show up in the Library Browser.
%      %
%      blkStruct.Browser(1).Library = 'simulink';
%      blkStruct.Browser(1).Name    = 'Simulink';
%      blkStruct.Browser(2).Library = 'simulink_extras';
%      blkStruct.Browser(2).Name    = 'Simulink Extras';

%   Copyright 1990-2006 The MathWorks, Inc.
%  $Id: slblocks.m,v 1.2 2008/02/09 17:04:19 nicola Exp $

% Name of the subsystem which will show up in the Simulink Blocksets
% and Toolboxes subsystem.
blkStruct.Name = ['Martin''s LTPDA' sprintf('\n') 'Package'];

% The function that will be called when the user double-clicks on
% this icon.
blkStruct.OpenFcn = 'mrhlib';

% The argument to be set as the Mask Display for the subsystem.  You
% may comment this line out if no specific mask is desired.
% Example:  blkStruct.MaskDisplay = 'plot([0:2*pi],sin([0:2*pi]));';
% No display for Simulink Extras.
%blkStruct.MaskDisplay = '';

% Define the Browser structure array, the first element contains the
% information for the Simulink block library and the second for the
% Simulink Extras block library.
% Browser(1).Library = 'simulink';
% Browser(1).Name    = 'Simulink';
% Browser(1).IsFlat  = 0;% Is this library "flat" (i.e. no subsystems)?

Browser(2).Library = 'ltpda_library_mrh';
Browser(2).Name    = 'Martin''s LTPDA Library';
Browser(2).IsFlat  = 0;

blkStruct.Browser = Browser;
clear Browser;

% Define information about Signal Viewers
Viewer(1).Library = 'simviewers';
Viewer(1).Name    = 'Simulink';

blkStruct.Viewer = Viewer;
clear Viewer;

% Define information about Signal Generators
Generator(1).Library = 'simgens';
Generator(1).Name    = 'Simulink';

blkStruct.Generator = Generator;
clear Generator;

% Define information for model updater
%blkStruct.ModelUpdaterMethods.fhDetermineBrokenLinks = @UpdateSimulinkBrokenLinksMappingHelper;
blkStruct.ModelUpdaterMethods.fhUpdateModel = @UpdateSimulinkBlocksHelper;

% End of slblocks