changeset 27:29276498ebdb database-connection-manager

Remove LTPDARepositoryManager implementation * * * Remove GUI helper
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
parents ce4df2e95a55
children 01b86b780ba7
files m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/LTPDARepositoryManager.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/addConnection.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/basic_newConnection.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/cb_guiClosed.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/cb_newConnection.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/cb_timerClearPassord.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/cb_timerDisconnect.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/copyObjects.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/deleteTimer.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/display.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/executeQuery.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/findConnections.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/getConnection.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/getSinfo.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/listConnections.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/newConnection.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/resetTimer.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/showGui.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/startTimer.m m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/updatePrefs.m m-toolbox/m/helper/LTPDARepositoryManagerGui.m
diffstat 21 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1760 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/LTPDARepositoryManager.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-% LTPDARepositoryManager creates the LTPDA Repository Manager.
-% CALL:
-%         >> LTPDARepositoryManager
-% M Hewitson 08-01-10
-% $Id: LTPDARepositoryManager.m,v 1.14 2011/02/03 13:46:23 ingo Exp $
-classdef LTPDARepositoryManager < handle
-  %------------------------------------------------
-  %---------- Private read-only Properties --------
-  %------------------------------------------------
-  properties (SetAccess = private, GetAccess = public)
-    manager         = [];
-    gui             = [];
-    selector        = [];
-    timerDisconnect = [];
-    timerClearPass  = [];
-    h1;
-    h2;
-    h3;
-    h4;
-    h5;
-    h6;
-    h7;
-    h8;
-    h9;
-  end
-  properties (Constant = true, GetAccess = private)
-    DISCONNECT = 60;
-  end
-  %-----------------------------------------
-  %  Public methods
-  %-----------------------------------------
-  methods
-    %-----------------------------------------
-    %  Constructor
-    %-----------------------------------------
-    function wb = LTPDARepositoryManager(varargin)
-      twb = getappdata(0, 'LTPDARepositoryManager');
-      if isa(twb, mfilename)
-        wb = twb;
-      else
-        switch nargin
-          case 0
-            % Create a new repository manager
-            wb.manager = mpipeline.repository.RepositoryManager();
-            % Create timer which disconnects the open connections
-            wb.timerDisconnect = LTPDARepositoryManager.startTimer('LTPDA_disconnectConnections', @LTPDARepositoryManager.cb_timerDisconnect, wb.DISCONNECT);
-            % Create timer which clears the password
-            prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
-            expiry = double(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getExpiry);
-            wb.timerClearPass = LTPDARepositoryManager.startTimer('LTPDA_clearPassword', @LTPDARepositoryManager.cb_timerClearPassord, expiry);
-            pause(0.1);
-        end
-        % Store the manager in the application workspace
-        setappdata(0, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', wb);
-        wb.updatePrefs();
-      end
-    end % End constructor
-    %-----------------------------------------
-    %  Destructor
-    %-----------------------------------------
-    function delete(h)
-      disp('*** Deleting repository manager')
-      if ~isempty(h)
-        disp('  - closing repository connections')
-        h.manager.closeAllConnections();
-        h.deleteTimer('timerClearPass');
-        h.deleteTimer('timerDisconnect');
-        % close gui
-        if ~isempty(h.gui)
-          h.gui.dispose();
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    function initGUI(wb)
-      % Create a new GUI
-      wb.gui     = mpipeline.repository.RepositoryManagerGUI([], wb.manager);
-      % Create new selector
-      wb.selector = mpipeline.repository.ConnectionSelector([], wb.manager);
-      %--- called when window is closed
-      wb.h1 = handle(wb.gui, 'callbackproperties');
-      wb.h1.WindowClosedCallback = @LTPDARepositoryManager.cb_guiClosed;
-    end
-  end % End public methods
-  methods
-    varargout = display(varargin)
-    varargout = updatePrefs(varargin)
-    varargout = restartTimers(varargin)
-    varargout = showGui(varargin)
-    varargout = listConnections(varargin)
-    varargout = deleteTimer(varargin)
-  end
-  methods (Static=true)
-    % Callback methods
-    varargout = cb_timerDisconnect(varargin)
-    varargout = cb_timerClearPassord(varargin)
-    varargout = cb_newConnection(varargin)
-    varargout = cb_guiClosed(varargin)
-    % Timer methods
-    varargout = startTimer(varargin)
-    varargout = resetTimer(varargin)
-    % Helper Methods
-    varargout = getSinfo(varargin)
-    varargout = executeQuery(varargin)
-    varargout = copyObjects(varargin)
-    function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-      ii = utils.helper.generic_getInfo(varargin{:}, 'LTPDARepositoryManager');
-    end
-    % Return the plist for a particular parameter set
-    function out = getDefaultPlist(set)
-      out = plist();
-    end
-    function out = VEROUT()
-      out = '$Id: LTPDARepositoryManager.m,v 1.14 2011/02/03 13:46:23 ingo Exp $';
-    end
-    function out = SETS()
-      out = {'Default'};
-    end
-    function obj = initObjectWithSize(n,m)
-      obj = LTPDARepositoryManager.newarray([n m]);
-    end
-  end
-  %------------------------------------------------
-  % Private static methods
-  %------------------------------------------------
-  methods(Access=private, Static=true)
-  end
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/addConnection.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-% ADDCONNECTION adds a new managed connection to the repository manager.
-% description: addconnection adds a new managed connection to the
-%              repository manager.
-%              this method still adds a new connection. it doesn't open by
-%              default the connection and for this reason it is not
-%              necessary to define a password yet.
-% call:        conn = rm.addconnection(pl);
-%              conn = rm.addconnection('hostname');
-%              conn = rm.addconnection('hostname', 'database');
-%              conn = rm.addconnection('hostname', 'database', 'username');
-%              conn = rm.addconnection('hostname', 'database', 'username', 'password');
-% <a href="matlab:web(ltpdarepositorymanager.getinfo('addconnection').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">parameter sets</a>
-% version:    $Id: addConnection.m,v 1.6 2011/03/28 12:45:44 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = addConnection(varargin)
-  % check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getinfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  import utils.const.*
-  utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.MNAME , 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
-  % get the repository manager - there should only be one!
-  [rm, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'LTPDARepositoryManager');
-  % collect all plists
-  [pl, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(rest(:), 'plist');
-  pl = combine(pl, getdefaultplist);
-  hostname = pl.find('hostname');
-  database = pl.find('database');
-  username = pl.find('username');
-  password = pl.find('password');
-  autoconnect = pl.find('connect');
-  % check through 'rest'
-  if numel(rest) > 0
-    hostname = rest{1};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 1
-    database = rest{2};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 2
-    username = rest{3};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 3
-    password = rest{4};
-  end
-  conn = mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection([]);
-  conn.setHostname(hostname);
-  conn.setDatabase(database);
-  conn.setUsername(username);
-  conn.setPassword(password);
-  if ~isempty(password) && autoconnect
-    conn.openconnection();
-  end
-  rm.manager.addConnection(conn);
-  if ~isempty(rm.gui)
-    rm.gui.reloadConnectionTable();
-  end
-  if nargout == 1
-    varargout{1} = conn;
-  end
-% get info object
-function ii = getinfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'none')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'default'};
-    pl   = getdefaultplist;
-  end
-  % build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.gui, '$id: psd.m,v 1.53 2009/12/17 08:04:43 mauro exp $', sets, pl);
-% get default plist
-function pl = getdefaultplist()
-  % initialise plist
-  pl = plist();
-  % hostname
-  p = param({'hostname', 'the hostname of the repository to connect to.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % database
-  p = param({'database', 'the database on the repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % username
-  p = param({'username', 'the username to connect with.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % password
-  p = param({'password', 'the password to connect with. leave this empty to be prompted on connection.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % auto connect
-  p = param({'connect', '''true'' or ''false'' if the repository manager should open the connection.'}, paramValue.FALSE_TRUE);
-  pl.append(p);
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/basic_newConnection.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-% basic_newConnection basic method which creates a new connection.
-% description: basic_newConnection basic method which creates a new
-%              connection.
-% version:     $Id: basic_newConnection.m,v 1.6 2010/08/16 18:04:36 ingo Exp $
-function varargout = basic_newConnection(rm, dbhost, dbname, dbuser, dbpass)
-  % Build a new connection
-  conn = mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection([]);
-  conn.setUsername(dbuser);
-  conn.setPassword(dbpass);
-  conn.setDatabase(dbname);
-  conn.setHostname(dbhost);
-  % Don't show the GUI if the connection have all information
-  if  ~isempty(dbhost) && ...
-      ~isempty(dbname) && ...
-      ~isempty(dbuser)
-    if ~isempty(char(conn.getPassword))
-      conn.openConnection();
-    end
-  else
-    % Open connection GUI
-    prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
-    hosts = prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames;
-    % Build connection dialog
-    warning('off', 'MATLAB:JavaEDTAutoDelegation');
-    rcd = mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnectionDialog([], true, hosts, conn);
-    rcd.setVisible(true);
-    warning('on', 'MATLAB:JavaEDTAutoDelegation');
-    conn = rcd.getRepositoryConnection;
-    if rcd.isCancelled
-      disp('operation cancelled');
-      conn = [];
-    else
-      if ~isempty(char(conn.getPassword))
-        conn.openConnection();
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  % Add valid connection to the Repository Manager
-  if isa(conn, 'mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection')
-    rm.manager.addConnection(conn);
-    if ~isempty(rm.gui)
-      rm.gui.reloadConnectionTable();
-    end
-  else
-    conn = [];
-  end
-  varargout{1} = conn;
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/cb_guiClosed.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-% cb_guiClosed will be called if the repository manager GUI is closed.
-% description: cb_guiClosed will be called if the repository manager GUI is
-%              closed.
-% version:     $Id: cb_guiClosed.m,v 1.2 2010/01/22 12:23:02 ingo Exp $
-function cb_guiClosed(varargin)
-  disp('*** Goodbye from the LTPDA Repository Manager GUI');
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/cb_newConnection.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-% cb_newConnection callback method which creates a new connection.
-% description: cb_newConnection callback method which creates a new
-%              connection.
-% version:     $Id: cb_newConnection.m,v 1.2 2010/01/22 12:23:02 ingo Exp $
-function cb_newConnection(varargin)
-  rm = getappdata(0, 'LTPDARepositoryManager');
-  if ~isa(rm, 'LTPDARepositoryManager')
-    rm = LTPDARepositoryManager();
-  end
-  rm.newConnection;
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/cb_timerClearPassord.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-% cb_timerClearPassord callback method which disconnects the connection and clears the password
-% description: cb_timerClearPassord callback method which disconnects the
-%              connection and clears the password
-% version:     $Id: cb_timerClearPassord.m,v 1.6 2010/08/16 18:04:36 ingo Exp $
-function varargout = cb_timerClearPassord(varargin)
-  prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
-  rm    = LTPDARepositoryManager();
-  conns = rm.manager.getConnections();
-  if ~isempty(conns)
-    for ii=1:conns.size
-      conn = conns.get(ii-1);
-      % Clear the password only if the connection is not locked
-      if ~conn.isLocked
-        if conn.isConnected
-          conn.closeConnection();
-        end
-        if (conn.agePassword > double(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getExpiry))
-          conn.setPassword('');
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  if ~isempty(rm.gui)
-    rm.gui.reloadConnectionTable();
-  end
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/cb_timerDisconnect.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-% cb_timerDisconnect callback method which disconnects the connections
-% description: callback method which disconnects the connections
-% version:     $Id: cb_timerDisconnect.m,v 1.5 2010/06/25 08:55:52 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = cb_timerDisconnect(varargin)
-  rm    = LTPDARepositoryManager();
-  conns = rm.manager.getConnections();
-  if ~isempty(conns)
-    for ii=1:conns.size
-      conn = conns.get(ii-1);
-      % Clear the password only if the connection is not locked
-      if ~conn.isLocked
-        if (conn.ageConnected > rm.DISCONNECT)
-          conn.closeConnection();
-          if ~isempty(rm.gui)
-            rm.gui.reloadConnectionTable();
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/copyObjects.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-% COPYOBJECTS This function copies objects from one repository to another.
-% description: This static function copies objects from one repository to another.
-% call:        LTPDARepositoryManager.copyObjects(pl);
-%              LTPDARepositoryManager.copyObjects([1 2 3],
-%                                                 'hostname1',
-%                                                 'database1',
-%                                                 'username1',
-%                                                 'hostname2',
-%                                                 'database2',
-%                                                 'username2');
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('LTPDARepositoryManager.copyObjects').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% version:    $Id: copyObjects.m,v 1.5 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = copyObjects(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  import utils.const.*
-  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
-  % Collect all plists
-  [pl, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist');
-  pl = combine(pl, getDefaultPlist);
-  ids      = pl.find('ids');
-  hostname1 = pl.find('hostname1');
-  database1 = pl.find('database1');
-  username1 = pl.find('username1');
-  hostname2 = pl.find('hostname2');
-  database2 = pl.find('database2');
-  username2 = pl.find('username2');
-  % Check through 'rest'
-  if numel(rest) > 0
-    ids = rest{1};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 1
-    hostname1 = rest{2};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 2
-    database1 = rest{3};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 3
-    username1 = rest{4};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 4
-    hostname2 = rest{5};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 5
-    database2 = rest{6};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 6
-    username2 = rest{7};
-  end
-  % Some plausibility checks
-  if isempty(ids)
-    error('### This method needs at least one object id which you want to copy.');
-  end
-  % Get the repository manager - there should only be one!
-  rm = LTPDARepositoryManager();
-  % Get connection
-  conn1 = rm.findConnections(hostname1, database1, username1);
-  if numel(conn1) == 0
-    conn1 = rm.newConnection(hostname1, database1, username1);
-  elseif numel(conn1) > 1
-    conn1 = rm.manager.selectConnection([]);
-  end
-  if isempty(conn1)
-    error('### It is necessary to create or select a connection.');
-  end
-  % open connection
-  conn1.openConnection();
-  if ~conn1.isConnected()
-    error('### Can not open the connection.');
-  end
-  try
-    objs = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn1, ids);
-    if ~iscell(objs)
-      objs = {objs};
-    end
-    sinfo = LTPDARepositoryManager.getSinfo(ids, ...
-      char(conn1.getHostname), char(conn1.getDatabase), char(conn1.getUsername));
-    pl = plist('hostname', hostname2, 'database', database2, 'username', username2, 'no dialog', true);
-    for oo = 1:numel(objs)
-      obj = objs{oo};
-      obj.submit(sinfo(oo), pl);
-    end
-  catch Exception
-    disp(Exception.message);
-    error('### Copying failed.');
-  end
-%                               Local Functions                               %
-% FUNCTION:    getInfo
-% DESCRIPTION: Returns the method-info object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.helper, '$Id: copyObjects.m,v 1.5 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-% FUNCTION:    getDefaultPlist
-% DESCRIPTION: Returns the default PLIST
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  % Initialise plist
-  pl = plist();
-  % ids
-  p = param({'ids', 'Object identifications of which you want to copy.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % hostname1
-  p = param({'hostname1', 'The hostname of the ''old'' repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % database1
-  p = param({'database1', 'The database of the ''old'' repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % username1
-  p = param({'username1', 'The username for the ''old'' repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % hostname2
-  p = param({'hostname2', 'The hostname of the ''new'' repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % database2
-  p = param({'database2', 'The database of the ''new'' repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % username2
-  p = param({'username2', 'The username for the ''new'' repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/deleteTimer.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-% DELETETIMER delets the input timer.
-% description: DELETETIMER delets the input timer.
-% call:        deleteTimer(rm, t)
-% inputs       rm - Repository manager
-%              t  - Property name of a timer.
-% version:     $Id: deleteTimer.m,v 1.4 2011/02/03 13:44:45 ingo Exp $
-function deleteTimer(rm, tName)
-  if isa(rm.(tName), 'timer')
-    stop(rm.(tName));
-    delete(rm.(tName));
-  end
-  rm.(tName) = [];
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/display.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-% DISPLAY implement terminal display for the repository manager.
-% DESCRIPTION: DISPLAY implement terminal display for the repository
-%              manager.
-% CALL:        display(rm)
-%              rm                     % without a semicolon
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('display').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% VERSION:     $Id: display.m,v 1.3 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = display(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  rm = varargin{1};
-  rm.manager
-% Get Info Object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.output, '$Id: display.m,v 1.3 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-  ii.setModifier(false);
-  ii.setOutmin(0);
-% Get Default Plist
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  pl = plist();
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/executeQuery.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-% EXECUTEQUERY query a LTPDA repository database.
-% DESCRIPTION: EXECUTEQUERY query a LTPDA repository database.
-% CALL:        info = executeQuery(pl);
-%              info = executeQuery(query);
-%              info = executeQuery(table, query);
-%              info = executeQuery(query, hostname, database, username);
-%              info = executeQuery(table, query, hostname, database, username);
-% INPUTS:      pl       - a PLIST object.
-%              query    - a valid MySQL query string
-%              table    - a table name
-%              hostname - hostname of the LTPDA database
-%              database - LTPDA database
-%              username - user name
-% OUTPUTS:     info - the returned 'info' structure contains the fields
-%              from each matching record.
-% REMARK:      If you don't specify a hostname, database and user name then
-%              do this method the following:
-%              The repository manager have the following numer of connections:
-%                 0:  A GUI will open for creating a new connection.
-%                 1:  The method will use this connection.
-%                >1:  A GUI will open where you have to select a connection
-%   >> info  = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery('select * from objmeta where id>1000 and id<2000');
-%   >> info  = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery('ao',           'id>1000 and id<2000');
-%   >> info  = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery('objmeta',      'name like "x12"');
-%   >> info  = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery('users',        'username="aouser"');
-%   >> info  = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery('collections',  'id=3');
-%   >> info  = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery('collections',  'obj_id="1,2"');
-%   >> info  = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery('transactions', 'user_id=3');
-%   >> info  = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery('transactions', 'obj_id=56');
-%   The 'info' cell-array will contain the results from the SQL query.
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% VERSION:     $Id: executeQuery.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = executeQuery(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  import utils.const.*
-  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
-  % Get the repository manager - there should only be one!
-  rm = LTPDARepositoryManager();
-  % Collect all plists
-  [pl, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist');
-  pl = combine(pl, getDefaultPlist);
-  query    = pl.find('query');
-  table    = pl.find('table');
-  hostname = pl.find('hostname');
-  database = pl.find('database');
-  username = pl.find('username');
-  % Check through 'rest'
-  if (numel(rest) == 1) && (ischar(rest{1}))
-    query = rest{1};
-  elseif numel(rest) == 2
-    table = rest{1};
-    query = rest{2};
-  elseif numel(rest) == 4
-    query = rest{1};
-    hostname = rest{2};
-    database = rest{3};
-    username = rest{4};
-  elseif numel(rest) == 5
-    table    = rest{1};
-    query    = rest{2};
-    hostname = rest{3};
-    database = rest{4};
-    username = rest{5};
-  end
-  % Get connection
-  conn = rm.findConnections(hostname, database, username);
-  if numel(conn) == 0
-    conn = rm.newConnection(hostname, database, username);
-  elseif numel(conn) > 1
-    conn = rm.manager.selectConnection([]);
-  end
-  if isempty(conn)
-    error('### It is necessary to create or select a connection.');
-  end
-  % open connection
-  conn.openConnection();
-  if ~conn.isConnected()
-    error('### Can not open the connection.');
-  end
-  % make sure 
-  try
-    mustUnlock = ~conn.isLocked();
-    % Lock connection
-    conn.setLocked(true);
-    if isempty(table) && ~isempty(query)
-      % execute query
-      info = simpleQuery(conn, query);
-    elseif ~isempty(query) && ~isempty(table)
-      % query a table
-      info = runQuery(conn, table, query);
-    else
-      error('### Incorrect inputs. Please specify at least a query and/or a table.');
-    end
-  catch Exception
-    if (mustUnlock)
-      conn.setLocked(false);
-    end
-    error(Exception.message);
-  end
-  if (mustUnlock)
-    conn.setLocked(false);
-  end
-  varargout{1} = info;
-%                               Local Functions                               %
-% Get table list
-function info = getTableList(conn)
-  info = {};
-  % open a connection
-  try
-    q = 'show tables';
-    results = conn.query(q);
-    while
-      info = [info {char(results.getString(1))}];
-    end
-  catch Exception
-    disp(Exception.message);
-    error('### Failed to get table list.');
-  end
-% Get field list
-function info = getFieldList(conn, table)
-  info = {};
-  try
-    q = ['describe ' table];
-    results = conn.query(q);
-    while
-      info = [info {char(results.getObject(1))}];
-    end
-  catch Exception
-    disp(Exception.message);
-    error('### Failed to get field list.');
-  end
-% Get field list
-function info = simpleQuery(conn, q)
-  % open a connection
-  info = {};
-  try
-    results = conn.query(q);
-    mt = results.getMetaData;
-    Ncols = mt.getColumnCount;
-    row = 1;
-    while
-      for kk=1:Ncols
-        info{row,kk} = convertValue(results.getObject(kk));
-      end
-      row = row + 1;
-    end
-  catch Exception
-    disp(Exception.message);
-    error('### Failed to execute query.');
-  end
-% Run a query
-function info = runQuery(conn, table, query)
-  % Run query
-  info = {};
-  fields = getFieldList(conn, table);
-  f = '';
-  fs = {};
-  for j=1:length(fields)
-    % special cases
-    f  = [f fields{j} ',' ];
-    fs = [fs fields(j)];
-  end
-  q = sprintf('select %s  from %s where %s', f(1:end-1), table, query);
-  disp(['** QUERY: ' q]);
-  try
-    info = simpleQuery(conn, q);
-  catch Exception
-    disp(Exception.message);
-    error('### Failed to query table.');
-  end
-function val = convertValue(val)
-  switch class(val)
-    case 'java.sql.Timestamp'
-      val = char(val);
-    otherwise
-  end
-% FUNCTION:    getInfo
-% DESCRIPTION: Returns the method-info object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.helper, '$Id: executeQuery.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-% FUNCTION:    getDefaultPlist
-% DESCRIPTION: Returns the default PLIST
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  % Initialise plist
-  pl = plist();
-  % query
-  p = param({'query', 'A valid MySQL query string.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % table
-  p = param({'table', 'A table name.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % hostname
-  p = param({'hostname', 'The hostname of the repository to connect to.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % database
-  p = param({'database', 'The database on the repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % username
-  p = param({'username', 'The username to connect with.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/findConnections.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-% FINDCONNECTIONS finds a managed connection.
-% DESCRIPTION: FINDCONNECTIONS finds a managed connection.
-% CALL:        conns = rm.findConnections(pl);
-%              conns = rm.findConnections('hostname');
-%              conns = rm.findConnections('hostname', 'database');
-%              conns = rm.findConnections('hostname', 'database', 'username');
-% findConneciton finds all connections which match the given input fields.
-% If no matching connections are found then the method returns an emtpy
-% array. To search for all 'hostnames' for a given 'username', enter an
-% empty string. For example:
-% 1) Find all connections for user 'bob'
-%     pl = plist('username', 'bob');
-%     conns = rm.findConnections(pl);
-%  or
-%     conns = rm.findConnections('', '', 'bob');
-% 2) Find all connection to 'localhost' for database 'foo'
-%    pl    = plist('hostname', 'localhost', 'database', 'foo')
-%    conns = rm.findConnections(pl);
-%  or
-%    conns = rm.findConnections('localhost', 'foo');
-% 3) Find all connections to 'localhost' for user 'bob'
-%    conns = rm.findConnections('localhost', '', 'bob');
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('findConnections').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% VERSION:    $Id: findConnections.m,v 1.7 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = findConnections(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  import utils.const.*
-  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
-  % Get the repository manager - there should only be one!
-  [rm, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'LTPDARepositoryManager');
-  % Collect all plists
-  [pl, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(rest(:), 'plist');
-  pl = combine(pl, getDefaultPlist);
-  hostname = pl.find('hostname');
-  database = pl.find('database');
-  username = pl.find('username');
-  % Check through 'rest'
-  if numel(rest) > 0
-    hostname = rest{1};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 1
-    database = rest{2};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 2
-    username = rest{3};
-  end
-  % make sure that username are strings because JAVA interprets an empty
-  % array [] as a null-pointer.
-  if isempty(hostname), hostname = ''; end
-  if isempty(database), database = ''; end
-  if isempty(username), username = ''; end
-  conns = rm.manager.findConnections(hostname, database, username);
-  mconns = [];
-  for i=1:conns.size
-    mconns = [mconns conns.get(i-1)];
-  end
-%   if isempty(mconns)
-%     mconns = rm.newConnection(hostname, database, username);
-%   end
-  utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, 'Matched %d managed connections', numel(mconns));
-  if nargout > 0
-    varargout{1} = mconns;
-  end
-% Get Info Object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.gui, '$Id: findConnections.m,v 1.7 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-% Get Default Plist
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  % Initialise plist
-  pl = plist();
-  % hostname
-  p = param({'hostname', 'The hostname of the repository to connect to.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % database
-  p = param({'database', 'The database on the repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % username
-  p = param({'username', 'The username to connect with.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-% END
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/getConnection.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-% GETCONNECTION makes a new managed repository connection.
-% DESCRIPTION: GETCONNECTION makes a new managed repository connection.
-% CALL:        conn = rm.getConnection(pl);
-%              conn = rm.getConnection('hostname');
-%              conn = rm.getConnection('hostname', 'database');
-%              conn = rm.getConnection('hostname', 'database', 'username');
-%              conn = rm.getConnection('hostname', 'database', 'username', 'password');
-% If all required connection fields are input, the connection will be
-% silently created and added to the manager. Otherwise, a connection dialog
-% will be presented and the resulting connection added to the manager.
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('getConnection').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% VERSION:    $Id: getConnection.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = getConnection(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  varargout{1} = newConnection(varargin{:});
-% Get Info Object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.gui, '$Id: getConnection.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-% Get Default Plist
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  % Initialise plist
-  pl = plist();
-  % hostname
-  p = param({'hostname', 'The hostname of the repository to connect to.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % database
-  p = param({'database', 'The database on the repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % username
-  p = param({'username', 'The username to connect with.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % password
-  p = param({'password', 'The password to connect with. Leave this empty to be prompted on connection.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-% END
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/getSinfo.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-% GETSINFO gets the submission information of an object in the repository.
-% DESCRIPTION: GETSINFO gets the submission information of an object in the
-%              repository.
-% CALL:        sinfo = LTPDARepositoryManager.getSinfo(pl);
-%              sinfo = LTPDARepositoryManager.getSinfo(ids);
-%              sinfo = LTPDARepositoryManager.getSinfo(ids, 'hostname');
-%              sinfo = LTPDARepositoryManager.getSinfo(ids, 'hostname', 'database');
-%              sinfo = LTPDARepositoryManager.getSinfo(ids, 'hostname', 'database', 'username');
-% If all required connection fields are input, the connection will be
-% silently created and added to the manager. Otherwise, a connection dialog
-% will be presented and the resulting connection added to the manager.
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('LTPDARepositoryManager.getSinfo').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% VERSION:    $Id: getSinfo.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = getSinfo(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  import utils.const.*
-  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
-  % Collect all plists
-  [pl, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'plist');
-  pl = combine(pl, getDefaultPlist);
-  ids      = pl.find('ids');
-  hostname = pl.find('hostname');
-  database = pl.find('database');
-  username = pl.find('username');
-  % Check through 'rest'  
-  if numel(rest) > 0
-    ids = rest{1};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 1
-    hostname = rest{2};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 2
-    database = rest{3};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 3
-    username = rest{4};
-  end
-  % Some plausibility checks
-  if isempty(ids)
-    error('### This method needs at least one object id.');
-  end
-  if nargout == 0
-    error('### This method can not be used as a modifier method. Please give one output');
-  end
-  % Get complete experiment information for each input id
-  sinfo = [];
-  for ii=1:length(ids)
-    query = ['select name,experiment_title,experiment_desc,analysis_desc,quantity, '...
-      'additional_authors,additional_comments,keywords,reference_ids FROM objmeta ' ...
-      sprintf('where objmeta.obj_id=%d',ids(ii))];
-    infoall = LTPDARepositoryManager.executeQuery(query, hostname, database, username);
-    if ~isempty(infoall)
-                    = infoall{1};
-      s.experiment_title        = infoall{2};
-      s.experiment_description  = infoall{3};
-      s.analysis_description    = infoall{4};
-      s.quantity                = infoall{5};
-      s.additional_authors      = infoall{6};
-      s.additional_comments     = infoall{7};
-      s.keywords                = infoall{8};
-      s.reference_ids           = infoall{9};
-      sinfo = [sinfo s];
-    else
-      warning('!!! Doesn''t find any submission information for the object id %d', ids(ii));
-    end
-  end
-  % Set output
-  varargout{1} = sinfo;
-%                               Local Functions                               %
-% FUNCTION:    getInfo
-% DESCRIPTION: Returns the method-info object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.helper, '$Id: getSinfo.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-% FUNCTION:    getDefaultPlist
-% DESCRIPTION: Returns the default PLIST
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  % Initialise plist
-  pl = plist();
-  % ids
-  p = param({'ids', 'Object identifications of which you need the submission information.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % hostname
-  p = param({'hostname', 'The hostname of the repository to connect to.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % database
-  p = param({'database', 'The database on the repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % username
-  p = param({'username', 'The username to connect with.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/listConnections.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-% LISTCONNECTIONS list all connections in the repository manager.
-% DESCRIPTION: LISTCONNECTIONS list all connections in the repository
-%              manager.
-% CALL:        rm.listConnections
-%              listConnections(rm)
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('listConnections').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% VERSION:     $Id: listConnections.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = listConnections(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  rm = varargin{1};
-  conns = rm.manager.getConnections;
-  for i=1:conns.size
-    conn = conns.get(i-1);
-    if (conn.isConnected)
-      message = sprintf('connected for %2.2f seconds', conn.ageConnected());
-    else
-      message = 'not connected';
-    end
-    disp(sprintf('%02d: %s@%s:%s [%s]', i, char(conn.getUsername), ...
-      char(conn.getHostname), char(conn.getDatabase), message));
-  end
-% Get Info Object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.internal, '$Id: listConnections.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-  ii.setModifier(false);
-  ii.setOutmin(0);
-% Get Default Plist
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  pl = plist();
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/newConnection.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-% NEWCONNECTION makes a new managed repository connection.
-% DESCRIPTION: NEWCONNECTION makes a new managed repository connection.
-% CALL:        conn = rm.newConnection(pl);
-%              conn = rm.newConnection('hostname');
-%              conn = rm.newConnection('hostname', 'database');
-%              conn = rm.newConnection('hostname', 'database', 'username');
-%              conn = rm.newConnection('hostname', 'database', 'username', 'password');
-% If all required connection fields are input, the connection will be
-% silently created and added to the manager. Otherwise, a connection dialog
-% will be presented and the resulting connection added to the manager.
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('newConnection').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% VERSION:    $Id: newConnection.m,v 1.10 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = newConnection(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  import utils.const.*
-  utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
-  % Get the repository manager - there should only be one!
-  [rm, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'LTPDARepositoryManager');
-  % Collect all plists
-  [pl, invars, rest] = utils.helper.collect_objects(rest(:), 'plist');
-  pl = combine(pl, getDefaultPlist);
-  hostname = pl.find('hostname');
-  database = pl.find('database');
-  username = pl.find('username');
-  password = pl.find('password');
-  % Check through 'rest'
-  if numel(rest) > 0
-    hostname = rest{1};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 1
-    database = rest{2};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 2
-    username = rest{3};
-  end
-  if numel(rest) > 3
-    password = rest{4};
-  end
-  conn = rm.manager.findExactConnection(hostname, database, username);
-  if ~isempty(conn)
-    if ~isempty(password) && isempty(char(conn.getPassword))
-      conn.setPassword(password);
-    end
-  else
-    conn = rm.basic_newConnection(hostname, database, username, password);
-  end
-  % my be it is necessary to update the GUI table
-  if ~isempty(rm.gui)
-    rm.gui.reloadConnectionTable();
-  end
-  if ~isempty(rm.selector)
-    rm.selector.reloadConnectionTable();
-  end
-  varargout{1} = conn;
-% Get Info Object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.gui, '$Id: newConnection.m,v 1.10 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-% Get Default Plist
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  % Initialise plist
-  pl = plist();
-  % hostname
-  p = param({'hostname', 'The hostname of the repository to connect to.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % database
-  p = param({'database', 'The database on the repository.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % username
-  p = param({'username', 'The username to connect with.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
-  % password
-  p = param({'password', 'The password to connect with. Leave this empty to be prompted on connection.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_STRING);
-  pl.append(p);
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/resetTimer.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-% RESETTIMER resets the input timer.
-% description: RESETTIMER resets the input timer.
-% call:        resetTimer(t)
-% inputs       t - timer object or the name of a timer.
-% version:     $Id: resetTimer.m,v 1.3 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function resetTimer(inputTimer, conn)
-  if ischar(inputTimer)
-    inputTimer = timerfind('name', inputTimer);
-  end
-  if isa(inputTimer, 'timer')
-    stop(inputTimer);
-    start(inputTimer);
-  end
-  newTime = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
-  if nargin == 2 && isa(conn, 'mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection')
-    conn.setConnectedAt(newTime);
-    conn.setPasswordSetAt(newTime);
-  else
-    rm = LTPDARepositoryManager();
-    conns = rm.manager.getConnections();
-    for ii=1:conns.size
-      conn = conns.get(ii-1);
-      conn.setConnectedAt(newTime);
-      conn.setPasswordSetAt(newTime);
-    end
-  end
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/showGui.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-% SHOWGUI opens a GUI which displays the repository manager.
-% DESCRIPTION: SHOWGUI opens a GUI which displays the repository manager.
-% CALL:        rm.showGui
-%              showGui(rm)
-% <a href="matlab:web(LTPDARepositoryManager.getInfo('showGui').tohtml, '-helpbrowser')">Parameters Description</a>
-% VERSION:     $Id: showGui.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $
-function varargout = showGui(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    varargout{1} = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  rm = varargin{1};
-  if isempty(rm.gui)
-    rm.initGUI;
-  end
-  awtinvoke(rm.gui, 'setVisible', 'true');
-% Get Info Object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.gui, '$Id: showGui.m,v 1.4 2011/04/08 08:56:35 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-  ii.setModifier(false);
-  ii.setOutmin(0);
-% Get Default Plist
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  pl = plist();
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/startTimer.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-% STARTTIMER returns a started timer.
-% description: STARTTIMER returns a started timer.
-% call:        t = startTimer(name, fcn, period)
-% inputs:      name   - name of the timer
-%              fcn    - call back function of the timer
-%              period - period of the timer
-% outputs:     t      - new timer object.
-% version:     $Id: startTimer.m,v 1.3 2011/02/03 13:44:02 ingo Exp $
-function t = startTimer(name, fcn, period)
-  t = timerfind('name', name);
-  if isempty(t) || (isa(t, 'timer') && ~isvalid(t))
-    t = timer(...
-      'TimerFcn',       fcn, ...
-      'StartDelay',     period, ...
-      'Period',         period, ...
-      'ExecutionMode', 'fixedRate', ...
-      'Name',           name);
-  end
-  % start the timer
-  if ~strcmp(get(t,'Running'), 'on')
-    start(t);
-  end
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@LTPDARepositoryManager/updatePrefs.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-% UPDATEPREFS updates the Repository Manager depending on the preferences.
-% description: updates the Repository Manager depending on the preferences.
-% call:        rm = updatePrefs(rm, pl)
-% version:     $Id: updatePrefs.m,v 1.6 2011/03/28 12:45:45 hewitson Exp $
-function rm = updatePrefs(varargin)
-  % Check if this is a call for parameters
-  if utils.helper.isinfocall(varargin{:})
-    rm = getInfo(varargin{3});
-    return
-  end
-  utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.PROC1, 'Update expiry login time.');  
-  rm = varargin{1};
-  % Get timer for login expiry password
-  t = rm.timerClearPass;
-  % Get pointer to the preferences
-  prefs = getappdata(0, 'LTPDApreferences');
-  expiryTime = double(prefs.getRepoPrefs.getExpiry());
-  % Set the new expiry time to the repository manager
-  if isa(t, 'timer')
-    % Check if the user have changed the expire time
-    if (t.Period ~= expiryTime)
-      if strcmp(get(t,'Running'), 'on')
-        stop(t);
-      end
-      set(t, 'Period', expiryTime);
-      set(t, 'StartDelay', expiryTime);
-      start(t);
-    else
-      % Do nothing if the user didn'T change the exire time
-    end
-  else
-    t = LTPDARepositoryManager.startTimer('LTPDA_clearPassword', @LTPDARepositoryManager.cb_clearPassord, expiryTime);
-    rm.timerClearPass = t;
-  end
-  % Set the host-names to the repository manager
-  jhosts = prefs.getRepoPrefs.getHostnames;
-  rm.manager.setRepoHosts(jhosts);
-  % Resets the timers if a user make some changes to the preferences.
-  conns = rm.manager.getConnections;
-  for ii=1:conns.size
-    conn = conns.get(ii-1);
-    LTPDARepositoryManager.resetTimer(rm.timerClearPass, conn);
-    LTPDARepositoryManager.resetTimer(rm.timerDisconnect, conn);
-  end
-% Get Info Object
-function ii = getInfo(varargin)
-  if nargin == 1 && strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'None')
-    sets = {};
-    pl   = [];
-  else
-    sets = {'Default'};
-    pl   = getDefaultPlist;
-  end
-  % Build info object
-  ii = minfo(mfilename, 'LTPDARepositoryManager', 'ltpda', utils.const.categories.internal, '$Id: updatePrefs.m,v 1.6 2011/03/28 12:45:45 hewitson Exp $', sets, pl);
-% Get Default Plist
-function pl = getDefaultPlist()
-  pl = plist();
--- a/m-toolbox/m/helper/LTPDARepositoryManagerGui.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-function rm = LTPDARepositoryManagerGui()
-  rm = LTPDARepositoryManager;
-  rm.showGui;
\ No newline at end of file