changeset 22:b11e88004fca database-connection-manager

Update collection.fromRepository
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:20:06 +0100 (2011-12-05)
parents 8be9deffe989
children a71a40911c27
files m-toolbox/classes/@collection/fromRepository.m
diffstat 1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/m-toolbox/classes/@collection/fromRepository.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
+++ b/m-toolbox/classes/@collection/fromRepository.m	Mon Dec 05 16:20:06 2011 +0100
@@ -12,121 +12,77 @@
 % VERSION:     $Id: fromRepository.m,v 1.8 2010/10/29 16:09:11 ingo Exp $
-function coll = fromRepository(coll, pli)
+function coll = fromRepository(coll, pl)
   VERSION = '$Id: fromRepository.m,v 1.8 2010/10/29 16:09:11 ingo Exp $';
   % get object info
   ii = collection.getInfo('collection', 'From Repository');
   % Set the method version string in the minfo object
   ii.setMversion([VERSION '-->' ii.mversion]);
-  % Check if the user supplied a DB connection
-  conn = find(pli, 'conn');
-  % Add default values if necessary
-  if isempty(conn)
-    pl = combine(pli, ii.plists);
-  else
-    pl = pli;
-  end
   plh = copy(pl, 1);
   % Get parameters
-  hostname = find(pl, 'hostname');
-  database = find(pl, 'database');
-  user     = find(pl, 'user');
-  passwd   = find(pl, 'passwd');
   ids      = find(pl, 'id');
   cids     = find(pl, 'cid');
   bin      = find(pl, 'binary');
   collFound  = false;
   %%% check if using binary or not: 'yes'/'no' or true/false or
   %%% 'true'/'false'
   bin = utils.prog.yes2true(bin);
-  % do we have a connection?
-  closeConn = 0;
-  if isempty(conn)
-    closeConn = 1;
-    % Connect to repository
-    % Connect to repository
-    if ~isempty(user) && ~isempty(passwd)
-      conn = utils.jmysql.connect(hostname, database, user, passwd);
-    else
-      conn = utils.jmysql.connect(hostname, database);
-    end
-  end
-  if ~isa(conn, 'database') && ~isa(conn, 'mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection')
-    error('### connection to the database failed.');
-  end
+  % database connection
+  conn = LTPDADatabaseConnectionManager().connect(pl);
   if ~isempty(cids)
     for kk=1:numel(cids)
       cid = cids(kk);
-      if isa(conn, 'database')
-        % get the ids from the cid
-        ids = [ids utils.mysql.getObjIds(conn,cid)];
-      else
-        c_ids = mpipeline.repository.MySQLUtils.getObjectIDsFromCollectionID(conn, cid);
-        ids = [ids c_ids.'];
-      end
+      ids = utils.repository.getCollectionIDs(conn, cid);
   % Get each ID
   Nids     = length(ids);
   collObjs = {};
   for kk=1:Nids
     %---- copy the input plist because each object should get an other plist
     plh = copy(pl, 1);
     %---- This id
     id = ids(kk);
     utils.helper.msg(utils.const.msg.OPROC2, 'retrieving ID %d', id);
       %---- call database constructor
       if bin
-        try
-          robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', id);
-        catch
-          warning('!!! Unable to do binary retrieval for object %d; trying to retrieve XML instead.', id);
-          robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, id);
-        end
+        robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, 'binary', id);
         robj = ltpda_uo.retrieve(conn, id);
-      %  - remove connection object from plist first
-      if isempty(hostname) || isempty(database)
-        txt = textscan(conn.URL, '%s', 'Delimiter', '/', 'CollectOutput', 1);
-        plc = plist('hostname', txt{1}{3}, 'database', txt{1}{4});
-        plh = combine(pli, plc);
-      end
       %---- remove the connection from the history plist
       if plh.isparam('conn')
       %---- Set only the ID of the current object to the plist
       plh.pset('ID', id);
       %---- Add history
       robj.addHistoryWoChangingUUID(robj.getInfo(class(robj), 'From Repository'), plh, [], robj.hist);
       %---- Add to output array
       if isa(robj, 'collection')
         if numel(ids) == 1
           coll = robj;
         if numel(robj.objs)>0
           collFound = true;
           collObjs = [collObjs; robj.objs(:)];
@@ -134,24 +90,22 @@
         collObjs = [collObjs; {robj}];
-    catch Exception
-      if closeConn
-        close(conn);
+    catch ex
+      % close connection if we own it
+      if isempty(find(pl, 'conn'))
+        conn.close();
-      throw(Exception)
+      throw(ex)
-  % close connection
-  if closeConn
-    if isa(conn, 'database')
-      close(conn);
-    else
-      conn.closeConnection;
-    end
+  % close connection if we own it
+  if isempty(find(pl, 'conn'))
+    conn.close();
   if collFound
     warning(sprintf(['!!! The output collection contains the contents of at least one retrieved collection.' ...
       '\nThe history of those collection objects is discarded. The internal objects of those ' ...
@@ -160,15 +114,14 @@
   if isempty(collObjs)
     warning('!!! No objects were retrieved from the ids %s and/or collection id %s', mat2str(ids), mat2str(cid));
   % Define collection-plist for the history
-  plh.pset('id', pli.find('id'));
-  plh.pset('cid', pli.find('cid'));
+  plh.pset('id', pl.find('id'));
+  plh.pset('cid', pl.find('cid'));
   % Set properties from the plist
   coll.objs = collObjs;
   coll.addHistory(ii, plh, [], []);