changeset 7:90f4e0bd0c2d

Almost complete rewrite to adapt to the new BNP Paribas website
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Mon, 11 Jan 2016 19:01:00 +0100
parents 13a8bc43bc09
children e8e76dcdec5c
files keypad.jpeg keypad.png
diffstat 3 files changed, 310 insertions(+), 401 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Mon Jan 11 18:57:25 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Mon Jan 11 19:01:00 2016 +0100
@@ -1,383 +1,87 @@
-import email
+import cgi
 import imp
+import itertools
+import json
 import os.path
-import re
+import requests
 import smtplib
 import sqlite3
-import subprocess
 import textwrap
+import time
-from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
 from contextlib import contextmanager
-from datetime import datetime
-from decimal import Decimal
 from email.mime.text import MIMEText
 from email.utils import format_datetime, localtime, parseaddr
 from io import BytesIO
-from itertools import product, islice
+from pprint import pprint
 from urllib.parse import urljoin
-import bs4
-import click
-import requests
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from html2text import HTML2Text
 from PIL import Image
+URL = ''
 # message template
 MESSAGE = """\
-From: {sender:}
-Subject: {subject:}
-Date: {date:}
-Message-Id: {id:}
+From: {message.sender:}
+Subject: {message.subject:}
+Date: {}
-# transaction template
-HEADER = '{:14s}  {:10s}  {:59s}  {:>8s}'.format('Id', 'Date', 'Description', 'Amount')
-TRANSACTION = '{id:}  {date:%d/%m/%Y}  {descr:59s}  {amount:>8s}'
-# as defined in bnpbaribas web app
-      '1': 'Alimentation',
-      '7': 'Logement',
-      '8': 'Loisirs',
-      '9': 'Transport',
-     '12': 'Opérations bancaires',
-     '13': 'Non défini',
-     '14': 'Multimédia',
-     '20': 'Energies',
-     '22': 'Retrait',
-     '23': 'Sorties',
-    'R58': 'Non défini',
-# euro symbol
-EURO = b'\xe2\x82\xac'.decode('utf-8')
+# transactions table row template
+TRANSACTION = """{}  {}  {xact.description:54s}  {xact.amount:+8.2f}"""
-# load configuration
-def loadconfig(filename):
-    module = imp.new_module('config')
-    module.__file__ = filename
-    try:
-        with open(filename) as fd:
-            exec(compile(, filename, 'exec'), module.__dict__)
-    except IOError as e:
-        e.strerror = 'Unable to load configuration file (%s)' % e.strerror
-        raise
-    config = {}
-    for key in dir(module):
-        if key.isupper():
-            config[key] = getattr(module, key)
-    return config
-# GPG encrypted text is ascii and as such does not require encoding
-# but its decrypted form is utf-8 and therefore the charset header
-# must be set accordingly. define an appropriate charset object
-email.charset.add_charset('utf8 7bit', header_enc=email.charset.SHORTEST,
-                          body_enc=None, output_charset='utf-8')
-Message = namedtuple('Message', 'id read icon sender subject date validity'.split())
-class Transaction:
-    def __init__(self, tid, date, descr, debit, credit, category):
- = tid
- = date
-        self.descr = descr
-        self.debit = debit
- = credit
-        self.category = category
-    def __str__(self):
-        # there does not seem to be an easy way to format Decimal
-        # objects with a leading sign in both the positive and
-        # negative value cases so do it manually
-        d = vars(self)
-        if d['debit']:
-            d['amount'] = '-' + str(d['debit'])
-        if d['credit']:
-            d['amount'] = '+' + str(d['credit'])
-        return TRANSACTION.format(**d)
-def imslice(image):
-    for y, x in product(range(0, 5), range(0, 5)):
-        yield image.crop((27 * x + 1, 27 * y + 1, 27 * (x + 1), 27 * (y + 1)))
+# transactions table header
+HEADER = """{:14s}  {:10s}  {:54s}  {:>8s}""".format('Id', 'Date', 'Description', 'Amount')
-def imdecode(image):
-    # load reference keypad
-    keypad =, 'keypad.png')).convert('L')
-    keypad = [ keypad.crop((26 * i, 0, 26 * (i + 1), 26)) for i in range(10) ]
-    immap = {}
-    for n, tile in enumerate(imslice(image)):
-        # skip tiles with background only
-        if tile.getextrema()[0] > 0:
-            continue
-        # compare to reference tiles
-        for d in range(0, 10):
-            if tile == keypad[d]:
-                immap[d] = n + 1
-                break
-    if sorted(immap.keys()) != list(range(10)):
-        raise ValueError('keypad decode failed')    
-    return immap
-def amountparse(value):
-    # empty
-    if value == '\xa0':
-        return None
-    m = re.match(r'\s+((?:\d+\.)?\d+,\d+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+$', value, re.U|re.S)
-    if m is None:
-        raise ValueError(repr(value))
-    # euro
-    currency =
-    if currency != EURO:
-        raise ValueError(repr(currency))
-    return Decimal('.', '').replace(',', '.'))
-class Site:
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.url = ''
-        self.req = requests.Session()
+# transactions table footer
+FOOTER = """{:14s}  {:10s}  {:54s}  {{balance:8.2f}}""".format('', '', 'BALANCE')
-    def login(self, user, passwd):
-        # login page
-        url = urljoin(self.url, '/banque/portail/particulier/HomeConnexion')
-        r = self.req.get(url, params={'type': 'homeconnex'})
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        # login form
-        soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text)
-        form = soup.find('form', attrs={'name': 'logincanalnet'})
-        # extract relevant data
-        action = form['action']
-        data = { field['name']: field['value'] for field in form('input') }
-        # keyboard image url
-        tag = soup.find(attrs={'id': 'secret-nbr-keyboard'})
-        for prop in tag['style'].split(';'):
-            match = re.match(r'background-image:\s+url\(\'(.*)\'\)\s*', prop)
-            if match:
-                src =
-                break
-        # download keyboard image
-        r = self.req.get(urljoin(self.url, src))
-        image ='L')
-        # decode digits position
-        passwdmap = imdecode(image)
-        # encode password
-        passwdenc = ''.join('%02d' % passwdmap[d] for d in map(int, passwd))
-        # username and password
-        data['ch1'] = user
-        data['ch5'] = passwdenc
-        # post
-        r =, action), data=data)
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        # redirection
-        m ='document\.location\.replace\(\"(.+)\"\)', r.text)
-        dest =
-        r = self.req.get(dest)
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        # check for errors
-        soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text)
-        err = soup.find(attrs={'class': 'TitreErreur'})
-        if err:
-            raise ValueError(err.text)
+# transactions table horizontal separator
+SEP = """-""" * len(HEADER)
-    def recent(self, contract):
-        data = {
-            'BeginDate': '',
-            'Categs': '',
-            'Contracts': '',
-            'EndDate': '',
-            'OpTypes': '',
-            'cboFlowName': 'flow/iastatement',
-            'contractId': contract,
-            'contractIds': '',
-            'entryDashboard': '',
-            'execution': 'e6s1',
-            'externalIAId': 'IAStatements',
-            'g1Style': 'expand',
-            'g1Type': '',
-            'g2Style': 'collapse',
-            'g2Type': '',
-            'g3Style': 'collapse',
-            'g3Type': '',
-            'g4Style': 'collapse',
-            'g4Type': '',
-            'groupId': '-2',
-            'groupSelected': '-2',
-            'gt': 'homepage:basic-theme',
-            'pageId': 'releveoperations',
-            'pastOrPendingOperations': '1',
-            'sendEUD': 'true',
-            'step': 'STAMENTS', }
-        url = urljoin(self.url, '/banque/portail/particulier/FicheA')
-        r =, data=data)
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        text = r.text
-        # the html is so broken beautifulsoup does not understand it
-        text = text.replace(
-            '<th class="thTitre" style="width:7%">Pointage </td>',
-            '<th class="thTitre" style="width:7%">Pointage </th>')
-        s = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text)
-        # extract transactions
-        table = s.find('table', id='tableCompte')
-        rows = table.find_all('tr')
-        for row in rows:
-            fields = row.find_all('td')
-            if not fields:
-                # skip headers row
-                continue
-            id = int(fields[0].input['id'].lstrip('_'))
-            date = datetime.strptime(fields[1].text, '%d/%m/%Y')
-            descr = fields[2].text.strip()
-            debit = amountparse(fields[3].text)
-            credit = amountparse(fields[4].text)
-            category = fields[5].text.strip()
-            categoryid = fields[6].span['class'][2][4:]
-            yield Transaction(id, date, descr, debit, credit, categoryid)
+def loadconf(filename):
+    module = imp.new_module('conf')
+    module.__file__ = filename
+    with open(filename) as fd:
+        exec(compile(, filename, 'exec'), module.__dict__)
+    conf = {}
+    for key in dir(module):
+        if key.isupper():
+            conf[key] = getattr(module, key)
+    return conf
-    def messages(self):
-        data = {
-            'identifiant': 'BmmFicheListerMessagesRecus_20100607022434',
-            'type': 'fiche', }
-        url = urljoin(self.url, '/banque/portail/particulier/Fiche')
-        r =, data=data)
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        s = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text)
-        # messages list
-        table = s.find('table', id='listeMessages')
-        for row in table.find_all('tr', recursive=False):
-            # skip headers and separators
-            if 'entete' in row['class']:
-                continue
-            # skip separators
-            if 'sep' in row['class']:
-                continue
-            # skip footer
-            if 'actions_bas' in row['class']:
-                continue
-            fields = row.find_all('td')
-            icon = fields[1].img['src']
-            sender = fields[2].text.strip()
-            subject = fields[4].a.text.strip()
-            date = datetime.strptime(fields[5]['data'], '%Y/%m/%d:%Hh%Mmin%Ssec')
-            validity = datetime.strptime(fields[6]['data'], '%Y/%m/%d:%Hh%Mmin%Ssec')
-            m = re.match(r'''validerFormulaire\('BmmFicheLireMessage_20100607022346','(.+)','(true|false)'\);$''', fields[4].a['onclick'])
-            mid =
-            read = == 'false'
-            yield Message(mid, read, icon, sender, subject, date, validity)
+def wrap(p, indent):
+    return textwrap.fill(p, 72, initial_indent=indent, subsequent_indent=indent)
-    def message(self, mid):
-        data = {
-            'etape': 'boiteReception',
-            'idMessage': mid,
-            'identifiant': 'BmmFicheLireMessage_20100607022346',
-            'maxPagination': 2,
-            'minPagination': 1,
-            'nbElementParPage': 20,
-            'nbEltPagination': 5,
-            'nbPages': 2,
-            'newMsg': 'false',
-            'pagination': 1,
-            'type': 'fiche',
-            'typeAction': '', }
-        url = urljoin(self.url, '/banque/portail/particulier/Fiche')
-        r =, data=data)
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        # fix badly broken html
-        text = r.text.replace('<br>', '<br/>').replace('</br>', '')
-        s = bs4.BeautifulSoup(text)
-        envelope = s.find('div', attrs={'class': 'enveloppe'})
-        rows = envelope.find_all('tr')
-        fields = rows[1].find_all('td')
-        # the messages list present a truncated sender
-        sender = fields[0].text.strip()
-        # not used
-        subject = fields[1].text.strip()
-        date = fields[2].text.strip()
-        content = s.find('div', attrs={'class': 'txtMessage'})
-        # clean up text
-        for t in content.find_all('style'):
-            t.extract()
-        for t in content.find_all('script'):
-            t.extract()
-        for t in content.find_all(id='info_pro'):
-            t.extract()
-        for t in content.find_all('br'):
-            t.replace_with('\n\n')
-        for t in content.find_all('b'):
-            if t.string:
-                t.replace_with('*%s*' % t.string.strip())
-        for t in content.find_all('li'):
-            t.replace_with('- %s\n\n' % t.text.strip())
-        # format nicely
-        text = re.sub(' +', ' ', content.text)
-        text = re.sub(r'\s+([\.:])', r'\1', text)
-        pars = []
-        for p in re.split('\n\n+', text):
-            p = p.strip()
-            if p:
-                pars.append('\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(p, 72)))
-        body = '\n\n'.join(pars)
-        return sender, body
-    def transactions(self):
-        data = {'ch_memo': 'NON',
-                'ch_rop_cpt_0': 'FR7630004001640000242975804',
-                'ch_rop_dat': 'tous',
-                'ch_rop_dat_deb': '',
-                'ch_rop_dat_fin': '',
-                'ch_rop_fmt_dat': 'JJMMAAAA',
-                'ch_rop_fmt_fic': 'RTEXC',
-                'ch_rop_fmt_sep': 'PT',
-                'ch_rop_mon': 'EUR',
-                'x': '55',
-                'y': '7'}
-        r =, '/SAF_TLC_CNF'), data=data)
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        s = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r.text)
-        path = s.find('a')['href']
-        r = self.req.get(urljoin(self.url, path))
-        r.raise_for_status()
-        return r.text
+def html2text(html):
+    # the html2text module does an ok job, but it can be improved in
+    # the quality of the transformation and in the coding style
+    conv = HTML2Text()
+    conv.ignore_links = True
+    conv.ignore_images = True
+    conv.ignore_emphasis = True
+    return conv.handle(html)
 class Mailer:
-    def __init__(self, config):
-        self.server = config.get('SMTPSERVER', 'localhost')
-        self.port = config.get('SMTPPORT', 25)
-        self.starttls = config.get('SMTPSTARTTLS', False)
-        self.username = config.get('SMTPUSER', '')
-        self.password = config.get('SMTPPASSWD', '')
+    def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=25, starttls=True, username=None, password=None):
+ = host
+        self.port = port
+        self.starttls = starttls
+        self.username = username
+        self.password = password
     def connect(self):
-        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.server, self.port)
+        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(, self.port)
         if self.starttls:
         if self.username:
@@ -397,12 +101,13 @@
 class GPG:
     def __init__(self, homedir):
         self.homedir = homedir
     def encrypt(self, message, sender, recipient):
         sender = parseaddr(sender)[1]
         recipient = parseaddr(recipient)[1]
-        cmd = [ "gpg", "--homedir", self.homedir, "--batch", "--yes", "--no-options", "--armor",
-                "--local-user", sender, "--recipient", recipient, "--sign", "--encrypt"]
+        cmd = [ "gpg", "--homedir", self.homedir, "--sign", "--encrypt"
+                "--batch", "--no-options", "--yes", "--armor",
+                "--local-user", sender, "--recipient", recipient, ]
         p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
         encdata, err = p.communicate(input=message.encode('utf-8'))
         if p.returncode:
@@ -410,72 +115,276 @@
         return encdata.decode('ascii')
-def main(filename):
-    # load configuration
-    config = loadconfig(filename)
-    bnp = Site()
-    bnp.login(config['USERNAME'], config['PASSWORD'])
+class Transaction:
+    __slots__ = 'id', 'date', 'category', 'description', 'amount', 'currency'
+    def __init__(self, id, date, category, description, amount, currency):
+ = id
+ = date
+        self.category = category
+        self.description = description
+        self.amount = amount
+        self.currency = currency
+    @classmethod
+    def fromjson(cls, x):
+        data = {'id': int(x['idOperation']),
+                'date': x['dateOperation'],
+                'category': int(x['idCategorie']),
+                'description': x['libelleOperation'].strip().replace('VIREMENT', 'VIR'),
+                'amount': x['montant']['montant'],
+                'currency': x['montant']['currency'], }
+        return cls(**data)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return TRANSACTION.format(xact=self)
+class Message:
+    __slots__ = 'id', 'date', 'subject', 'sender', 'content', 'quoted'
+    def __init__(self, id, date, subject, sender, content, quoted):
+ = id
+ = date
+        self.subject = subject
+        self.sender = sender
+        self.content = content
+        self.quoted = quoted
+    @classmethod
+    def fromjson(cls, x):
+        data = {'id': x['msg']['id'],
+                'date': x['msg']['id'],
+                'subject': x['msg']['objet'],
+                'sender': x['msg']['emetteur']['nom'],
+                'content': x['msg']['contenu'],
+                'quoted': None, }
+        quoted = x.get('msgAttache')
+        if quoted:
+            data['quoted'] = quoted['contenu']
+        return cls(**data)
+    @staticmethod
+    def normalize(txt, indent=''):
+        if '<div' in txt:
+            txt = txt.replace('<br></br>','<br/><br/>')
+            return html2text(txt)
+        txt = txt.replace(r'<br/>', '\n')
+        parts = []
+        for p in txt.split('\n'):
+            p = p.strip()
+            if p:
+                p = wrap(p, indent)
+            else:
+                p = indent
+            parts.append(p)
+        return '\n'.join(parts)
+    @property
+    def body(self):
+        body = self.normalize(self.content)
+        if self.quoted is not None:
+            body = body + '\n\n' + self.normalize(self.quoted, '> ')
+        return body
+    def __str__(self):
+        return MESSAGE.format(message=self)
+class Keypad:
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        # reference keypad
+        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'keypad.jpeg')
+        reference ='L')
+        symbols = [ 8, 4, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 0, 5, 2 ]
+        self.keypad = dict(zip(symbols, self.imslice(reference)))
+        # decode keypad
+        image ='L')
+        self.keymap = {}
+        for n, tile in enumerate(self.imslice(image), 1):
+            # compare to reference tiles
+            for sym, key in self.keypad.items():
+                if tile == key:
+                    self.keymap[sym] = n
+                    break
-    db = sqlite3.connect(config['DATABASE'])
+        # verify
+        if sorted(self.keymap.keys()) != list(range(10)):
+            raise ValueError('keypad decode failed')
+    @staticmethod
+    def imslice(image):
+        for j, i in itertools.product(range(2), range(5)):
+            yield image.crop((83 * i, 80 * j, 83 * (i + 1), 80 * (j + 1)))
+    def encode(self, passwd):
+        return ''.join('%02d' % self.keymap[d] for d in map(int, passwd))
+class BNPParibas:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.session = requests.Session()
+        self.session.headers.update({'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'})
+    @staticmethod
+    def validate(response):
+        response.raise_for_status()
+        ctype, params = cgi.parse_header(response.headers.get('content-type'))
+        if ctype == 'application/json':
+            data = response.json()
+            # the status code may sometime be represented as string not int
+            code = data.get('codeRetour', -1)
+            if int(code) != 0:
+                raise requests.HTTPError()
+            return data
+    def login(self, username, password):
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'identification-wspl-pres/identification')
+        r = self.session.get(url, params={'timestamp': int(time.time())})
+        v = self.validate(r)
+        keypadid = v['data']['grille']['idGrille']
+        authtemplate = v['data']['authTemplate']
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'identification-wspl-pres/grille/' + keypadid)
+        r = self.session.get(url)
+        r.raise_for_status()
+        keypad = Keypad(r.content)
+        # fill authentication template
+        auth = authtemplate
+        auth = auth.replace('{{ idTelematique }}', username)
+        auth = auth.replace('{{ password }}', keypad.encode(password))
+        auth = auth.replace('{{ clientele }}', '')
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'SEEA-pa01/devServer/seeaserver')
+        r =, data={'AUTH': auth})
+        v = self.validate(r)
+        return v['data']
+    def info(self):
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'serviceinfosclient-wspl/rpc/InfosClient')
+        r = self.session.get(url, params={'modeAppel': 0})
+        v = self.validate(r)
+        return v['data']
+    def recent(self):
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'udc-wspl/rest/getlstcpt')
+        r = self.session.get(url)
+        v = self.validate(r)
+        account = v['data']['infoUdc']['familleCompte'][0]['compte'][0]
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'rop-wspl/rest/releveOp')
+        data = json.dumps({'ibanCrypte': account['key'],
+                           'pastOrPending': 1, 'triAV': 0,
+                           'startDate': None, # ddmmyyyy
+                           'endDate': None})
+        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
+        r =, headers=headers, data=data)
+        v = self.validate(r)
+        return v['data']
+    def messages(self):
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'bmm-wspl/recupMsgRecu')
+        r = self.session.get(url, params={'nbMessagesParPage': 200, 'index': 0})
+        v = self.validate(r)
+        return v['data']
+    def message(self, mid):
+        # required to set some cookies required by the next call
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'fr/connexion/mes-outils/messagerie')
+        r = self.session.get(url)
+        self.validate(r)
+        url = urljoin(URL, 'bmm-wspl/recupMsg')
+        r = self.session.get(url, params={'identifiant': mid})
+        v = self.validate(r)
+        return v['data']
+def main(conffile):
+    conf = loadconf(conffile)
+    db = sqlite3.connect(conf['DATABASE'])
     db.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY)''')
     db.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transactions (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)''')
-    mailer = Mailer(config)
-    encrypt = GPG(config['GNUPGHOME']).encrypt
+    sendmail = Mailer(host=conf['SMTPHOST'],
+                      port=conf['SMTPPORT'],
+                      starttls=conf['SMTPSTARTTLS'],
+                      username=conf['SMTPUSER'],
+                      password=conf['SMTPPASSWD']).send
+    encrypt = GPG(conf['GNUPGHOME']).encrypt
+    remote = BNPParibas()
+    remote.login(conf['USERNAME'], conf['PASSWORD'])
+    ## transactions
+    recent = remote.recent()
+    data = recent['listerOperations']['compte']
+    transactions = [ Transaction.fromjson(x) for x in data['operationPassee'] ]
+    balance = data['soldeDispo']
+    curs = db.cursor()
+    unseen = []
+    for t in transactions:
+        curs.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM transactions WHERE id = ?''', (, ))
+        if not curs.fetchone()[0]:
+            # not seen before
+            unseen.append(t)
-    ## unread messages
-    messages = filter(lambda x: not, bnp.messages())
-    for m in sorted(messages, key=lambda x:
+    lines = []
+    lines.append(HEADER)
+    lines.append(SEP)
+    for t in unseen:
+        lines.append(str(t))
+    lines.append(SEP)
+    lines.append(FOOTER.format(balance=balance))
+    body = '\n'.join(lines)
+    message = MIMEText(encrypt(body, conf['MAILFROM'], conf['MAILTO']))
+    message['Subject'] = 'BNP Paribas Account update'
+    message['From'] = conf['MAILFROM']
+    message['To'] = conf['MAILTO']
+    message['Date'] = format_datetime(localtime())
+    sendmail(message)
+    curs.executemany('''INSERT INTO transactions (id) VALUES (?)''', ((, ) for x in unseen))
+    db.commit()
+    ## messages
+    data =
+    info = data['abonnement']
+    nnew = info['nombreMessageBMMNonLus'] + info['nombreMessageBilatNonLus']
+    data = remote.messages()
+    for m in data['messages']:
         curs = db.cursor()
-        curs.execute('''SELECT IFNULL((SELECT id FROM messages WHERE id = ?), 0)''', (, ))
+        curs.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages WHERE id = ?), 0)''', (m['id'], ))
         if curs.fetchone()[0]:
             # already handled
-        # retrieve complete sender and message body
-        sender, body = bnp.message(
-        # compose and send message
-        body = MESSAGE.format(, sender=sender,, subject=m.subject, body=body)
-        message = MIMEText(encrypt(body, config['MAILFROM'], config['MAILTO']), _charset='utf8 7bit')
-        message['Subject'] = 'BNP Paribas message'
-        message['From'] = config['MAILFROM']
-        message['To'] = config['MAILTO']
-        message['Date'] = format_datetime(localtime(
-        mailer.send(message)
-        curs.execute('''INSERT INTO messages (id) VALUES (?)''', (, ))
-        db.commit()
+        body = Message.fromjson(remote.message(m['id']))
-    ## transactions
-    transactions = bnp.recent(config['CONTRACT'])
-    curs = db.cursor()
-    lines = []
-    for t in transactions:
-        curs.execute('''SELECT IFNULL((SELECT id FROM transactions WHERE id = ?), 0)''', (, ))
-        if curs.fetchone()[0]:
-            # already handled
-            continue
-        lines.append(str(t))
-        curs.execute('''INSERT INTO transactions (id) VALUES (?)''', (, ))
-    if lines:
-        lines.insert(0, HEADER)
-        lines.insert(1, '-' * len(HEADER))
-        body = '\n'.join(lines)
-        message = MIMEText(encrypt(body, config['MAILFROM'], config['MAILTO']), _charset='utf8 7bit')
-        message['Subject'] = 'BNP Paribas update'
-        message['From'] = config['MAILFROM']
-        message['To'] = config['MAILTO']
+        message = MIMEText(encrypt(str(body), conf['MAILFROM'], conf['MAILTO']))
+        message['Subject'] = 'BNP Paribas Message'
+        message['From'] = conf['MAILFROM']
+        message['To'] = conf['MAILTO']
         message['Date'] = format_datetime(localtime())
-        mailer.send(message)
+        sendmail(message)
-    db.commit()
+        curs.execute('''INSERT INTO messages (id) VALUES (?)''', (m['id'], ))
+        db.commit()
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main()
+    import sys
+    main(sys.argv[1])
Binary file keypad.jpeg has changed
Binary file keypad.png has changed