comparison m-toolbox/classes/@ssm/ssm.m @ 0:f0afece42f48

author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 23 Nov 2011 19:22:13 +0100 (2011-11-23)
children a71a40911c27 bc767aaa99a8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f0afece42f48
1 % SSM statespace model class constructor.
2 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3 %
4 % DESCRIPTION: SSM statespace model class constructor.
5 %
7 %
8 % s = ssm() - creates an empty statespace model
9 % s = ssm('a1.xml') - creates a new statespace model by loading the
10 % object from disk.
11 % s = ssm('a1.mat') - creates a new statespace model by loading the
12 % object from disk.
13 % a = ssm(plist) - creates a statespace model from the description
14 % given in the parameter list
15 % a = ssm(struct) - creates a statespace model from the
16 % structure returned by struct(ssm).
17 %
18 %
20 %
21 % 1) Construct an SSM object by description:
22 %
23 % name = 'sys';
24 % statenames = {'ss1' 'ss2' 'ss3'};
25 % inputnames = {'input1' 'input2' 'input3'};
26 % outputnames = {'output1' 'output2' 'output3'};
27 % timestep = 0;
28 % params = plist({'omega', 'system frequency'}, 2);
29 % amats = cell(3,3);
30 % bmats = cell(3,3);
31 % cmats = cell(3,3);
32 % dmats = cell(3,3);
33 % amats{1,1} = -(sym('omega'));
34 % amats{2,2} = -2;
35 % amats{3,3} = -3*eye(2);
36 % amats{3,1} = [-1;-3];
37 % bmats{1,1} = 1;
38 % bmats{2,2} = 2;
39 % bmats{3,3} = 3*eye(2);
40 % cmats{1,1} = 1;
41 % cmats{2,2} = 1;
42 % cmats{3,3} = eye(2);
43 % dmats{1,3} = [6 6];
44 % dmats{2,1} = 6;
45 % dmats{3,2} = [6;6];
46 % sys = ssm(plist( ...
47 % 'amats',amats, 'bmats',bmats, 'cmats',cmats, 'dmats',dmats, ...
48 % 'timestep',timestep, 'name',name, 'params',params, ...
49 % 'statenames',statenames, 'inputnames',inputnames, 'outputnames',outputnames ));
50 %
51 %
52 % A shortcut (incomplete) syntax is :
53 % sys = ssm( amats, bmats, cmats, dmats, timestep, name, params, ...
54 % statenames, inputnames, outputnames )
55 % Also :
56 % sys = ssm(miirObject);
57 % sys = ssm(rationalObject);
58 % sys = ssm(parfracObject);
59 %
60 % More complete call
61 % % here computation of the system's matrices, declaration
62 % % of parameters, some symbolic may be stored in the user
63 % % plist
64 % sys = struct
65 % SMD_W= 0.2; SMD_C=0.5; SMD_S1=0; SMD_S2=0; SMD_B=1; SMD_D1=0;
66 % sys.params = plist;
67 %
68 %
69 % sys.amats = {[0 1 ; -SMD_W*SMD_W -2*SMD_C*SMD_W]};
70 % sys.cmats = {[1+SMD_S1 SMD_S2]};
71 % sys.bmats = {[0;SMD_B] [0 0; 1 0]};
72 % sys.dmats = {SMD_D1 [0 1]};
73 %
74 % sys.timestep = 0;
75 %
77 % sys.description = 'standard spring-mass-damper test system';
78 %
79 % inputnames = {'CMD' 'DIST_SMD'};
80 % inputdescription = {'force noise' 'observation noise'};
81 % inputvarnames = {{'F'} {'F' 'S'}};
82 % inputvarunits = {unit('kg m s^-2') [unit('kg m s^-2') unit('m')]};
83 % inputvardescription = [];
84 %
85 % ssnames = {'SMD'};
86 % ssdescription = {'TM position and speed'};
87 % ssvarnames = {{'x' 'xdot'}};
88 % ssvarunits={[unit('m') unit('m s^-1')]};
89 % ssvardescription = [];
90 %
91 % outputnames = {'SMD'};
92 % outputdescription = {'observed position'};
93 % outputvarnames ={{'OBS'}};
94 % outputvarunits={unit('m')};
95 % outputvardescription = [];
96 %
97 % %% Build ssmblocks
98 % sys.inputs = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithData(inputnames, inputdescription, inputvarnames, inputvarunits, inputvardescription);
99 % sys.outputs = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithData(outputnames, outputdescription, outputvarnames, outputvarunits, outputvardescription);
100 % sys.states = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithData(ssnames, ssdescription, ssvarnames, ssvarunits, ssvardescription);
101 % %% plist constructors
102 % sys = ssm(plist( ...
103 % 'amats',sys.amats, 'bmats',sys.bmats, 'cmats',sys.cmats, 'dmats',sys.dmats, ...
104 % 'timestep',0, 'name','', 'inputs',sys.inputs, ...
105 % 'states', sys.states, 'outputs', sys.outputs));
106 %
107 %
108 % <a href="matlab:utils.helper.displayMethodInfo('ssm', 'ssm')">Parameters Description</a>
109 %
110 % VERSION: $Id: ssm.m,v 1.199 2011/05/13 15:14:39 ingo Exp $
111 %
112 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
114 classdef ssm < ltpda_uoh
116 %% -------- Public (read/write) Properties -------
117 properties
118 end % End (read/write) Properties
120 %% -------- Private read-only Properties --------
121 properties (SetAccess = protected)
122 amats = {}; % A matrix representing a difference/differential term in the state equation, block stored in a cell array
123 bmats = {}; % B matrix representing an input coefficient matrix in the state equation, block stored in a cell array
124 cmats = {}; % C matrix representing the state projection in the observation equation, block stored in a cell array
125 dmats = {}; % D matrix representing the direct feed through term in the observation equation, block stored in a cell array
126 timestep = 0; % Timestep of the difference equation. Zero means the representation is time continuous and A defines a differential equation.
127 inputs = ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0); % ssmblock for input blocks
128 states = ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0); % ssmblock describing state blocks
129 outputs = ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0); % ssmblock describing the output blocks
130 numparams = plist.initObjectWithSize(1,1); % nested plist describing the numeric (substituted) parameters
131 params = plist.initObjectWithSize(1,1); % nested plist describing the symbolic parameters
132 end % End read only properties
134 %% -------- Dependant Properties ---------
135 properties (Dependent)
136 Ninputs % Number of input-blocks, it is a double
137 inputsizes % Size corresponding to each input-block in the B/D matrices. It is a double vector
138 Noutputs % Number of output-blocks, it is a double
139 outputsizes % Size corresponding to each output-block in the C/D matrices. It is a double vector
140 Nstates % Number of state-blocks, it is a double
141 statesizes % Size corresponding to each state-block in the A/B/C matrices. It is a double vector
142 Nnumparams % number of parameters, a double;
143 Nparams % number of parameters, a double;
144 isnumerical % This binary tells whether the system has numerical content only, or symbolic as well
145 end
147 %% -------- Dependant Properties ---------
148 properties (Dependent, Hidden)
149 Nss % Number of state-blocks, it is a double
150 sssizes % Size corresponding to each state-block in the A/B/C matrices. It is a double vector
151 inputnames % Cell array with input blocks names
152 inputvarnames % Embedded cell array with input ports names
153 ssnames % Cell array with states blocks names
154 ssvarnames % Embedded cell array with states ports names
155 statenames % Cell array with states blocks names
156 statevarnames % Embedded cell array with states ports names
157 outputnames % Cell array with output blocks names
158 outputvarnames % Embedded cell array with output ports names
159 paramnames % Cell array with input parameter names
160 paramvalues % Double array with input parameter values - may not work with new paramvalue class
161 numparamnames % Cell array with input parameter names
162 numparamvalues % Double array with input parameter values - may not work with new paramvalue class
163 end %-------- Protected Properties ---------
165 %% -------- Dependant Properties Methods ------
166 methods
168 function value = get.Ninputs(obj)
169 value = size(obj.bmats,2);
170 end
172 function value = get.inputsizes(obj)
173 Ninputs = obj.Ninputs;
174 Nstates = obj.Nstates;
175 Noutputs = obj.Noutputs;
176 if Nstates==0 && Ninputs~=0 && Noutputs==0
177 error('This ssm has matrix sizes that make it impossible to determine the property inputsizes (0 states, 1+ inputs and 0 output)')
178 end
179 value = zeros(1, Ninputs);
180 for k=1:Ninputs
181 % b matrix vertically
182 for p=1:Nstates
183 value(k) = size(obj.bmats{p,k} ,2);
184 if value(k)>0
185 break
186 end
187 end
188 % d matrix vertically
189 if value(k)==0
190 for p=1:Noutputs
191 value(k) = size(obj.dmats{p,k} ,2);
192 if value(k)>0
193 break
194 end
195 end
196 end
197 end
198 end
200 function value = get.Noutputs(obj)
201 value = size(obj.cmats,1);
202 end
204 function value = get.outputsizes(obj)
205 Ninputs = obj.Ninputs;
206 Nstates = obj.Nstates;
207 Noutputs = obj.Noutputs;
208 if Nstates==0 && Ninputs==0 && Noutputs~=0
209 error('This ssm has matrix sizes that make it impossible to determine the property outputsizes (0 states, 0 input and 1+ outputs)')
210 end
211 value = zeros(1, Noutputs);
212 for k=1:Noutputs
213 % c matrix horizontally
214 for p=1:Nstates
215 value(k) = size(obj.cmats{k,p} ,1);
216 if value(k)>0
217 break
218 end
219 end
220 % d matrix horizontally
221 if value(k)==0
222 for p=1:Ninputs
223 value(k) = size(obj.dmats{k,p} ,1);
224 if value(k)>0
225 break
226 end
227 end
228 end
229 end
230 end
232 function value = get.Nstates(obj)
233 value = size(obj.amats,1);
234 end
236 function value = get.statesizes(obj)
237 Ninputs = obj.Ninputs;
238 Nstates = obj.Nstates;
239 Noutputs = obj.Noutputs;
240 value = zeros(1, Nstates);
241 for k=1:Nstates
242 % b matrix horizontally
243 for p=1:Ninputs
244 value(k) = size(obj.bmats{k,p}, 1);
245 if value(k)>0
246 break
247 end
248 end
249 % a matrix horizontally
250 if value(k)==0
251 for p=1:Nstates
252 value(k) = size(obj.amats{k,p}, 1);
253 if value(k)>0
254 break
255 end
256 end
257 end
258 % a matrix vertically
259 if value(k)==0
260 for p=1:Nstates
261 value(k) = size(obj.amats{p,k}, 2);
262 if value(k)>0
263 break
264 end
265 end
266 end
267 % c matrix vertically
268 if value(k)==0
269 for p=1:Noutputs
270 value(k) = size(obj.cmats{p,k}, 2);
271 if value(k)>0
272 break
273 end
274 end
275 end
276 end
277 end
279 function value = get.Nss(obj)
280 value = obj.Nstates;
281 end
283 function value = get.sssizes(obj)
284 value = obj.statesizes;
285 end
287 function value = get.Nparams(obj)
288 value = obj.params.nparams;
289 end
291 function value = get.Nnumparams(obj)
292 value = obj.numparams.nparams;
293 end
296 function value = get.isnumerical(obj)
297 value = true;
298 for i=1:numel(obj.amats)
299 if ~isa(obj.amats{i}, 'double'),
300 value = false; return;
301 end
302 end
303 for i=1:numel(obj.bmats)
304 if ~isa(obj.bmats{i}, 'double')
305 value = false; return;
306 end
307 end
308 for i=1:numel(obj.cmats)
309 if ~isa(obj.cmats{i}, 'double')
310 value = false; return;
311 end
312 end
313 for i=1:numel(obj.dmats)
314 if ~isa(obj.dmats{i}, 'double')
315 value = false; return;
316 end
317 end
318 end
320 function names = get.inputnames(obj)
321 names = obj.inputs.blockNames;
322 end
324 function names = get.inputvarnames(obj)
325 names = obj.inputs.portNames;
326 end
328 function names = get.ssnames(obj)
329 names = obj.statenames;
330 end
332 function names = get.ssvarnames(obj)
333 names = obj.statevarnames;
334 end
336 function names = get.statenames(obj)
337 names = obj.states.blockNames;
338 end
340 function names = get.statevarnames(obj)
341 names = obj.states.portNames;
342 end
344 function names = get.outputnames(obj)
345 names = obj.outputs.blockNames;
346 end
348 function names = get.outputvarnames(obj)
349 names = obj.outputs.portNames;
350 end
352 function names = get.paramnames(obj)
353 Nparams = obj.params.nparams;
354 names = cell(1, Nparams);
355 for i=1:Nparams
356 names{i} = obj.params.params(i).key;
357 end
358 end
360 function values = get.paramvalues(obj)
361 Nparams = obj.params.nparams;
362 values = zeros(1, Nparams);
363 for i=1:Nparams
364 values(i) = obj.params.params(i).getVal;
365 end
366 end
368 function names = get.numparamnames(obj)
369 Nnumparams = obj.numparams.nparams;
370 names = cell(1, Nnumparams);
371 for i=1:Nnumparams
372 names{i} = obj.numparams.params(i).key;
373 end
374 end
376 function values = get.numparamvalues(obj)
377 Nnumparams = obj.numparams.nparams;
378 values = zeros(1, Nnumparams);
379 for i=1:Nnumparams
380 values(i) = obj.numparams.params(i).getVal;
381 end
382 end
384 function set.inputnames(obj, inputnames)
385 if ~obj.Ninputs == numel(inputnames)
386 error('### error : Input size is wrong')
387 end
388 if obj.Ninputs == numel(obj.inputs)
389 obj.inputs.setBlockNames(inputnames);
390 else
391 obj.inputs = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithSize(obj.inputsizes, inputnames);
392 end
393 % history to be added ?
394 end
396 function set.statenames(obj, statenames)
397 if ~obj.Nstates == numel(statenames)
398 error('### error : Input size is wrong')
399 end
400 if (obj.Nstates == numel(obj.states))
401 obj.states.setBlockNames(statenames);
402 else
403 obj.states = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithSize(obj.statesizes, statenames);
404 end
405 % history to be added ?
406 end
408 function set.outputnames(obj, outputnames)
409 if ~obj.Noutputs == numel(outputnames)
410 error('### error : Input size is wrong')
411 end
412 if obj.Noutputs == numel(obj.outputs)
413 obj.outputs.setBlockNames(outputnames);
414 else
415 obj.outputs = ssmblock.makeBlocksWithSize(obj.outputsizes, outputnames);
416 end
417 % history to be added ?
418 end
420 function set.ssnames(obj, ssnames)
421 obj.statenames = ssnames;
422 end
424 end
426 %% -------- constructor ------
427 methods(Access = public)
429 function s = ssm(varargin)
430 import utils.const.*
432 utils.helper.msg(msg.PROC3, 'running %s/%s', mfilename('class'), mfilename);
433 % Check the supported version
434 utils.helper.checkMatlabVersion;
436 % Initialize the properties to make sure that the pointer points to a
437 % new object.
438 s.numparams = plist();
439 s.numparams.setName('numparams');
440 s.params = plist();
441 s.params.setName('params');
443 % empty constructor
444 if nargin == 0
445 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm() %%%%%%%%%%
446 s.addHistory(ssm.getInfo('ssm', 'None'), plist(), [], []);
447 return
448 end
450 % copy constructor
451 % Collect all ssm objects to check for copy constructor
452 sss = utils.helper.collect_objects(varargin(:), 'ssm');
453 if ~isempty(sss)
454 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(<ssm objects>) %%%%%%%%%%
455 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'copy constructor');
456 s = copy(sss, 1);
457 for kk=1:numel(s)
458 s(kk).addHistory(ssm.getInfo('ssm', 'None'), [], [], s(kk).hist);
459 end
460 return
461 end
463 % one input constructor
464 if (nargin == 1)
466 % constructor with one object
467 vin = varargin{1};
468 if any( strcmp(class(vin), {'pzmodel', 'rational', 'parfrac', 'struct', 'miir', 'ss' } ))
469 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(<model object>) %%%%%%%%%%
470 s = ssm(vin, plist);
471 return
472 end
475 % constructor from a plist with no object inside
476 %
477 % the object may only be validated in the constructor
478 % the history may only be added in the constructor
479 if isa(vin, 'plist')
480 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(<empty plist>) %%%%%%%%%%
481 if vin.nparams == 0 % empty constructor with a plist
482 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'empty constructor %s', varargin{1}.name);
483 s.addHistory(ssm.getInfo('ssm', 'None'), vin, [], []);
484 return
485 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(<plist with no model object inside>) %%%%%%%%%%
486 elseif isparam(vin,'amats') % construct from a plist description
487 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructor from a description %s', varargin{1}.name);
488 s = ssm.ssmFromDescription(vin);
489 s.addHistory(ssm.getInfo('ssm', 'None'), vin, [], []);
490 return
491 elseif isparam(vin,'Built-in') % Construct from built-in models
492 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from Built-in model %s', varargin{1}.name);
493 vin.pset('Built-in', vin.find('Built-in'));
494 if isparam(vin, 'withparams')
495 error('The WITHPARAMS key has been changed to SYMBOLIC PARAMS. Please check your plist');
496 end
497 s = fromModel(s,vin);
498 s.validate; % validate when a new object is built
499 return
500 elseif isparam(vin,'Hostname') % Retrieve from repository
501 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from repository %s', varargin{1}.name);
502 s = s.fromRepository(vin);
503 return
504 elseif isparam(vin,'Filename') % filename constructor
505 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from filename %s', varargin{1}.name);
506 s = s.fromFile(vin);
507 return
509 % constructor from a plist with an object inside
510 %
511 % the object is retrieved out of the plist and removed from the
512 % plist to make it lighter. The input is parsed to the ssm
513 % constructor with two inputs. History and validation are done in
514 % there.
515 % There is no message since it is displayed in the call to ssm
516 % later on
518 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(<plist with model-object inside>) %%%%%%%%%%
519 elseif isparam(vin,'pzmodel')
520 obj = find(vin, 'pzmodel');
521 vin.remove('pzmodel')
522 elseif isparam(vin,'rational')
523 obj = find(vin, 'rational');
524 vin.remove('rational')
525 elseif isparam(vin,'parfrac')
526 obj = find(vin, 'parfrac');
527 vin.remove('parfrac')
528 elseif isparam(vin,'struct')
529 obj = find(vin, 'struct');
530 vin.remove('struct')
531 elseif isparam(vin,'miir')
532 obj = find(vin, 'miir');
533 vin.remove('miir')
534 elseif isparam(vin,'ss')
535 obj = find(vin, 'ss');
536 vin.remove('ss')
537 else
538 display('### Unknown ssm constructor could not find a valid parameter key ###')
539 display('### these are : ''Filename'' ''Built-in'' ''pzmodel'' ''miir'' ''amats'' ###')
540 display('### ''Hostname'' ''rational'' ''struct'' ''ss'' ###')
541 error('');
542 end
543 s = ssm(obj, vin);
544 return
545 end
548 % constructor with an input string
549 if isa(vin, 'char')
550 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(filename) %%%%%%%%%%
551 s = ssm(plist('Filename', vin));
552 return
553 end
555 % in the worst case, try with the same input and a plist !? Not
556 % Yet (TBD)
557 display('### Unknown ssm one-object constructor, allowed object classes are: ###')
558 display('### ''plist'' ''pzmodel'' ''rational'' ''parfrac'' ''struct'' ''miir'' ''ss'' ###')
559 error('');
560 end
562 % two inputs constructors
563 switch nargin
564 case 2
565 obj = varargin{1};
566 pl = varargin{2};
568 if isa(pl, 'plist')
569 if isstruct(obj)
570 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(struct, plist) %%%%%%%%%%
571 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'contructing from a structure');
572 s = fromStruct(s, obj);
573 doValidate = true;
574 elseif isa(obj, 'pzmodel')
575 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(pzmodel, plist) %%%%%%%%%%
576 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from pzmodel %s', varargin{1}.name);
577 s = ssm.ssmFromPzmodel( obj, pl);
578 doValidate = true;
579 elseif isa(obj, 'miir')
580 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(miir, plist) %%%%%%%%%%
581 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from miir %s', varargin{1}.name);
582 s = ssm.ssmFromMiir(obj, pl);
583 doValidate = true;
584 elseif isa(obj, 'ss')
585 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(ss, plist) %%%%%%%%%%
586 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from ss %s', varargin{1}.name);
587 s = ssm.ssmFromss(obj, pl);
588 doValidate = true;
589 elseif isa(obj,'char') && pl.isparam('filename')
590 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(filename, plist) %%%%%%%%%%
591 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from filename %s', varargin{1}.name);
592 filename = varargin{1};
593 s = s.fromFile(filename);
594 doValidate = false;
595 elseif isa(obj, 'rational')
596 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(rational, plist) %%%%%%%%%%
597 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'constructing from rational %s', varargin{1}.name);
598 s = ssm.ssmFromRational(obj,pl);
599 doValidate = true;
600 elseif isa(obj, 'parfrac')
601 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(parFrac) %%%%%%%%%%
602 s = ssm.ssmFromParfrac(obj, pl);
603 doValidate = true;
604 elseif isa(obj, 'ssm') && pl.nparams == 0
605 s = ssm(obj);
606 elseif isa(obj, 'plist')
607 % if for some reason we have two input plists, combine them.
608 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(plist, plist) %%%%%%%%%%
609 s = ssm(obj.combine(plist));
610 return;
611 else
612 error(['### Error: ssm constructor cannot accept input of type : ',class(obj)]);
613 end
615 % Now validate this object
616 if doValidate
617 s.validate();
618 end
620 elseif (isa(varargin{1}, 'database') || isa(varargin{1}, 'mpipeline.repository.RepositoryConnection')) && isnumeric(varargin{2})
621 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(<database-object>, [IDs]) %%%%%%%%%%
622 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'retrieve from repository');
623 s = s.fromRepository(plist('conn', varargin{1}, 'id', varargin{2}));
625 elseif ischar(varargin{1})
626 %%%%%%%%% s = ssm('str1', param1) %%%%%%%%%%
627 s = ssm(plist(varargin{1},varargin{2}));
628 s.validate();
630 elseif isa(varargin{1}, 'org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredElementImpl') && ...
631 isa(varargin{2}, 'history')
632 %%%%%%%%%% obj = ssm(DOM node, history-objects) %%%%%%%%%%
633 s = fromDom(s, varargin{1}, varargin{2});
635 else
636 error('### Unknown two parameter constructor.');
637 end
639 % contructor with more than 2 inputs, which cannot be the copy
640 % constructor (done at the beggining)
641 otherwise
642 if ischar(varargin{1})
643 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm('str1', param1, 'str2', param2 ...) %%%%%%%%%%
644 try
645 vin = plist(varargin{:});
646 catch
647 error('### Unknown constructor - ssm tried to make a plist with the constructor inputs, but it did not work.');
648 end
649 s = ssm(vin);
650 else % Try shortcut call with a description
651 try
652 %%%%%%%%%% s = ssm(amats, bmats, cmats,...) %%%%%%%%%%
653 utils.helper.msg(msg.OPROC1, 'attempting building a description');
654 keynames = {'amats', 'bmats', 'cmats', 'dmats', 'timestep', 'name', 'params'...
655 'statenames', 'inputnames', 'outputnames' };
656 pli = plist;
657 for i=1:numel(keynames)
658 if i<=nargin
659 pli.append( plist(keynames{i},varargin{i}) );
660 end
661 end
662 s = ssm(pli);
663 catch ME
664 error(ME.identifier, '### Unknown constructor with more than 2 arguments.');
665 end
666 end
667 end
668 end
670 end % -------- constructor ------
672 %% -------- Declaration of hidden methods --------
673 methods (Hidden = true)
675 varargout = setA(varargin);
676 varargout = setB(varargin);
677 varargout = setC(varargin);
678 varargout = setD(varargin);
680 function clearNumParams(sys)
681 sys.numparams = plist;
682 end
684 function clearAllUnits(sys)
685 sys.inputs.clearAllUnits;
686 sys.states.clearAllUnits;
687 sys.outputs.clearAllUnits;
688 end
691 % completion and error check
692 varargout = validate(varargin)
693 % copying one ssm
694 varargout = copy(varargin)
695 % process system simplification
696 varargout = doSimplify(varargin)
697 % process parameter setting
698 varargout = doSetParameters(varargin)
699 % process parameter substitution
700 varargout = doSubsParameters(varargin)
701 % re-arrangement of ssm
702 sys = reshuffle(sys, inputs1, inputs2, inputs3, states, outputs, outputStates)
703 % necessary for saving XML files
704 varargout = attachToDom(varargin)
705 end
707 %% -------- Declaration of Public Static methods --------
708 methods (Static=true, Access=public)
710 function mdls = getBuiltInModels(varargin)
711 mdls = ltpda_uo.getBuiltInModels('ssm');
712 end
714 function ii = getInfo(varargin)
715 ii = utils.helper.generic_getInfo(varargin{:}, 'ssm');
716 end
718 function out = VEROUT()
719 out = '$Id: ssm.m,v 1.199 2011/05/13 15:14:39 ingo Exp $';
720 end
722 function out = SETS()
723 out = [SETS@ltpda_uoh, ...
724 {'From Description'}, ...
725 {'From Pzmodel'}, ...
726 {'From Miir'}, ...
727 {'From Rational'}];
728 end
730 function plout = getDefaultPlist(set)
731 persistent pl;
732 persistent lastset;
733 if exist('pl', 'var')==0 || isempty(pl) || ~strcmp(lastset, set)
734 pl = ssm.buildplist(set);
735 lastset = set;
736 end
737 plout = pl;
738 end
740 function pl = buildplist(set)
741 if ~utils.helper.ismember(lower(ssm.SETS), lower(set))
742 error('### Unknown set [%s]', set);
743 end
744 pl = plist();
745 pl = ssm.addGlobalKeys(pl);
746 pl = buildplist@ltpda_uoh(pl, set);
747 switch lower(set) % Select parameter set
749 case 'default'
750 % overide the default plist
751 pl = ssm.getDefaultPlist('From Description');
753 case 'from built-in model'
754 % Built-in
755 % This is inherited
756 pl = plist.FROM_BUILT_IN;
757 % withParams --> withparams changed to 'symbolic params'
758 p = param({'symbolic params',['Give a cell-array of parameter names to keep in the expression.<br>',...
759 'By default this is empty and the model will be returned fully numeric.',...
760 'You can also specify ''ALL'' to keep all parameters. Some models don''t support this',...
761 'option; see the specific help of the models for details.']}, {});
762 pl.append(p);
763 % SETNAMES --> setnames changed to 'param names'
764 p = param({'param names',['Cell-array of parameter names for user defined values.<br>',...
765 'This way, parameter values can be modified even if they are never used symbolically.']},{});
766 pl.append(p);
767 % SETVALUES --> setvalues changed to 'param values'
768 p = param({'param values','Array of parameter values for numerical substitutions.'}, paramValue.EMPTY_DOUBLE);
769 pl.append(p);
771 case 'from description'
773 % States
774 p = param({'states','State space blocks.'}, ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0));
775 pl.append(p);
776 % Outputs
777 p = param({'outputs','Output blocks.'}, ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0));
778 pl.append(p);
779 % Inputs
780 p = param({'inputs','Input blocks.'}, ssmblock.initObjectWithSize(1,0));
781 pl.append(p);
782 % Timestep
783 p = param({'timestep',['Timestep of the difference equation. Zero means '...
784 'the representation is time continuous' ]}, paramValue.DOUBLE_VALUE(0));
785 pl.append(p);
786 % AMATS
787 p = param({'amats',['A matrix representing a difference/differential term in the state equation.',...
788 'Specify as a cell-array of matrices.']}, cell(0,0));
789 pl.append(p);
790 % BMATS
791 p = param({'bmats',['B matrix representing an input coefficient matrix in the state equation.',...
792 'Specify as a cell-array of matrices.']}, cell(0,0));
793 pl.append(p);
794 % CMATS
795 p = param({'cmats',['C matrix representing the state projection in the observation equation.',...
796 'Specify as a cell-array of matrices.']}, cell(0,0));
797 pl.append(p);
798 % DMATS
799 p = param({'dmats',['D matrix representing the direct feed through term in the observation equation.',...
800 'Specify as a cell-array of matrices.']}, cell(0,0));
801 pl.append(p);
802 % Params
803 p = param({'params','Parameter data arrays.'}, {1, {plist}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
804 pl.append(p);
806 case 'from pzmodel'
807 p = param({'pzmodel','A pole/zero model object.'}, {1, {pzmodel}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
808 pl.append(p);
810 case 'from miir'
811 p = param({'miir','An IIR filter object (MIIR).'}, {1, {miir}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
812 pl.append(p);
814 case 'from rational'
815 p = param({'rational','A rational (transfer function) model object.'}, {1, {rational}, paramValue.OPTIONAL});
816 pl.append(p);
818 end
819 end
821 function obj = initObjectWithSize(n,m)
822 obj = ssm.newarray([n m]);
823 end
825 end % End public static methods
827 %% -------- Declaration of public methods --------
828 methods
829 varargout = getParams(varargin)
830 varargout = setParams(varargin)
832 varargout = setBlockProperties(varargin)
833 varargout = setBlockNames(varargin)
834 varargout = setBlockDescriptions(varargin)
835 varargout = setPortProperties(varargin)
836 varargout = setPortNames(varargin)
837 varargout = setPortUnits(varargin)
838 varargout = setPortDescriptions(varargin)
840 % change timestep
841 varargout = modifyTimeStep(varargin)
842 % add, change and subsitute parameters
843 varargout = addParameters(varargin)
844 varargout = subsParameters(varargin)
845 varargout = setParameters(varargin)
846 varargout = keepParameters(varargin)
847 varargout = getParameters(varargin)
848 % copy one input block
849 varargout = duplicateInput(varargin)
850 % assemble systems
851 varargout = assemble(varargin)
852 % append systems
853 varargout = append(varargin)
854 % transform into a iir
855 varargout = ssm2miir(varargin)
856 % transform into a pzmodel
857 varargout = ssm2pzmodel(varargin)
858 % transform into ABCD doubles/symb
859 varargout = double(varargin)
860 % returns aos with impulse or step response
861 varargout = resp(varargin)
862 % returns aos with impulse or step response (uses control toolbox)
863 varargout = respcst(varargin)
864 % transform into a matlab ss object
865 varargout = ssm2ss(varargin)
866 % simulation
867 varargout = simulate(varargin)
868 % kalman filter
869 varargout = kalman(varargin)
870 % model simplification (variables)
871 varargout = simplify(varargin)
872 % char
873 varargout = char(varargin)
874 % display
875 varargout = display(varargin)
876 % give minimal realization
877 varargout = MinReal(varargin)
878 % give minimal systematic realization
879 varargout = sMinReal(varargin)
880 % tells if ssm is stable
881 varargout = isStable(varargin)
882 % returns a value for steady state
883 varargout = steadyState(varargin)
884 % returns a value for the system's settling time
885 varargout = settlingTime(varargin)
886 % returns a system with output diferrenciated in regards with parameters
887 varargout = parameterDiff(varargin)
888 % returns the expected output spectrum of the ssm
889 varargout = PSD(varargin)
890 varargout = CPSD(varargin) % takes coupled inputs but does not return individual contributions
891 % fitting ssm parameters
892 varargout = ssmFit(varargin);
893 % reorganize ssm for simulation, PSD, BODE...
894 varargout = reorganize(varargin)
895 % display ports/plists
896 varargout = displayProperties(varargin)
897 end
899 methods (Access = private)
900 end
902 %% -------- Declaration of Hidden Static methods --------
903 methods (Static=true, Hidden=true)
904 % create from miir
905 varargout = ssmFromMiir(varargin)
906 % create from rational
907 varargout = ssmFromRational(varargin)
908 % create from parfrac object
909 varargout = ssmFromParfrac(varargin)
910 % create from ss
911 varargout = ssmFromss(varargin)
912 % create from plist
913 varargout = ssmFromDescription(varargin)
914 % create from pzmodel
915 varargout = ssmFromPzmodel(varargin)
916 % subroutines for block defined matrix calculus
917 a_out = blockMatRecut(a, rowsizes, colsizes)
918 a_out = blockMatFusion(a, rowsizes, colsizes)
919 c = blockMatMult(varargin)
920 a = blockMatAdd(varargin)
921 a = blockMatIndex(amats, blockIndex1, portIndex1, blockIndex2, portIndex2)
922 a = blockMatIndexSym(amats, blockIndex1, portIndex1, blockIndex2, portIndex2)
923 varargout = blockMatPrune(varargin)
924 a = blockMatFillDiag(a, isizes, jsizes)
925 varargout = loadobj(varargin)
926 varargout = update_struct(varargin)
927 % for built-in models
928 varargout = modelHelper_checkParameters(varargin)
929 varargout = modelHelper_processInputPlist(varargin)
930 [params, numParams] = modelHelper_declareParameters(pl, paramNames, paramValues, paramDescriptions, paramUnits)
931 modelHelper_introScript
932 varargout = buildParamPlist(names, value, description, units, pl);
933 % indexing in a matrix and I/o block arrays, with selection and
934 % permuation matrices
935 varargout = getMatrixSelection(blockMat, colSizes, oldColumns, newColumns, rowSizes, oldRows, newRows)
937 % Chi2 fitting computation
938 varargout = computeChiFit(varargin)
939 % simulation computation
940 [x, y, lastX] = doSimulate(varargin)
941 % bode computation
942 varargout = doBode(a, b, c, d, w, Ts)
944 end
946 methods (Access = protected)
947 varargout = fromStruct(varargin)
948 varargout = fromDom(varargin)
949 end
952 end % End classdef