view testing/utp_1.1/report/ltpda_report_template.tex @ 52:daf4eab1a51e database-connection-manager tip

Fix. Default password should be [] not an empty string
author Daniele Nicolodi <>
date Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:29:47 +0100
parents 409a22968d5e
line wrap: on
line source

% do not indent paragraphs
% switch off extra space after punctuation marks


%Schriftgroesse, Layout, Papierformat, Art des Dokumentes



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%Satz von Floats verbessern (nach FAQ):

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	LTPDA Unit Test Plan \\
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		prepared by     & Martin Hewitson \& Ingo Diepholz \\
		checked by      &  \\
		Issue           & 1 \\
		Revision        & 1 \\
		Status          & draft \\
		Number of pages & \pageref{LastPage}  \\
		date of issue   & \documentdate \\
		approved by     & \\


\textbf{This document and all parts of it are confidential. Any distribution is prohibited without written authorisation from AEI.}



\section{Distribution List}
\hline \rowcolor[gray]{0.9} Name & Company/ Institute\\
\hline M. Hewitson  &  AEI Hannover\\
\hline I. Diepholz  &  AEI Hannover\\




% <Report>

% <MethodDescription>

% </MethodDescription>

% <TestDescription>
% </TestDescription>

% <SyntaxDescription>
Syntax test \hfill n/a
% </SyntaxDescription>

% <SyntaxCode>
% </SyntaxCode>

% <AlgoDescription>
Algorithm test \hfill n/a
% </AlgoDescription>

% <AlgoCode>
% </AlgoCode>

% </Report>
